Reading Response 5: Health and Medicine In response, I hope to discuss the sub-specialty of medical anthropology from all sub-fields. As articulated in the paper, societies construct beliefs about what are the causative agents of disease and illness based on their cultural beliefs. Further, it is noted that social set up and activities define how people perceive various diseases and their causes. For example, in hunting and gathering communities, it is believed that the primary cause of infection is extensive travel from one place to another. Another case is that the spread of malaria is linked to high population growth in a particular geographical area. Anthropologist forwards that cultural factors such as circumcision have led to the widespread of HIV infection in African continents. I concur with the author’s idea that the solution to the most common diseases that come up every day is continuous research. I think that due to the constant mutation of the pathogens, the best way to solve the infection problems is to conduct constant research. This will produce new ideas and medication to prevent the…

Reading Response 6: Gender and Sexuality This response focuses on how anthropology as a discipline is affected by gender ideology and gender norms. According to the original article, one’s biological sex does not define their gender. Gender is a set of social expectations which composes of the roles one assumes and performs in the community. This paper differs from the common perspective that gender is the sexual component in an individual. It is further noted that women and men have many differences that are not only based on their sexual sides and orientation (Singh, Nandita, and Om, 2015). In some cases, many men share similar characteristics with women, and therefore it is hard to differentiate them based on gender. The author also discussed gender and sexuality based on culture. In relates to gender with the cultural invention and social roles. It is forwarded in the article that some roles have been stereotype to women while others are assumed to be for men. For example, in some cultures, women are noted to be responsible for domestic roles, while men are supposed…

Reading Response 7: Race, Racism, and Radicalized Discourses In the paper, the race is recognized as the act of favoring individuals or a community of a particular color. In anthropology, racism is an essential part of the study, and for that reason, this response paper intends to address racism and radicalized discourses. In many cases, regions are occupied with people from different races with different cultural backgrounds. When an anthropologist is in the field, they face people of diverse colors and social believes. However, it is their responsibility to accommodate every color for the mission to be a success (Scheper, 2005). In another view, racial discrimination is shown as a way of treating a group of people different from others because they belong to specific groups. Racial discrimination is one of the factors that influence a lot in anthropology work and entire beliefs. It involves treating a particular community as a minor with few advantages and privileges as others. I think that the area of race and racism is well-covered in the article as the author provides insight into the…

Reading Response 8: Indigeneity As recognized in the paper, indigeneity involves the natural existence of various things in a particular place. This response focuses on concepts of social construction and the indigeneity of how it affects the ecosystem. Based on the article, indigeneity is about the natural occurrence and existence of things in a particular place. In this case, we look at how the natural existence of various things influences the anthropology of a particular place. Some places are an advantage to have many natural resources, while others do not have enough. Regions that have excess resources existing indigenously may enjoy various advantages that some do not enjoy. In the ecosystem, the free existence of indigenous resources is an added advantage because it promotes co-existence and harmony in the system. Beckett (2015) noted that in the paper, while addressing the concept of indigeneity, the author integrates the concept of ethnographic, which is an idea that challenges the centrality of human beings in the world. It states that human beings exist in the world freely is an example of how other…

Reading Response 9: Globalization According to the author, globalization is not a one-time occurrence, but a process that involves interaction and integration within the society and among people. It is about international relations with relevant parties to get a specific benefit. This paper addresses three basic types of globalization, which are political, social, and economic globalization. In narrowing down to a specific subtopic, the author focuses on social globalization and some aspects of economic globalization. I agree with how the article explains social globalization with respect to anthropology. It is stated that people’s social interactions across the globe define most of the anthropologic activities. Social integration between different communities with diverse backgrounds elicits a better view of how anthropology is related to such aspects. The most important part of the paper address the main reasons for globalization, which are improved transport and improved technology. Apart from the reasons mentioned above, I think that growth multiplication firms play a vital role in globalization. The presence of many different economies is proof that globalization has already taken place. In many ways, do…

