Paradise Lost by John Milton A reader must be guilelessly imperceptible not to see the deep religiousness John Milton uses in his important work, Paradise Lost, by just glancing at the hinting title. Milton’s epic work depicts how he was convinced about his faith as a Protestant follower of Christianity (Milton). This can be attributed to his immense time, effort and numerous references from the Bible. The author’s words, “I may assert eternal providence, and justify the ways of God to me,” express his perception of “a failure of religion” in the nineteenth century. Everyone reading this famous text should reflect on why does Milton wants to “justify the ways of God to men?” Justifying God’s ways was a reaction to criticism and doubts cast on religion. Relatively, john Bunyan also acknowledged uneasiness with regard to religion in his famous works. Although Milton supports Christianity in his work, he responds to the difficulties that accompany Christianity as faith; and I will base my argument concerning divisions in Christianity atheism as a result of science dynamics. Most authors from 1942 to…

Reading  Malcolm X’s Autobiography I enjoyed reading the book, the Autobiography of Malcolm X. ideally, the book tells the story of Malcolm X before his birth and goes on to his career as an activist. As much as I enjoyed reading this book, I came across some different languages that were not English. Also, the first parts of the book are vague and do not explain precisely the concept. For example, the narrator explains that his father occasionally beat his mother because of something to do with education. From this phrase, it is evident that he does not clearly explain to a layperson why someone will beat another because of knowledge. However, from this, I also learned that the aspects of gender inequality had begun to surface as early as these times, and no people were fighting for their rights. To understand this, I had to go and read about the culture of Africans in terms of gender roles to understand.

  Reading the Woman Warrior The Woman Warrior was equally an exciting book to read. The author has effectively used the first-person point of view to ensure that the readers of this book understand the message that Kingstone is trying to explain. The challenge that I came across in this case was the dark thinking and reasoning that the author uses in the creation of the book. For instance, Kingstone recreates the story of her aunt giving birth in a pigsty and the same aunt’s ghost walking around, without a person to offer gifts to. I feel that this was the worst experience that the aunt went through, and since she is family, it is important to respect her. To a certain extent, this act is reflective of an aspect of alienation in the family, which should not be shared with the readers. This is because the readers tend to value the reasoning of the author and want to associate with the author. I managed to overcome this challenge through self-talk, where I told myself that not everyone would find…

Close reading on the poem Annabel Lee The Poem “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe is a mastery piece of work which encompasses many poetic styles. This paper aims to do a close reading of the poem. In the close read, I will identify the point of view, characterization, setting, tone, symbolism and sensory details. Also, the paper will discuss the significance of each aspect of poetry mentioned above. The point of view of this poem is from the poet. In line one stanza two the poet says, “I was a child and she was a child” which shows the poem is written in a first point of view. The poet is narrating about the great love they used to share with Annabel Lee and how she died. In the narration, the reader gets a vivid image of how great their love was to the point that even death could not separate the young lovers. The readers get a lively narration from the poet who makes the message he wants to pass believable. The reader gets the impression that the…

Reading skills Research Information Reading is an essential process of learning. Through reading, people demonstrate their intake and comprehension of information. Among students, it is integral to their knowledge, and the skills developed in reading go a long way in expressing that students can comfortably assess and integrate information based on what they see and get from the reading materials available to them. Additionally, reading is a process that involves a range of aspects through which the comprehension of different topics and ideas is thoroughly explored. This essay highlights the five areas of reading as well as provides activities to teach and reinforce independent practice for each of the reading areas. Furthermore, it will give graphic organizers essential for classwork.   Phonemic awareness highlights the sound structure of words through which students can make word distinction based on the arrangement of words. Whereas words may have similar spelling or word structure, phonemic awareness leads the students to listen to the sound structures of these words during reading. The importance is that they are better placed to make the proper pronunciation…

