Importance of education Education is a tool useful in impacting knowledge into individuals. (Musgrave, P. W. 2017). Many people retire early and get to face unplanned reality. This is caused by unpreparedness for such. In many instances, education has been perceived as for young adults, seeking to establish a foundation for their lives. However, I beg to differ. Education promotes flexibility, whereby an individual can partake in anything he/she wishes without the fear of failure. It enhances the chances of increasing income, which are beneficial to a person’s life. Most importantly, it gives a person more skills to finish what he/she started. As such, one can see that education is a vital element of a person’s life, in terms of getting successful in what the person is doing. This paper focuses on personal reasons why I chose to join Strayer University at this time of life while exploring the benefits accrued to it. Many adults find themselves ending their college education earlier than they expected. This could be attributed to several factors, such as family issues. In my case, I have…
Diversity and Elementary School Learners Instructions In an elementary classroom situation, learner’s performance varies based on the need of the diversified student population and individuals’ interests. The variation in the learners’ attention leads to their performance difference resulting in three group categories, the first group being those with the learning difficulty who are the majority, learners with average performance, and those who perform above the grade level and beyond teachers’ expectations (Waren, 2012). For elementary teachers to respond to the variance in the primary learning classroom situation, they design and implement differentiation instruction elements based on the learning profile, interest, and the students’ readiness as Mrs. Parkers quotes that “Teachers influence should be felt far beyond the classroom” (Learning to Care, 2012) Elementary School teachers, therefore, differentiate four elements to come up with the best possible solution for learners from different backgrounds in elementary school classrooms. These elements are process, product content, and the learning environment. According to (Johnson 2012), the Elementary School teachers that it is through believing in God where and leaning to care through which a teacher…
Effects of Grandparents Raising a Child According to the U.S. census statistics, the number of children raised by their grandparents has increased rapidly over the years. For instance, at least 1.7 million children are brought up by their grandparents without the presence of their natural parents. The rapid change in parenting is caused by child neglection, abandonment, physical abuse, divorce or death leading to the shift of child’s custodial care by the child welfare agency. Children under their grandparent’s custody feel more love and affection; however, their grandparents lack knowledge about their well-being. Furthermore, the well-being of a child’s development is dependent on psychological, behavioral, emotional, and physical aspects. Such parenting has been associated with poor child’s behavior, academic performance, mental and social-emotional well-being. Statistics have proven that approximately 15% of children below 17 years exhibit high-level behavioral problems. Edwards (2018) suggest that such problems have resulted in suspension or expulsion from schools due to their excessive aggravation. According to Choi & Eslinger (2016), some custodial grandparents may lack knowledge on school violence, STDs, drug use, and peer pressure, therefore,…
Language Mixtures Abstract A language border is a border that separates two language areas and they occur where two languages are not mutually intelligible. Chinglish is a mixture of English and Chinese which is often spoken by Chinese. The Americans see it as broken or limited English sine it lacks the fluency that the normal English has. It, however, contains both languages that are, English and Chinese vocabulary. It is a language that attempts to speak across different cultures and barriers that separate different people, especially through language. It breaks the language barriers that people have or else it links two different cultures. Borders influence the way an individual speaks based on the mother tongue he or she first learns. Language crosses boundaries in many ways such as migration of people, marriage or even trade and this explains how border finally affects the way people communicate and the language they use to communicate. Analysis Chinglish is a combination of English and Chinese language that originated due to trade between the British people and the Chinese in the 17th century. The…
Homework 3: Art History I visited the Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester to view some of the artworks on display. There were many different exhibits ranging from African, European, American and Asian artefacts. There were also impressionists and modern pieces of art. I have been to several other places, but my visit to the memorial art gallery was the best. They have the best instructors, and their location is even more impressive. Visiting this gallery feels inclusive as one actually participates. Unlike viewing artefacts online or in the picture, being present has an upbeat mood. Ere Ibeji Ere ibeji is made of wood with an approximate height of 10 inches. It has top-lidded eyes and upward mouth bow for a smile. Its large eyes join the body at the hips. Striking on the art is the oversized head and legs. The art I liked most was the Ere Ibeji. The piece of art is a small wooden sculpture carved to house the spirits of dead twins. Its origin is the Nigerian Yoruba. The art is attractive due to its…