Reading Response 10: Humans and Non-humans The subject of anthropology is vast and entails the study of both humans and non-humans. In the reading, the author brings to our attention the meaning of humans and non-humans. This response will specifically concentrate on non-human parts. In the definition, the writer states that non-humans are entities that display some features that are similar to that of humans. However, such characteristics do not qualify them to be classified as humans. They may also refer to objects that have been developed by human intelligence and can perform some of the human actions (Johnson, 1988). In simple, terms non-humans are things that are not humans based on some characteristics. As I responded to this article, it is important to recognize the definition of humans for a better understanding of non-humans. In this context, humans are the kind of species with the ability to do things that no other thing can do. They have special skills with high intellectual ability. Humans are the opposite of non- humans. From the article, I agree with how the author…

Reading Response 11: Mobilities The main topic in this paper is the mobilities and immobilities. The author draws to our attention the ability of individuals and various factors involved in the study of anthropology to move from one place to another. Mobility is all about the ability to move from one place to the other without hindrance from any other factors. Immobility is the opposite of mobility, which is the inability to move from one place to the other with a lot of ease (Hannam, 2006). In the free world today, researchers, resources, students, and factors are free to move from one place to another. This is the scenario that the author tries to create to help people understand that the mobility of people in the field of study is vital. Personally, I think the learning process would be so difficult and complicated if individuals were not from to move from one place to another. Mobility creates a globalization that was already discussed. Earlier, we saw the importance and value of the ability of a community to integrate and globalize…

Reading and Response Paragraph “The Declaration of independence” was authored in 1776, it is an integral article in the American history that was written by a committee comprising of five people, among them Thomas Jefferson. The document pays attention to the importance of defending citizens while justifying to the foreign nations that the colonies had separated from Great Britain by cutting ties and establishing their structures such as post office, and currency among others. “The Letter from Birmingham Jail” was written by Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK), a civil rights advocate and Baptist Church Minister, in 1963, and focused on the essence of fighting for justice for the racial minorities through non-violent strategies. It was addressed to fellow clergymen who were supposed to oppose racial discrimination. One of the rhetoric appeals evident in the two documents is logos. Logos focuses on the use of logical argument to persuade the audience. MLK used logic to persuade the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to play a proactive role in fighting racial discrimination because it was his ethical responsibility to ensure all people in…

Reading Comprehension Research Presentation Fluency, language development, and vocabulary are essential elements that influence the student’s ability to understand reading at a younger age. Language development assists young people’s ability to communicate during learning. The communication in this case also entails the ability to express feelings as well as how they understand feelings from their tutors. In addition to communicating feelings, language development also assists younger learners in creating and developing relationships between them and their tutors. Finally, the development and mastery of language facilitate reading, writing which sets the first and significant step in their journey in literacy. In a nutshell, language development is essential in literacy and communication. Fluency is also a vital element in the learning process of young students. It is through fluency that students can read a text which unfamiliar aloud at a sufficient speed and ensure accuracy in their pronunciation. Further fluency also requires the proper expression of the learner. Through the need to succeed in fluency, learners practice reading from different languages or contexts. This practice causes them to develop in language and…

The Effects of Differentiated Instruction and Enrichment Pedagogy on Reading Achievement in Five Elementary Schools Purpose: The main aim of this research study was to examine the effect of a differentiated, enriched reading program on students’ oral reading fluency and comprehension using the schoolwide enrichment model–reading (SEM-R) (Reis, McCoach, Little, Muller, & Kaniskan, 2011). Significance: The research study was necessary to help Establish whether an independent and interest-based program (SEM-R) can be used instead of the normal reading curriculum without imminently influencing scores on standardized assessments of reading fluency and reading comprehension. Determine if the use of the SEM-R can help to increase students’ reading fluency and comprehension. Assess whether students’ instructors, principals, and literacy coaches taking part in the SEM-R intervention, produce higher levels of student instruction in reading Literature: Two major study theories utilized were based on the SEM-R framework; The use of enrichment pedagogy as technique to increase student instruction in reading. Differentiation of content and instruction by use of data analysis to support instruction changes to respond to variations in students’ readiness, interests, and learning profiles…

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