RETAIL BRAND EQUITY: A CASE STUDY OF ZARA Introduction The retail industry is one of the most impulsive market characterized by constant change of customer’s tastes and preference. The retailers must, therefore, provide quality products and services that match with quality shopping experience. In the past, retailing was straight forward, but development online retailing has created a new wave for retailer to rethink marketing (Varley and Rafiq, 2014). Zara is a fashion retailing company based in Spain with chain stores in various part of the world. The fashion retailer has to adopt an appropriate marketing strategy to guarantee that the customers identify with their brand. Although Zara’s products are not significantly different from those of its competitors, the retailer has adopted various marketing strategy to overcome the rapid change in the fashion industry. Brand equity is defined as all of assets and liabilities linked to a particular brand, and its name, and may either affect it positively or negatively (Aaker, 1991). This paper seeks to establish and analyze brand equity method adopted by Zara in Spain. Discussion Brand Awareness…
Athletics in Schools Helps Prevent Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is among the major health issues encountered at a higher rate in the American society. Many children have developed the norm of not taking part in physical activity and high consumption of sugary foods, therefore, stirring the prevalent occurrence of this health problem. According to this statement, grim statistics have shown the impacts of such practices in which there is approximately one-third of obese individuals in contemporary American society. For future measures, there is a need to recognize that athletics in schools help prevent childhood obesity. In trying to establish the truth on how athletics in schools help prevent childhood obesity, well-designed research will be conducted using three major questions. How many days during the past week did you take part in moderate physical activity (for not less than ten minutes) that led to a small increase in your heart rate or breathing? How many days during the past week did you take part in vigorous physical activity, such as basketball, soccer, mountain climbing, running, or any other (for not…
An Outline Paper on the USA Government and Education Abstract: The USA government is among the nation which offers the best education. Many countries admire to study in the USA as well as following the same mode of teaching. The project aims to present in detail the American government and the education to encourage other nations as well to give the school a priority. Introduction/thesis: The projects aim at getting information from different people who work in various areas and their perspectives about the two disciplines. The projects aim at showing the importance of the two fields. It aims at creating awareness on why American education is essentials and the area that students can correctly handle if they study in America. Its aim at creating awareness on why knowledge of America is more valued and why many societies today are embracing this education. Finally, the research will show the benefits that students can get after studying significant fields in the USA. Thesis statement: American government has the most substantial background for the available advanced studies in different fields such…
Community Health Education Program The provision of quality healthcare to the public lies not only within the precincts of healthcare facilities. At health facilities, health issues are addressed through treatment and management. Community health education programs help to inform the public on ways of maintaining their health. Community health programs seek to prevent the occurrence of diseases. Thus, they are useful in improving healthcare mainly through preventive means. Education of the public on ways that they can take care of their health helps increase the health literacy of a country (Batterham, Hawkins, Collins, Buchbinder, and Osborne, 2016). Research has shown existent inadequacies in community health workers, whereby the public does not receive excellent health training (Scott et al., 2018). It is therefore prudent that educational institutions involved in training nurses and health community workers tailor excellent courses that can bridge this gap. For students taking an undergraduate degree in community health nursing, I am proposing a community health course to be offered in the final year of study. The course will help to prepare the students better in preparation for…
Analysis of the Case Study of Melody in Chapter Nine Generally, rape or sexual assault involves forceful penetration into an individual without their permission through either anal, vagina, or maybe verbal sexual harassment. Additionally, touching someone’s private body parts or sexual organs by force may also be illustrated as sexual harassment, which is illegal and highly punishable by the laws and regulations of the land. Typically, most of the sexual delinquents become very cruel and regularly apply force to harm the victims, or at times they end up killing them after assaulting them sexually. However, even though both women and girls become the most affected victims of sexual assault reported cases, there also exist some rare cases whereby men have also been sexually assaulted by women. However, they seldom say such incidents for fear of being regarded as the weaklings. Similarly, the society itself does not believe that a male gender can get sexually harassed by the opposite gender (woman); hence it would be a challenging situation for a man towards substantiating he alleges of being assaulted sexually by a…
