Faculty Perspectives on Online Learning Introduction At the international stage, both teaching and learning methods are changing fast due to factors such as technological advancements and globalization. Currently, learning institutions must develop flexible programs that can accommodate the various needs of the students. Globalization has made it possible for individuals to interact with international economies and societies freely. Thus, it is prudent for learning institutions to accommodate learners from wherever they are beyond the traditional classroom setup. This is primarily done through online learning. The universities and colleges require competent faculty to ensure the success of the distance learning modules. The tutors should be sufficiently equipped to work in a virtual space whereby there is limited interaction with their students. This paper shall critique the article by Ladyshewsky, The Virtual Professor and Online Teaching, Administration, and Research: Issues for Globally Dispersed Business Faculty (2016). The author focuses the study on the experiences of a professor who teaches virtually on a campus that is different from the parent university. Critique Ladyshewsky (2016) provides evidence on the experiences and perspectives of the…

Online databases Online databases including NIH, CINHAL, EBSCO, and PubMed may be used as the primary sources of research information, while books and peer-reviewed journals obtained from Google scholar comprise the secondary sources of information.  The research will also look to data from community health intervention programs that may not have published in the research literature but serve as programs, which can be analyzed for best practices, such as the Southern California Border HIV/AIDS program (Scolari, 2006) The review will also look at the information on the programs that may be reported in professional meetings or on websites that have not been published in professional journals. The procedural steps will involve a systematic review of the literature and publicly available websites and databases.  For this study, the problem revolves around the need to encourage Hispanics in the Southwestern United States to get screened for HIV regularly to reduce the infection rate and for early treatment to reduce the probability of death due to AIDS-related illnesses. In a systematic review, the first step consists of identifying the research question, which is…

Modes of Culture Care Decisions The three modes of culture care decisions and actions are culture care preservation, culture care accommodation, and restructuring, which encourages a nurse to understand the similarities and differences between the various cultures of the clients. Using the theory it helps a nurse establish the nature, meanings, expressions, and forms of caring(Leininger, 2011). As a transcultural nurse, having the basic knowledge of the Arabian culture would be essential to handle his care needs. I would learn their culture care expressions from the family that visits him or through an online platform. I would try to determine the primary language so that it will be easy to converse with the patient. This is because language influences the social care patterns and also enables one to predict the well beings of the patient. I would use the mode of culture care repatterning or restructuring to advise the family members on the importance of visiting the patient one group at a time(Leininger, 2011). I would tell them that the other patients are complaining of them occupying the entire room,…

The Growing Trend of Online Gambling Among Young People Introduction: In recent times, information technology is of paramount importance and its use in all walks of life has now become an important requirement. In addition, the Internet is also recognized as an effective source of entertainment. Young people are often delighted with the variety of fun activities available on the Internet. What is the law on online gambling? These entertainment sources include videos from blogs other than social media and websites, but in addition to entertainment, young people are taking a keen interest in online jobs on the Internet. Among them are call centers, ad posting, tops. Through these jobs, youths earn thousands of rupees monthly. Call centers are operating very successfully in many areas, and in these call centers, young people introduce and convince domestic and commercial customers of various companies’ products and services in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. What are the trends in employments? In return for all this hard work, the companies pay these young men a fair commission. Likewise, ad posting is…

Online banking and cyber security   Contents Acknowledgment 3 Abstract 4 Introduction. 5 Discussion. 5 Role of trusting in building customer perception. 5 Factors affecting customer’s trust 6 Male and female understanding of security. 7 Question 1. 8 Question 2. 8 Question 3. 9 Issue 4. 10 Question 5. 10 Level of awareness amongst customers concerning privacy standards used in banks. 11 Conclusion. 11 Appendix A.. 13 References. 14       Acknowledgment While submitting this report, I would like to thank my supervisor “Ms. Hena Gull “for the help and guidance which she has given me to understand this topic. Without her support, it would not be possible to complete my project. I would also like to thank the other faculty member’s for extending their supports and providing me with all the resources which were required to complete my research.   Date: 16/11/2019     Abstract This report is based on cybersecurity issues faced face by online banks. The report highlights that the current business environment is making it difficult for banks to operate as the risk related to…

