A journey to literacy For a long period literacy has been perceived as the ability to read and write. Despite the fact that these are the basics of literacy, in the 21st century, literacy is understood from a wider perspective as the confidence, ability and willingness to interact with language and educational information to acquire, create as well as communicate various meanings and messages in our daily lives. From personal experience, it’s hard to determine where to start from whether it is reading, speaking or writing areas in which I have greatly advanced over the years to date. Despite this success, it is important to note that I didn’t manage all these by my own but rather teachers, friends, parents as well as peers played a big role in ensuring that I successfully secure my current position in terms of my literacy. The image is quite blurry but I can recall various shows of little kids’ during my younger years. I recall these shows as blue’s ideas. They used the simple but useful words, idioms among others used in…
Literacy Narrative For your first response, please read Chapter 10 (73-93); then, write about your journey toward literacy following the directions in this chapter. You may use one or more of the suggested topics in the idea generation activities or write about a topic of your own. Your response should be about 600-700 words in length, using the supplied paper format file (on the course homepage), and conform to the conventions of Edited American English. Your audience is your classmates and instructor, and your purpose is to share experiences related to your acquiring literacy (or literacies) with us. Notice, too, the responses you see here are not in ″final copy″ essay form, so you may notice a few experiments with paragraphing or pacing and a few minor typos or misspellings. However, the content of these pieces reveals a stepping stone on each student-author′s path to the world of words.[unique_solution] Literacy Narrative For your first response, please read Chapter 10 (73-93); then, write about your journey toward literacy following the directions in this chapter. You may use one or more of…
Individual Learning Project Instructions The Individual Learning Project is an opportunity for you to evaluate yourself and your role within your organization by completing 10 self-assessment activities. You will begin the paper by completing a modified Abstract that details a past, present, or future job you will use as a basis for analyzing the self-assessment results. You will then write a full-page analysis of each assessment and combine all 10 together according to the provided format for submission at the end of the course. Each self-assessment must have at least 1 reference from your textbook to support your analysis and be cited according to current APA. You will find the Self-Assessment Activities in Connect. These are the activities you must complete. They are found at the end of the indicated chapter.[unique_solution] CHAPTER SELF-ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY 2 Are You Introverted or Extraverted? 4 How Do You Cope With Stressful Situations? 5 How Strong Are Your Growth Needs? 7 What is your Preferred Decision-Making Style? 8 What Team Roles Do You Prefer? 9 Are You An Active Listener? 10 What’s Your…
literature concerning the closure of the gap in achievement between Key Stage 1 (KS1) boys and girls in literacy, with a focus on writing This review will address the literature concerning the closure of the gap in achievement between Key Stage 1 (KS1) boys and girls in literacy, with a focus on writing. While the achievement gap itself has been widely addressed, with research attributing it to reasons such as unrelatable and abstract tasks (Martin, 2003), (Estyn, 2008), (Browne, 1993); attitudes and motivation (Maynard, 2002), (Edwards & Jones, 2018); and learning behaviours (Ready, 2005), there has been far less extensive research into the actual closure of the gap between boys’ and girls’ achievement in writing, and the strategies which can be implemented to do so successfully. Yearly statistics published by the National Pupil Database for England have shown a long history (Ofsted, 2012:8) of a gap between the percentage of girls and boys who are working at the expected standard or above, with girls clearly outperforming boys. In 2017, 14% fewer boys than girls achieved the expected standard in writing…
Evolution of The education system in the United States The education system in the United States has evolved in many aspects since the colonial period. During that period, education was barely formal and only the children from the high class in the social setting attended schools. Besides, parents in Massachusetts were allowed to teach their children how to read with the other in the enormous towns introducing their children to elementary schools. The number of students attending colleges was few in the mid 1990’s after the incorporation of free and compulsory education in the primary and secondary schools in the United States. However, changes were evident after the World War II when the number of students attending colleges escalated than ever before until today. In the 21st century, technology has engulfed the education system with the digitization of almost all the aspects of education. Nowadays, the current learning education aims at instilling work-based skills so as to compete effectively in the current world. This is due to the fact that the 21st century education’s objective is to keep up with…