Factors affecting credibility of online degrees Introduction Following the request on how to determine the credibility of online degrees, a research was conducted and the results are posted on this memo. The research involves case studies that were carried out on two Arab countries. The study was carried out as a way of comparing if degrees earned online have the same value as degrees earned through physical class attendances. The research went further to determine the perceived disadvantage of the degree earned online compared to a physically attended degree. The Arab countries chosen were Egypt and Oman. Technology makes it possible for distance learning With the advancement of technology, many traditional universities have been seeking ways of conducting conventional and distant education at the same time. Many universities are now willing to offer off-campus programs for bachelor’s degree and master’s degree. Some of these universities have even engaged in collaborations that ensure the service of distant learning program has been executed in the best way possible. Cairo university in Egypt has partnered with British Open University to enable such a…
Creating developmentally appropriate environments in early childhood education Instructions *Template for assignment is attached Creating developmentally appropriate environments is an important part of early childhood education. Educators must work to ensure that children′s needs are met in many ways including through the arrangement and placement of furniture, equipment, and materials. Appropriate environments also include weekly plans that articulate the intended goals for children′s learning and developmental experiences. Early childhood environments must also include accommodations for children with special needs. At the beginning of the school year, as well as throughout the year, early childhood educators create monthly, weekly, and daily plans. Download this blank Weekly Plan Template and provide a sample of a weekly plan (Monday through Friday) that includes: Brief desсrіption of planned learning experiences Goals for children′s learning and development Accommodations (equipment, materials, and individualized plans) for children with special needs Be sure to indicate the age group(s) for which the plan is intended: Infant and Toddler, Preschool or Family Child Care. Grading Scale: Comprehensive and detailed Weekly Plan template with age group indicated was included. Comprehensive and…
Local government finance Local Citizens have become more vocal about their rights to view financial statements. There are those that feel citizens pay taxes and user fees and should be made aware of all expenditures and revenues within their community. But there are those that feel the average citizen is not sophisticated even to understand the complexity of local government′s operations. By opening the books to all citizens, some feel it creates uproars and tensions that create community problems and are costly. Write a position paper explaining how information and financial statements should be presented to the local citizens. [unique_solution]Review at least two local community websites and indicate how the budget and finances are reported. Explain how you feel citizens could be educated and involved in the process of financial decision making. See guidelines for Homework in ″Instructor and Course Requirements″ for further details. Your Critical Thinking Writing Assignment submissions must be a minimum of 500 words, detailed, reflect critical thinking skills, include illustrations or examples, and supported by research and not simply opinions. You must include 3 references in…
Child Development Assessment and School-Age Child Introduction The assessment on the development of school-aged children needs the process of examining the functions of the school as success in school is the main aim of children age 6 via the teenage. Developmental assessments in a child are recommended when issues arise about a child’s ability to meet anticipated milestones of development and do daily tasks. The assessment process is objected to identifying the strength of a child and challenges in a variety of domains of development including the physical development, language, emotional and behaviors like self-direction. The outcome helps teachers and also the parents in providing the right and personalized management plans and life-skill programs to increase the potential of development. Developmental assessments serve various purposes such as to identify and diagnose a global intellectual delay. This involves a determination of the severity of intellectual impairment and evaluation of the impact of the impairment to monitor an individual’s progress for a period (Sirard et al, 2001). The other purpose is to develop personal programs of management. If the strengths and the…
Education essay instructions Hi professors! I need some help with a part of an online MA in education which is very unsupported and quite hard for a dyslexic elementary school to get her head around! This is the first time I′m using one of these sites so I hope my desсrіption is useful: There is a short piece of writing which I need to get done (only 500 words) and it needs to be packed with great references and explanation on what actually is practitioner research in an educational setting and what are the methodologies and methods. I have really tried to do the reading myself and its just not happening so I need your help! The previous task on this portfolio style module is already done and came back with decent enough feedback. I have to put together a research proposal.[unique_solution] The background reading and literature review were the previous task and I have attached it because it is key to this following piece. I have already outlined the study I want to do and now I need to…