shifting my attention to reading philosophical texts Attention diverts our way of thinking and perception of life. Most of the people nowadays have diverted their attention to mobile phones where here access to the internet and other social media platforms. This makes it difficult for them to concentrate on other matters as they are always using their phones. It is advisable to pay attention differently, which involves doing paying attention to something else or even stopping to pay attention to the activity one has always paid attention to. This helps in discovering other things and making use of the time to be economically productive. In our case, it involves switching off my phone for six hours and shifting my attention to reading philosophical texts. I usually pay attention to my phone for most of my time such that I can’t stay for more than thirty minutes without accessing the phone. It requires much concentration on another activity to divert one’s attention from the main action (Odell: 96). It was a challenging task as I kept going back to switch on…

How did reading about the horror of the cross affect you?  The horror of the cross enabled me to hope. The worst storm may be a precursor to a great victory. The lessons have affected the way I view my present situations. It has made me see the need to seek God’s guidance to get through the difficulty. The lesson has also made me see the need to cry out and call God whenever I am in trouble. It has made me see the need to ask God for help, to go through such situations. Moreover, it has encouraged me to understand that God can deliver us from all kinds of crises, and he is the only one who can do this. It has also changed the way I should view people and forgive them. No matter how disrespectful or mean someone might be, I have learned the need to forgive them all. It has made me demand to shine like a star in the darkness. It has made me see the need to be humble, and gain the great…

Reading Journal Reading Journal – “Settling Accounts with Subcultures: A Feminist Critique.” Angela McRobbie is a British cultural theorist, analyst as well as a feminist whose work consolidates the popular culture study, modern media practices, and women’s liberation through analyses and critiques. McRobbie wrote an article called “Settling Accounts with Subculture. A Feminist Critique,” where she scrutinized the compelling work of Dick Hebdige’s “Subculture: The Meaning of Style” (1979) for its nonappearance of female subcultures. McRobbie argues that in comprehending developments on adolescent subcultures, was imperative to consider the private circle of home life as much as the open scene as at that point, access to portability and public areas was more limited for young ladies as compared to young men (McRobbie, 1981, p.112). McRobbie similarly criticized Paul Willi’s book, “Learning to Labour,” on the same concept she used on Hebdige’s literature. The authors have based their arguments in both the socio-cultural and political contexts. In the socio-cultural aspect, the media and especially magazines, have been at the forefront in popularizing the pop-culture as well as feminism in various ways. First, is…

reflection on a reading that explains critical thinking Critical thinking is the ability of an individual to analyze and objectively analyze an issue before coming up with a conclusion or judgement. It is a character that has been cultivated over for a long time since the time of ancient Greeks such as Socrates.The skill used in many situations of judgement. One needs to consider all the facts that may have led to a situation before coming up with a rational judgement.  Since the beginning of education, there have been many changes in the culture of the people. One f the earliest changes was the adoption of religion into Greece and Europe.  The changes have led to the addition or change of perspectives when analyzing a situation. This paper is a reflection on a reading that explains critical thinking using examples and well-explained illustrations. First, critical thinking is important due to different reasons. It is a measure f analysis f the systems of learning in the modern and ancient days.  The point, as explained in the article, is very logical based…

reading the details of nursing program in your institution Dear Upon reading the details of nursing program in your institution, it has captured my desire to enroll in the nursing program to be able to pursue my nursing career interest. As a hardworking and enthusiastic person, together with firm interest in nursing, I believe that I can be an outstanding student in no time. From this, I am intending to ultimately seek my profession in challenging nursing position in one of the hospital within this state which is related to this university. My nursing interest was triggered from the time I volunteered to offer free services in one of the nursing home for old people. Since then, I have always provided similar services during my free time. For the fact that this institution is offering programs which relates to my goals has made it very easy for me to make a firm decision and apply here. Not forgetting the reputation of this institution of mentoring professional nurses who have established great names drives my interest of being part of this…

