Against School article review In the article Against School, John Taylor Gatto conveys his firm conviction of how students are forced to conform to low-standard education in the typical public school system to benefit society much more than the students themselves, making schooling unnecessary as compared to education. Children are taught and forced to follow a bias education system, and a refusal to follow means failure. They are told that conforming to schooling means to be successful in life. Success is the achievement of a goal or objective. It is both a subjective and situational idea. Success does not depend on school because many people throughout history who have not attended or finished school have been successful. It is an idea geared to individual goals, and schools do not encourage critical thinking or creativity either. Gatto explains that children usually did not go to high school throughout the American history, yet the unschooled rose to be great people like Farragut; inventors like Edison; industry captains, like Carnegie (p. 34). Many people who never finished school and those who never even…
The impact of cancer on the patient’s caregiver and related educational programs. Research Background Cancer is a disease with high morbidity and mortality rates, and thus dealing with it is difficult. It affects both patients and their families emotionally and physically. It is one of the health predicaments because it leads to deaths, and affects people in all age groups throughout the world, hence making the person diagnosed with cancer to dependent on others. It also affects both patients and their families adversely (Tamayo et al.,2010; Terakye, 2011). It is acclaimed that due to cancer, patients and family members’ daily routine is interrupted and that most cancer patients’ family members suffer from stress. Once the cancer diagnosis is established, family members should hardy try to overcome the challenges arising due to cancer and begin to undertake the role of caregiving (Silveira et al ., 2010; Tamayo et al.,2010; Terakye, 2011). Providing care for a loved one with a chronic or serious illness brings about heavy burdens (Terakye, 2011; Turkoglu and Kilic, 2012). According to the results of the report by…
Talk to the Text Reading Journal Option 1: Summary-Response Journal Read carefully, annotating the text as you go. If you “Talk to the Text” while you are reading it, you will remember what you read and will have more ideas about what to write about in your journal. Then: Write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the reading. Write a 1-2 paragraph response to the reading, keeping in mind some of the most common ways to engage with and respond to readings: commenting, questioning, predicting, and making connections.[unique_solution] Create 2 discussion questions that could lead to an interesting conversation, not fact-based yes or no questions. For example, a discussion question about Outliers might be, “What does the 10,000 hour rule imply about any person’s possibility of becoming a “genius”?” This is a much better question than “Did the 10,000 hour rule apply to musicians?”
Ethical Issues in Public Relations: Case Study of Selected Non-Profit Organizations. Introduction. The paper aims to explore some of the ethical issues facing the nonprofit sector. Ethical issues are situations or problems that may arise requiring an organization or person to make a decision between what is right (ethical) or what is wrong (unethical) (Slade, 2013). Although organizations mostly follow its own rules, laws and policies, they often ignore ethical regulations. Ethical issues can be complicated since they are not always black or white. This is why corporations are expected to be careful and make use of their moral compasses when navigating and making business decisions. Conversely, when it comes to the nonprofit sector, various moral and ethical dilemmas also tend to arise. Project Objectives. To highlight the factors regulating ethical and moral code of conduct. To highlight causes for unethical behavior in organizations. To identify the ethical issues facing nonprofit organizations To come up with ways to handle moral dilemmas in business. Rationale. The paper aims to examine major challenges with substantial implications that are ailing…
teaching role and responsibilities in education and training The role of a teacher required them to wear many hats, in different roles for different classes. Teacher wants the learning experience to be a holistic memorable time for the students. They do this by creating a safe learning environment which enable open communication and encourage student discussion on the subject, this will also allow the teacher to assess various learning style to utilize the most appropriate teaching methods, which will enable all students to have an equal learning experience. Fig 1 Teaching Cycle The diagram above is an adapted version of the Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle taken from, David. A. Kolb (1984) ‘Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development.’ Image 1 Identify Needs: It is important to understand previous learning experiences, learning styles and special educational needs of the student. This first stage is called the initial assessment process where the teacher gains clarity of each learner understanding and knowledge of the course subject.[unique_solution] The initial assessment process will also assess the learner’s numeracy and literacy skills…