21ST CENTURY EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES In the recent past, governmental institutions of higher learning in developed and developing countries have been experiencing a lot of challenges a good example being the public universities and colleges in the United States. However, the government has tried eradicating the dilapidating state of these institutions but all has been in vain. Majorly, the political effect has been perceived to be the main cause of these challenges. Pursuing this further, the education system lags behind towards technology-based education which is the talk of most of the educational forums in the country. Studies and report have confirmed that a large percentage of the higher institutions of learning lack the required resources to keep up with the technological curve (Belfield & Jenkins, 2014). Besides, an average percentage of 20% of the schools which the government has spent huge sums of money equipping them with internet connections meet their requirements of teaching. In the near future the country will lack designing and computing skills which cannot be provided by the robots. This essay discusses the current…
Impact of Hispanic Cultural Beliefs on a Child’s development Abstract This paper is aimed at discussing the cultural beliefs and practices that are rooted among the Hispanic-American group of people and the role they play in various development stages of a child’s life, for example; cognitive and language development (Ansari &Lopez,2015). The research was costumed around the question of how certain practices among a group of people impact subsequent development of children, how they fare on in school, their grades, and development in general. The paper also discusses solutions and suggestions that various people especially parents need to employ in order to eliminate the negative impacts of these challenges (Guerrero 2013). Introduction According to Egalite (2016), Hispanics are a group of people who are citizens of the United States of America, whose original homeland is Latin America, or their families hail from Latin America or are of Spanish descent. The Hispanic people are divided into about ten sub-groups. The groups are; Mexicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Guatemalans, Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Columbians, Hondurans, and Salvadorans (Ansari& Lopez, 2015). The purpose of…
how the home-based care givers could prevent the substantial occupational safety and health hazards they experience through different model scenarios The first article talks about problems the home health care providers encounter while delivering clinical care to the aging population in the United States. It documents the occupational safety and health challenges of the care givers by presenting several scenarios from research studies. The objective for this study was to summarize the major occupational safety and health challenges relating mostly to infusion therapy given in the home health care. This study is significant to the profession of nursing since it will cushion them from any safety risks they will encounter away from the safe environment of the hospital while enabling them to do their work. The main purpose of this study was to find out how the home-based care givers could prevent the substantial occupational safety and health hazards they experience through different model scenarios. The second article talks about how the health care professionals have not received the workplace violence prevention programs. It talks about the courses that…
PLAGIARISM, ORIGINALITY, AND ASSEMBLAGE Required originality levels I think that the overall originality level for an essay at the college level should be no more than 20%. Also, plagiarism levels should not be greater than 14 words and less than 5% from a single source. I stipulate that my writing should have plagiarism levels of less than 10% to portray a high degree of originality in my work. The article did not change my views on the required originality levels since no specific levels have been outlined in the article. The article has only stated the disciplinary responses undertaken by learning institutions in dealing with plagiarized work. As such, Writing Program Originality Forms have been provided to test the originality of students’ work in various learning institutions (Johnson-Eilola & Selber, 2007). Assemblage of thoughts Writing has ever been presented to me as an assemblage of thoughts by highlighting rhetorical dimensions needed to address a challenging view. As such, the assemblage often resulted in remixed texts in a derivative way to form different plagiarized contexts (Johnson-Eilola & Selber, 2007). At one…
Plagiarism Contract Plagiarism is copying someone’s work or ideas, using and presenting them as your original work, and taking credit for it, with or without the owner’s consent or knowledge (University of Oxford, n.d). In plagiarised work, the owner’s contribution is not adequately acknowledged, the citation is inaccurate, and permission to use the material is not obtained from the owner beforehand. Plagiarism may not be intentional; but is still an intellectual and academic offense, and a form of fraud (p.org, 2017). It is the most common infraction against the code of conduct in academics. Common types of plagiarism include accidental, direct, mosaic, and self-plagiarism (Bowdoin, n.d). Accidental plagiarism is failing or incorrectly citing sources or presenting an idea assumed to be common knowledge but is not without referencing it (Valdes, 2019). Direct plagiarism is using someone’s work, word-for-word, without using quotation marks or accrediting the owner (Valdes, 2019). Self-plagiarism is the submission of one’s previous work or blending previous works without the consent of all involved professors (Bowdoin, n.d). Mosaic plagiarism happens when one uses phrases without quoting or citing…