READING THE PLAY—ACT 2 AND REQUIEM Respond to the following questions with a short answer of a paragraph or two for each. These questions may refer to any parts of the play—Act 1, Act 2, or the Requiem. Be sure to defend your ideas with specific references. One character referred to in Death of a Salesmanbut who never actually appears is an old salesman whom Willy once knew—Dave Singleman. Willy refers to Singleman in a lengthy speech in the scene in which he asks Howard for a job in New York (near the beginning of Act 2). Reread this passage now; then explain the role that Dave Singleman plays in Willy’s life and in the play.[unique_solution] Happy abandons his father in the restaurant scene when Willy becomes an embarrassment and gets in the way of his son’s night on the town. (1) Is Happy’s public denial of his father at all justified in the way in which Willy has treated his son throughout his life? (2) Is there a connection between Happy’s rejection of Willy and Happy’s periodic insistence that he’s losing weight…

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Do Women Talk too much? The belief that women talk more than men has been around for so many years. Gender stereotypes place men and women in different categories instead of categorizing them as individual people with the desire to share their dreams, wants, and desires. Other stereotypical ideas about how women and men communicate include: communication is more important to women than it is to men; women communicate to build relationships, but men communicate to inform; women communicate with the aim of building emotional connections, men communicate to get things done, etc. so is the statement that women talk more than men a fact, or do men talk more than women in some situations? This paper analyzes the popular belief that women talk more than men, and it argues that men tend to talk more in situations where talk is perceived to be valuable. According to Holmes, men tend to be more talkative in culturally valuable situations. Culturally valuable situations include public and formal contexts where persuasive and informative talk is considered valuable, and talking…

Rhetoric in Practice Essay In this project, I concentrated on a screenplay to remind the audience of the importance of critical thinking. The setting of the script is based on the appearance of coronavirus, which makes the society nervous and causes rush decisions. It reveals the dire need and the ability to analyze and evaluate information objectively before making a judgment (Cadman, 2015). The intention of the directive taken in handling the project is to inform the audience about the importance of critical thinking. Lack of reasoning skills is most likely to cause disappointments, regrets, and more problems within society. The play follows the Freytag’s model for writing a dramatic screenplay. Its pyramid consists of exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and an ending (Elizabeth, 2019). According to Freytag’s pyramid, the narrator sets the scene by introducing the characters and their backgrounds. Secondly, the character reacts to an occurrence that is followed by a series of reaction events. Thirdly, the story is built, and often there is a complication. The problem that the character attempts to solve…



              Aging Student Name Institution Date                         Aging The first person I interviewed was Mrs. K, an 87 years old Caucasian female. I asked her a general question on what he could say about aging, and the response he gave was: “People misconceive aging as a complex process in life to understand, but to me, I do not find it that way. However, there are certain things that I have seen a change in my life as I continue aging. First, I have noticed that my muscles have been losing their strength, endurance as well as flexibility.  Also, I have been urinating more, possibly because my bladder is now less elastic with weakened muscles. Besides, I find myself forgetting some of the familiar names and words, and I have become difficult for me to multitask. Furthermore, I find it difficult to focus on objects that are close up, and I have a problem with glare. Lastly, my skin has become thin, less elastic,…



Abortion has been defined as the termination of pregnancy that involves doing away with an embryo or fetus before it is in a position to be able to survive outside the uterus. We have different types of abortion depending on the manner that it happens. One may choose to end the pregnancy willingly or deliberately due to medical or individual reasons. In such a scenario, the abortion is termed as induced abortion or, in other terms, induced miscarriage. We also have cases where abortion occurs in a way that one does not necessarily decide to end the pregnancy, but it just happens without any intervention. With this kind of a scenario, abortion is referred to as a miscarriage. In other cases also, it occurs that abortion occurs at a time that the fetus has developed and can survive outside the uterus. In such a situation, the abortion is said to be late termination of pregnancy or late-term abortion In most developing countries, abortion has been the main reason for the high level of maternal death. In most of these deaths,…

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