Lessons at the Kitchen Table Review Assuming In the article “Lessons at the kitchen table,” the author is assuming that the approach of paying immigrants visits in their home, will be sustainable (Ginsberg 2007, 56-62). While the approach helps give some basic understanding of the culture, values, knowledge, and understanding of a particular group, it is not possible to maintain the procedure. The number of immigrants in American schools continues to rise. That poses a challenge to schools that are constraint with resources and more especially the staff. The teacher-student ratio could only be appropriate in disseminating knowledge in a confined school environment. The schools have strict curricula to complete. Possibly, schools may be required to create time outside normal school hours to do the visits. That will mean extract costs for schools. Agreeing One important argument that I agree with the article is that American society continues to become more diverse each. In a classroom environment, that is causing a significant challenge. The current pedagogies may not be appropriate to all learners. The immigrants are drawn from different…
Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course/Unit Code Date of Submission Book Review: Under and Alone by William Queen The outlaw motorcycle gang has a unique space of disrepute that it occupies on the display shelves of American culture. Over the years, films like “the wild one” and books such as “Hells angel” have been a great help in satisfying individuals with an excellent urge for tough guys with big engines and attitudes. The gang was characterized by defiance of social norms, violence and anarchic, but surprisingly they escaped being among thig groups. The group has been grandfathered through pure rebellion and noble criminality, making it seem like the American society needed a white-hot id as a pilot light. The Outlaws where perennially facing off against the squares and we are in favour of Outlaws to win and bring a blaze of defiant glory. Individuals intending to find myths about the romantic outlaw may not see much in’ Under and Alone.’ William Queen, a federal agent with a good heart, was concerned about bursting their prey more than eulogizing over them. Queen…
The book Take This Man: A Memoir by Brando Skyhorse In the book Take This Man: A Memoir by Brando Skyhorse, the narrations revolves around the theme of change. In convincing the reader to believe the story, Skyhorse uses ethical appeal, emotional, and logical appeal to depict changes he was forced to undergo as a child. In the reading, there are several instances that highlights the theme of change. Overall, the reader is taken around a narration, where the author mentions that he grew up with five stepfathers. In reflecting on this statement, it can be argued that Skyhorse as a child underwent a lot of changes, most of which were forced into his life. Growing with five different fathers is something that can bring a lot of changes to a person’s behavior, conduct, and physical environment changes. Therefore, in taking into account the life of different characters in the reading, a lot of change can be traced. In conveying this theme, the author, Skyhorse, provides narration that screams about significant changes. At the very beginning, Brando Skyhorse narrates that…
Stigma Stigma is one of the major causes of exclusion and discrimination against various groups in the society. It not only disrupts the family relations in a family but also affects people’s esteems and their ability to socialize. In healthcare, stigma is one of the social determinants of access to healthcare. For people with mental health disorders, stigma is a real issue as they do not seem to get the same attention as individuals with physical ailments. For a very long time physical and mental illnesses have been treated as separate entities. However, it is important to note that health matters are about both the abstract and tangible aspects of health. Mental health and physical health are intricately connected. In this light, there is a need to end the stigma associated with mental health. Ignoring mental health is highly likely to increase complications with physical health and decrease ability to carry out daily routines. Besides, stigma hampers the promotion of mental health and the provision of effective care. It leads to abuse of human rights. It also hinders the ability…
Books should never be banned Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Name Date Books should never be banned The Diary of Anne Frank, to kill a Mockingbird, The Da Vinci Code, Animal Farm, The Scarlet Letter, and The Catcher in the Rye are the literary classics that have been crucial in education. They contain information that is helpful for children and adolescents. Unfortunately, each of these novels has been banned by governments citing that it convey detrimental information to society. Many other classic books have been banned from the governments, arguing that they promote unacceptable sexual behavior, racial discrimination, witchcraft, and religious intolerance. Many people may consider these books inappropriate, but many English and literature teachers have always asked students to read them. I believe that even the controversial books can promote education wealth. I oppose the banning of books because education should be open to anybody. No one should be deterred from accessing information since such information may open opportunities to them. It is suitable for people to have the…