AN ARTICLE REVIEW Assignment This homework assignment will consist of an article review. You are required to find an article that is 4-7 pages in length and write a review on it. The topic must be within the field of American or state government and, more specifically, it must relate to elections, electoral systems, voting, or political parties. Reviews are to be 3-4 pages in length. Content Requirements Reviews must consist of four parts: 1. Bibliographic Information. Include in your review the author, title of the article, the journal title, and issue and page numbers. 2. Summary of Author’s Main Points. USING YOUR OWN WORDS, explain the main point(s) the author is trying to get across to the reader. 3. Relevance to Class Material. Explain how the article’s content relates to lecture and readings. 4. Significance of the Article. Again using your own words, indicate to me why you think the author is saying something significant. Ask yourself: what did I learn from this article that seems important? [unique_solution]Why would it be a good thing for more people to read…
“Criminalizing Homelessness” by Vitale homework: Paraphrasing, interpretation and evaluation. From Vitale, Alex (2017). The End of Policing. NY: Verso. Definitions Paraphrasing: Summarizing an author’s argument in your own words, with proper citation and page numbers. Interpretation: Your/an author’s ideas about what the data or what other authors’ arguments and evidence mean. Evaluation: Your/an author’s assessment of whether the arguments, methods and findings are credible (correct and believable) or flawed.[unique_solution] “Criminalizing Homelessness” by Vitale homework: Paraphrasing, interpretation and evaluation. From Vitale, Alex (2017). The End of Policing. NY: Verso. Definitions Paraphrasing: Summarizing an author’s argument in your own words, with proper citation and page numbers. Interpretation: Your/an author’s ideas about what the data or what other authors’ arguments and evidence mean. Evaluation: Your/an author’s assessment of whether the arguments, methods and findings are credible (correct and believable) or flawed. “Criminalizing Homelessness” by Vitale homework: Paraphrasing, interpretation and evaluation. From Vitale, Alex (2017). The End of Policing. NY: Verso. Definitions Paraphrasing: Summarizing an author’s argument in your own words, with proper citation and page numbers. Interpretation: Your/an…
tools I’m using daily to improve my writing skills 1.Hemingway editor 2.Grammarly 3.ProWritingAid Free versions are avilable for these tools. You can start with the free version and later on upgrade to the Pro version. I would recommend using these tools to improve your writing skills. Also, try to write your content as if you are speaking to a person sitting opposite. Use the Hemingway editor to write your content initially. It is not an advanced tool, but it will help you to frame your sentences very clearly. After completing your article, use Grammarly or ProWritingAid to check grammar and spelling mistakes. Grammarly will automatically analyze your content and will give you an overall performance score. Try to achieve above 90% to make your article nearly perfect. Please note that tools are to speed up the process, and they may not be 100% accurate. Hope this helps 🙂
article written by John Tylor Gatto’s “Against the School,” In an article written by John Tylor Gatto’s “Against the School,” he was trying to argue the education system of school that draws students away from such important values as understanding, endurance, and curiosity, rather than encouraging students to pursue these worth. While he was teaching in twenty six years, Gatto realize that the education system can turn into a child habit, to made the society more productive than others. To validate his point, he presents three purpose of efficient education in the U.s.a , and the exact goals of the education system adopted by America. In line with these goals, the common purpose is for the child to be in subjection to the authorities, to make the children equal, to use them as a source of labor, and to “manage” them and “unconscious users”. Finally, people are warned to avoid “ learning tricks and traps ” and to warn children that their “ self-administration ” will enable them to be curious, adventurous and thoughtful. People tend to think that public…
MINITUARE ENGLISH RESEARCH PAPER : Keyboa UPDATED ASSIGNMENT SHEET FOR FINAL RESEARCH PAPER Every human activity and pursuit has its own vocabulary, from the slang of video-games to the secret code of high finance, from the jargon of cooking to the double-speak of politics. For your final paper, you should take all of the close-reading techniques that we developed this term and apply them to an interest, passion, or obsession of your own. This will provide us all with proof that these methods that we′ve worked on have applications in the so-called “real world” outside of the English classroom. Title your paper with something like ″The Rhetoric of Public Relations,″ ″The Language of Neurobiology,″ ″The Jargon of Screenwriting,″ ″The Slang of Catering,″ ″The Foreign Tongue of Business Management,″ etc. Use your essay (supported with a few research sources, which we’ll work on soon) to analyze the language of that particular activity. As an example, if someone were to write an essay titled ″The Rhetoric of Baseball,″ it could look something like this… [unique_solution]The sport of baseball contains its own special language,…