OED Reading Reflection Word: “decline” Quote: “…Laura would pleasantly frighten herself with the thought of Emma’s ghost coming back to make music with cold fingers, stealing into the empty drawing-room as noiselessly as she had done. But Emma’s was a gentle ghost. Emma had died of a decline, and when she lay dead with a bunch of snowdrops under her folded palms, a lock of her hair was cut off to be embroidered into a picture of a willow tree exhaling its branches above a padded white satin tomb. ‘That,’ said Laura’s mother, ‘is an heirloom of your great-aunt Emma who died.’ And Laura was sorry for the poor young lady who alone, it seemed to her, of all her relations had had the misfortune to die.”(Page 12). Reflection After looking at the word “decline,” I found out that it can either apply as a noun or a verb. The historical example of the use of the word “decline” is when something gradually reduces. It could be downward movements of the population or the price of products. For example, Britain’s…

820-829 Reading Comprehension Pages 820-829 , 831 Read the pages and answer the questions in complete sentences, thats all it is. Pages will be uploaded in order so its easier to read the task is easy please dont make this difficult, if you know you cant complete task do not ask to accept job I will tell you read instructions before asking to do the job, you are just reading the pages and answering the questions next to the text in the blue box do ALL BLUE BOX questions , the regular ones,& the respond to the selection ones example: Hi, what is your name ? example answer: Hey how’s its going my name is Michael Jackson. I DO NOT WANT A WHOLE ESSAY JUST READ AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS , TYPE QUESTION AND ANSWER Put page number by question, do questions in order Do Not Skip Questions Keep Them In Order A example of how the work should look will be uploaded[unique_solution] 820-829 Reading Comprehension + 831 Writing Prompt Pages 820-829 , 831 Read the pages and answer the…

Workshop Two Post-Reading Questions (Choose one question from each chapter.)     Chapter 4: Population and Community (Environmental Science) What problems arise when a species is introduced from a foreign ecosystem?  How do these problems occur? Explain the difference between r- and K –strategists.  Where do these terms come from, and what are the characteristics of each broad category?   Chapter 5: Ecosystems: Energy, Patterns and Disturbance (Environmental Science) Give four categories of consumers in an ecosystem and the role that each plays. Identify and describe the biotic and abiotic factors in the biome in which you live.[unique_solution]   Chapter 6: Wild Species and Biodiversity (Environmental Science) Compare “instrumental” and “intrinsic” value as they relate to determining the worth of natural species.  How does Leopold’s idea of the land ethic fit into these two categories?   Chapter 7: The Use and Restoration of Ecosystems (Environmental Science) Compare and contrast the terms conservation and preservation. What is the “tragedy of the commons”?  Give an example of a common-pool resource, and describe ways of protecting such resources.         Chapter…

Reading with attention Reading with attention is essential in ensuring that the readers fully understand what they are reading. There exist two primary forms of writing. That is explanatory and persuasive. Authors who engage explanatorily are trying to make the readers to understand a particular concept or instead make the have a better understanding of a specific topic. Persuasive writing, on the other hand, intends to convince the reader and change their opinion about something. The government should step in and regulate the amount of salt in commercial food since it has an enormous ramification of the quality of life a person lives. The author is trying to advise the readers on health complications brought about by consumption of more salt in, and some of the effects include but not limited to an increase in blood pressure, which in turn affects several body organs like the heart, kidney, and brain. The author highlights the role of the government to ensure every citizen is protected from any form of harm including those caused by salt; therefore, it is justified for the…

Treading with caution review Treading with caution is an article written by Imad Mansour describing the relationship between China and other Gulf nations. It shows how Chinese foreign policy relates to issues that affect them directly. Despite the differences between China and the Gulf states, china’s approach was incrementally integrated to local demands. The Gulf States have been into talks with China to enhance their relationship, and China had been returning a favor on them. For example, China’s army has been participating in the counter-piracy operation in the Gulf of Aden. Besides, it has helped Iran to conduct military exercises and have coordinated anti-terrorism with Saudi Arabia in facilitating logistics to be reached with Djibouti. The ties with the Gulf States have been prompted by the perception of China as arising state, the economic profits in China, and its interest in attending to Gulf interests. Major power interventions have influenced the preferences and strategies of the Gulf States. These expectations have influenced China because it is viewed as a world power, and its liberalization conforms to the rules of the…