Violent Offender Treatment in the Field 3 Running Head: Violent Offender Treatment in the Field 1 Violent Offender Treatment in the Field Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Introduction Anyone suspected to commit a criminal offense and has a disability, or a disorder of the mind considered to be termed as a subjectively disorder offender (MDO). Within the NHS Foundation, local figures, a wide range of criminal offenses committed by MDOs. Therefore violence found by a trust is considered to be higher than another type of attack. The Trust has about 72.3% who have committed various violent crimes. This information is by top secure hospitals. Violence is the most prevalent form of convictions; similar breakdowns found in the medium secure unit (MSU). Mental disorders may include: paranoia, delusions, personality disorders, and substance misuse are examples of the high prevalence of co-morbidities mental disorders. MDOs belong to a heterogeneous group, whose mental health needs require rehabilitation after a while of…
Sleep deprivation Introduction Sleep deprivation, also recognized as insufficient sleep or at other times, sleeplessness refers to the condition of not having enough sleep. It is worth noting that sleep deprivation can be either chronic or acute and may, to a great extent, vary widely in severity. It is significant to learn about sleep deprivation as doing so helps one to identify the causes of sleep deprivation, including how this negatively affects people in society. As far as this is concerned, it becomes imperative to note that there is no questioning the significance of restorative sleep, and as such, a certain amount of attention is necessary, especially when it comes to managing as well as preventing sleep deprivation. Background It is worth noting that sleep deprivation happens to be among the most common, but yet frequently overlooked as well as readily fixable health challenges. Studies indicate that about fifty to seventy million Americans chronically suffer from sleep deprivation, something that highly hinders the normal day-to-day functioning of the body hence affecting health as well as longevity. Even though sleep deprivation…
Breach of Duty in Medical System Medical Law Journal Name Institution Date Introduction Medical malpractice occurs as a result of injuries caused by negligence by healthcare providers. Medical malpractice results from an act of negligence by the healthcare provider. In legal terms, negligence is merely falling short of standard or failure to exercise reasonable care or what a prudent individual would use in a given situation. Negligence in the law of tort is based on the standard of a reasonable person (Frakes, & Jena, 2016). Therefore, medical malpractice is any act or omission by a healthcare provider that deviates from accepted standards while treating a patient occasioning an injury. Today, lawsuits related to medical malpractices are common in the country. It is, therefore, essential for the general public and healthcare providers to understand the elements that necessitate the cause of legal action against healthcare providers for negligence. The article highlights medical malpractice system flaws to the medical, legal, and regulatory…
Family caregivers The population of Canada is aging, and the segment of individuals aged over 65 years likely to escalate from 15.3% in 2013 to about 30% in 2063. Those aged over 80 also to increase from 1.4 million to 4.9 million between 2013 and 2045, which happens to be 10% of the Canadian population. Moreover, elderly Canadians are vulnerable and living with chronic disorders such as dementia, besides those over 80 years suffering from about more than four chronic illnesses. Charles et al. (2017) in his study, “Understanding How to Support Family Caregivers of Seniors with Complex Needs,” aims at describing the challenges and experiences of giving support to family caregivers of Canadian seniors with sophisticated needs and outlines research gaps and support strategies that focus on supporting the caregivers. A significant number of seniors prefer to live at home in most of their time with caregivers at their disposal. However, to watch over the seniors can influence the caregivers’ lives and might lead to burnout. Therefore, the study aims at generating support strategies that can address the needs…
Metacognition, self-regulated learning and critical thinking Are there steps that schools could take to encourage metacognition, self-regulated learning, and critical thinking in their adolescent students? What sorts of practices might tend to discourage these developments? Can you recall examples of each from your own experience? Metacognition, self-regulated learning and critical thinking plays a significant role in improved learning since it assists students to become efficient at focusing on their learning process. According to the research, the most metacognitive stage happens between the age of twelve to fifteen(Whitebread and Pino Pasternak, 2010). Teachers play a vital role in helping the students to acquire critical thinking skills as well as metacognition. When a teacher helps the student to develop abilities to reflect, monitor, and evaluate their learning strategies, they become the best people in society because they become more flexible, self-reliant, and productive. Improving metacognitive skills among students enables the students to reflect and grow their social and emotional lives. The following are steps that schools should take to encourage metacognition, self-regulated learning, and critical thinking; Allow the students to…