Romantic Relationships   Based on the education I have learned about romantic relationships, I will approach cautiously with an open mind.  I won’t strive to enter a super relationship that is based on high expectations to the extent that it is difficult for any partner to meet.  I will try not to carry all my emotional eggs in one basket. If there is a personal burden that I can relieve my partners, I will try to set her free of them. I can try and have friends from outside the relationships. This will help me have other people to share my life difficulties. Based on the lessons, it is important not to believe the people that I met online.  Many people do not live their real life in social media.  Borrowed identity gives people less to fear as they interact online. Therefore, it is not good to be emotionally attached to a person that I meet through social media.  The rule of the thumb says that the first sex should be done on the third date. It is, however, not…

Research Proposal on Compassion Level of Nurses Purpose of the Research This research proposal is designed to determine the compassion level of nurses working in the United States public hospitals. Research Questions Does the gender of nurses affect their level of compassion? Does the marital status of nurses influence their level of compassion? How does the age of nurses influence their level of compassion? Does educational status influence the level of nurses’ compassion? How does the working unit influence the level of nurses’ compassion? Procedure Methods and Measurements The primary research method for this study will include a carefully designed research questionnaire and interviews to determine and understand the respondents ‘compassion level, which, in theory, is a type of qualitative research. The qualitative methodological approach will be applied for this study due to its nature of best describing, contextualizing, and interpreting existing literature to provide an in-depth insight into the subject under study. To be able to complete the research study, it is necessary to define a specific population to focus on.  This defines which group of people will be…

Reflection on Contribution to the Group Introduction Following the advent of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, holding group discussions for our project become a challenge. Being geographically dispersed prompted conducting the group discussions in the online zoom platform. Consequently, there were contributions of each group member, including myself, which I will share in this paper. Further, there is a description of the lessons learnt during this group exercise and how I could use them in holding future teamwork sessions. Max is one of the group members who held exemplary group discussion skills among us. He was the critical player through his leadership and management skills. Personal skills portrayed his natural ability to be assertive, expressing emotional stability, remaining objective, and being self-confident. Besides, Max democratically allowed every member to contribute their opinions to each answer equally and avoided interruptions, thus, exhibiting patience. He demonstrated using apt language by using both excellent verbal and non-verbal cues when expressing ideas. Max listened keenly to each member’s contribution and controlled team behavior by seeking opinion, initiating the discussion, clarifying issues, facilitating the procedure, and…

              The Reinforcing Effect of Social Robots in Applied Behavior Analysis of Autistic Children Institutional Affiliation Author’s Name Date       Table of Contents ABSTRACT. 3 Applied Behavior Analysis as a Science. 3 Introduction. 4 Proposed Research Methodology. 6 Research protocol 6 Research Procedure. 8 Discussion and Analysis of expected observations. 11 Conclusion. 12 References. 13       ABSTRACT Comprehending the organic basis for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the foundation upon which experiments leading to possible treatment could be developed. Developing a robust treatment plan will, therefore, enable autistic individuals to have not only a chance to lead productive lives, but also independent lives. Of the various treatment options available, behavioural therapy is often commonly used due to the better results it provides compared to other alternatives. However, a challenge exists to determine the best therapy treatment out of the several types of behavioural therapies available. In this evidence-based research proposal, a quantitative study is proposed on the possible use of social robots in the application of the applied behaviour analysis…

  Digital Product Design In order to solve functional problems with a formal solution, iterative design is considered commonly known as Digital Product Design. Ian Spalter, in his economic history, elaborates how, through the identification of the occurring problem, one can use digital product design to come up with possible remedies. Therefore, to him, it is the only market that illustrates the demand for a specific solution (Holler, Neiditsch, Uebernickel & Brenner, 2017). The goal of this essay is to summarize, “Abstract” Season 2 Episode 5 “Digital Product Design” by Ian Spalter with reference to his ability to make the human-like easy through the invention of the platform like Nike and Instagram. Ian Spalter, the designer, discusses the design possibilities avenues from the successful campaigns. The core objectives of the campaigns lead to the branding of the magnates Nike and Instagram. In the behind the scenes, one can observe a platform being designed which resembles that of an Instagram due to the logo presented from the profile interface. In the end, there are a number of processes trying to take…

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