Selecting Text for Guided Reading Introduction According to Martínez et al. (2015), guided reading mainly refers to the approach that tutors use in meeting the diverse instructional requirements of all learners within the classroom. The guided reading’s goal is not just to teach based on a chosen book but also teach the learners the reading approaches that they may be able to apply to every book. Teaching every learner the best way to read tends to be the priority of all schools. However, it becomes a key challenge to accomplish the goals in instances where the classroom consist of learners with diverse backgrounds. Thus, the guided reading assists the tutors in customizing the instructions to meet every learner’s specific reading requirements. This paper has, therefore, been written with the objective of reviewing the best ways of selecting text for the learners in guided reading. Discussion According to Blachowicz and Ogle (2017), in the selection of text for guided reading, the teacher chooses the text for the guided reading group comprising students through matching it with the various learning requirements of…

Making Inferences in Reading Making Predictions   Reflecting on the past and on trends, make your own predictions, each supported by three reasons. Choose five of the following categories for a total of five projections: travel, medicine, space, technology, Earth’s future, the economy, politics, the environ-ment, your own life. (5 x 3 marks = 15 marks)   Making Inferences in Reading   We often hear about having to “read between the lines”. Such a skill is really the result of being able to make inferences, logical deductions based on given facts or situations. When one becomes perceptive and good at making inferences, the benefits are seen not only in academics, but also in the workplace and in the world, in general.[unique_solution]   A doctor makes inferences when she reviews a patient’s symptoms. Based on the symptoms and her past experience, she makes a guess as to what the cause of those symptoms might be. A mechanic makes inferences based on the noises coming from under a car’s hood. A police officer makes inferences based on the evidence and cir-cumstances in…

Reading Response Guidelines For each section you will be required to submit a 1250 word (approximately four page) paper that addresses your own interpretation of one of the readings assigned for the week. I strongly discourage referencing online sources to complete the reading responses. Responses that paraphrase interpretations or summaries found online will not receive credit and will likely be considered plagiarized, resulting in failure of the paper. In essence, there are three goals for each Reading Response: 1. Make a specific claim (thesis) about how to interpret or understand the text. 2. Support that claim with evidence from the text. 3. Write clearly. As a fourth, optional, goal, you can try to connect an event in the text with your own personal experiences. I will be very happy to provide help with responses via email. If you want me to look at drafts that can be arranged. [unique_solution]I just ask that you plan on getting any such drafts to me more than 24 hours before the due date. Responses will be graded on a hundred-point system taking into account…

Comprehensive Early Reading Strategies and Instructional Goals Reading comprehension strategies are methods through which the language learners use to enable them to read through a written text. These strategies also help learners comprehend the meaning of the words that they read through. The techniques that entail the comprehension strategies are summarizing the significant points in a text. The learner then infers the meaning of terms from the context that they have been used. Comprehension reading strategies enable a reader or a learner to enjoy when reading (Talley, 2017). The enjoyment that the learners acquire through the reading comprehension skills enhances the learner’s academic progression more so when they are learning a new language. Graphic organizers are reading strategies that entail the construction of visuals which the learners fill. As the learners fill the visual map, their thinking capacity enhances, and therefore they can build on their understanding of a new language. The graphic organizer makes use of visible objects to improve the ability for learners to put acquire new knowledge of the subject matter. Learners need to produce identification for…

A mother’s love I was sitting at the window seat watching the sun gracefully set in a distant. The sky appears to be beautifully painted in dark orange and yellow. “You know Margret she loves you. Her way of expressing love is just odd, ” softly uttered my grandmother. “But what is love if not expressed. We say the word love grandmother, we let you our actions speak on our behalf, ” I replied amid sobs. “You are still very young to understand a mother’s love; maybe one day, you will be old enough to get your mother’s action. Mother’s love is like a nut. Tough and rough in the outside but tender and sweet inside, ” my grandmother replied. At this point, words cannot come out of my mouth. For a minute, I am rendered speechless. I turn to face the empty fields outside while listening to the bus engine. “It’s going to be along ride,” I thought to myself. New York City was a few miles away. “Tomorrow I will be in the city that will make all…

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