Capitalism Fuels Global Migration (Case Study-Mexico) Decisions to migrate are not only based on individual or personal calculations; public policies lead to migration too. (Kaye, 2010). The purpose of this paper is analyzing how public policies crafted in Washington DC led to the immigration of Mexican into the United States. In the past, before the migration started, Mexicans relied on corn for foodstuff. Corn was the staple Mexican diet. They were relying on rain to water their crops. (Kaye, 2010). Some of the produce was getting moved into the United States. However, the United States developed farming technologies, better varieties of corn, and other farming supplements which Mexicans could not afford. The government of the United States empowered its farmers. They started exporting corn to the Mexican. The United States came up with policies that ensured their corn had a large market in Mexico. They ensured their corn was available at a lower price to change the Mexican preference. With the governance in power in Mexico eager to afford the corn for its citizens, it was coaxed into getting debts from the…
Othello: Love and hatred Othello is a play that takes place in Venice, which tells how a soldier, Lago ruined a general in the Venetian army marriage and life. Othello, a black man, is married to a white woman, Desdemona, whose father is totally against their marriage. Desdemona’s father does not believe that the prominent general could flee with his daughter and get engaged without his consent. Love is a powerful force that controls the heart and pulls the mind and changes characters at the center of existence in Othello. While love seems to bring Othello to his wife Desdemona to break the constraints of race, it also drives Brabantio’s mind to blow away after he learns the secret union that his daughter runs into. Hatred, on the other hand, comes from within the mind mostly built by the insecurities of Lago and out of jealousy of his boss. Lago is overwhelmed with this internal force towards anyone who seems to do better than him. Love has been the cornerstone of how people behave and makes them go into places…
Bandura’s Social Learning Theory Student one Based on the cognitive-affective personality theory, the character is predicted best from understanding the situation, the individuals and the interaction between the situation and the individual. Behavior not only because of global personality character, but it comes from someone’s assumption of themselves in a particular situation (Cavicchioli & Maffei, 2019). The theory is essential sometimes because, through evaluation, someone decides about the outcomes which come with the decision after accepting to encounter the experience. However, there are numerous ways of understanding someone’s behavior not only based on the assumptions people might have from themselves (Cavicchioli & Maffei, 2019). Some of the actions are inherited not from any experience. In reflection to theEysenck’s Personality Theory, behaviours can be driven from the biological factors not just through thinking and deciding on evaluation. References Cavicchioli, M., & Maffei, C. (2019). Rejection sensitivity in borderline personality disorder and the cognitive–affective personality system: A meta-analytic review. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, And Treatment. doi: 10.1037/per0000359 Student two The theory is based on the opinion that learning is a concept of…
Reading Response to Everything but the Burden The notion of Africans invading the territories of whites has been a significant concern for over two or more decades now. Cases of racism have been realized every year, at least, despite the efforts of governmental and international organizations to curb it. The due course of this is the oppression of black people physically and cultural practices that have been adopted by many other cultures in the world, especially the white culture. Irrespective of the beneficial part of the black American (African) culture to the whites, there has been an adverse interrelation and correlation of the inhabitation of black people in white’s geographical segments. But our focus is not on the people in this excerpt. We discuss the stolen or rather artificially and naturally accepted benefactors of African cultural practices among European or whites with a claim of modification or even having discovered some. As the article focuses on artifacts that motivate the inclusion of blacks in the production of arts, music and even films, we get insights into influences of the black…
RETAIL BRAND EQUITY: A CASE STUDY OF ZARA Introduction The retail industry is one of the most impulsive market characterized by constant change of customer’s tastes and preference. The retailers must, therefore, provide quality products and services that match with quality shopping experience. In the past, retailing was straight forward, but development online retailing has created a new wave for retailer to rethink marketing (Varley and Rafiq, 2014). Zara is a fashion retailing company based in Spain with chain stores in various part of the world. The fashion retailer has to adopt an appropriate marketing strategy to guarantee that the customers identify with their brand. Although Zara’s products are not significantly different from those of its competitors, the retailer has adopted various marketing strategy to overcome the rapid change in the fashion industry. Brand equity is defined as all of assets and liabilities linked to a particular brand, and its name, and may either affect it positively or negatively (Aaker, 1991). This paper seeks to establish and analyze brand equity method adopted by Zara in Spain. Discussion Brand Awareness…