Benefits of Reading Mattress Reviews People tend to purchase mattresses yearly depending on their needs. Thus online buying has been exercised, especially since it’s the quickest and reliable source. Therefore if one has been faced with the challenge of buying a quality mattress, one should always consider reading through the mattress reviews online. This article will pinpoint the various benefits of learning online mattress reviews. To begin with, one of the robust benefits of reading mattress reviews is that a client can efficiently shop. Going through the reviews can guide one on the various types of mattresses in the market and their outstanding advantages and disadvantages. Checking user reviews before buying a mattress can help you save a considerable amount of time and effort and eventually helps a customer choosing an appropriate mattress. The reports help in narrowing down the mattress choices which you may want to consider Additionally, their views help a customer eliminate the problems associated with returns. Some stores may not necessarily accept returning a mattress for a better one, and through the reviews, one can tell.…

  Summarize three of the most important ideas presented in the readings for RAT #3 in your own words Raw #2 Summarize three of the most important ideas presented in the readings for RAT #3 in your own words. Put a page number for where the ideas came from One of the ideas discussed in this chapter is a social identity where the author tries to explain that social identity is intersectional. The author uses Collins to argue about this idea. He states that people should not get the idea of social identity as a list of privileged or oppressed groups arranged from the highest to the lowest (p.57). Instead, people have to take it as a complex social identity and how the intersection of people’s identity leads to relationships and likely ties between different social groups. He gives an example of the right to vote for women to argue his point out. Here women were taken as women since they didn’t have the right to vote due to gender identity. However, gender identity may be reductive in other issues…

Effective Strategies for Improving Reading Fluency among Elementary Students Automatic word recognition is the key to unlocking meaning from a particular read text. When readers have high automaticity of decoding a text, they will spend little time to decipher individual words and comprehend the passage quickly (Hausheer, Hansen, & Doumas, 2011).  Many educators have applied themselves to achieve reading fluency in elementary pupils, which is a profound requirement for their future excellence in reading and comprehension. Learners face challenges in having to read complex texts with the embedded standards of learning. Fluency helps pupils to avoid depleting their cognitive space because the nuances and interconnections between words takes little effort. The demand for more accurate fluent readers is universal, and instructors must deliver their best (White & Robertson, 2015). This paper shall discuss a framework teachers use to enhance reading fluency with the help of technological advances. Problem Statement With the abundant use of technology in classrooms to help students in their literacy lessons, most instructors are not comfortable in using all the forms of technology technologically for the benefit…

Reading Review Based on both reading article material, Harper’s magazine by Baker Kevin and GDP Illusion by John Smith, the immediate idea that gets the reader attention is the imbalance exhibited between values captured and values that get added. For instance, New York City over the years got elevated into one of the biggest and developed cities in the world, and however despite the upgrade, it does not represent some of the benefits city members should be enjoying due to poor governance and financial control. The same scenario gets exhibited in John Smith’s article of GDP Illusion, which displays the fact that, as much as some of the companies in America prosper in the global market, the government still does not account for the values captured. Among the questions that arise from the articles revolves around how workers, specifically American citizens get to invest more in contributing to development and high economic status but the government fails to extend the benefits captured. With the growing tax collection and increasing cost of living, it is the mandate of the government to…

Reading Response 4: The Body, Its Senses, Its Performances The paper articulates how various body parts work collectively to perform several functions. It highlights the techniques of the body that enables it to run the entire system. The purpose of the body is likened to an economic system in a society. This is done by comparing various economic factors to body sense that operates the human system as a whole. I think that the author creates a comparison of the two to show how essential and useful the body parts are when in coordination. One of the senses of the body is the eyes, which provides people with the ability to see and focus. In the paper, the eye forms one of the most vital parts of the entire human system (Mauss, 1973). In the simplest terms, all the senses of the body such as the eyes, nose, tongue, ear, and the skin. In all the five, one cannot function appropriately and efficiently if others are not well. In this manner, the author alludes that every system has its small…

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