Social Determinant of Health Social factors are regarded as vital elements affecting health leaders as goals in healthcare are going towards value-based strategies that are incenting positive outcomes instead of personal procedures and treatments. Social determinants are mainly the problematic circumstances that persons are born in that impact their health. Some of these social factors include political, unreachable education and hospitals, social-economic, insecure environment, cultural regimes, and unhealthy food (Adler et al., 2016). Correspondingly, social factors may be defined as those conditions that a person is born with, raised, and live till they die. Naturally, money, resources, and power mostly seem to shape these situations. Social determinants are associated with economic gaps and societal stratification.  In healthcare today, it is evident that social factors cause many dilemmas. Such dilemmas include heart diseases, cancer, obesity, and depression, which affect people worldwide. Additionally, some feedbacks loops and interactions are involved, which exist in these determinants (Artiga & Hinton, 2019). For example, deprived education affects job opportunities connected with low income. On the other hand, low income affects an individual’s accessibility to healthcare…

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date of Submission Political Realities in Argentina in the Sixties “All About Suicide” is an example of challenging literature work written by Luisa Valenzuela. It is a brief and shocking story that is a part of growing literal type all over the world. Luisa purposely violated the standards of literature expectations to make her point about the political realities in Argentina in the 1960s. In her story, she narrates about Ishmael, but not just about Ishmael. She used this character to reveal the secrets of the country, in this case, Argentina. She wants the reader to think about how it feels like to live in a country where it is impossible to speak freely, a country where it is easy and acceptable for a government to kill. She tries how that affects one’s character and their way of dealing with challenges. Luisa does not narrate her story straightforwardly. Similarly, people may not be able to be straightforward in her country. So, the truth gets complicated and one may never know. 1960s in Argentina arrived late.…

 treading incidence concerning the coronavirus Hello Ramya Priya With the treading incidence concerning the coronavirus, every person in the world is relying on the Internet to understand the virus more. The Internet is the primary source of information in the current generation. Majorly, everyone turns to the Internet for clarity and clarification of something (Ramadhan, Indra, and Murni, 2011). Regrettably, the attackers used such a moment to benefit themselves instead of following computer ethics commandments to protect the vulnerable. There is a need for the society to come up with ways to protect themselves from such persons with evil intentions. With the rapid growth in technological advancement, the society needs to train on what to look for in determining an excellent site. Once the society understands that they should not share their data with anyone or any site regardless of how genuine the site might look like. Computer users with good intentions need to use the same platform (the Internet) to teach on how to protect oneself   Reference Ramadhan, A., Indra, D., and Murni, A., 2011. e-Government Ethics: a…

A Reflection of My Journey With Reading And Writing  Every single step that we take in life has challenges that may either inspire us to try harder or make us quit because of the hardships encountered (Evers, Lisa, and Sharon, 465). My reading and writing journey, too, has not been a walk in the park. I come from a humble background in the rural areas. My parents were uneducated, and as a result, they did not have a lot of information on what reading and writing entailed. However, they were very passionate about reading and writing, and they were ready to give me any support that I needed. My reading and writing journey began even before joining the school. When I was young, seeing my siblings go and come back from school made me admire to join the school so that I could also be reading. My parents were aware of my passion, and as a result, this necessitated them to buy me books that contained short stories. After reading to me the stories in the books, they would, in…

Post-Reading Discussions The quotes below are drawn from Dracula by Stoker. Generally, the selected chapters talk about doing deals with open-minded people and the trust associated (Stoker, 2019). Besides, open views of the quotes are given to create visualized images. “…to the search with an easy mind”-What is the significance of doing both legal and legal deals with someone who is flexible mind and thoughts, besides being ready to accept any changes? “…It was a dread to me that she was in this fearful business at all”- How do someone’s daily activities pose a threat to other’s well-being and the general environment? “…If that man wasn’t attempting a bluff, he is about the sanest lunatic I ever saw. I’m not sure, but I believe that he had some serious purpose, and if he had, it was pretty rough on him not to get a chance.” As depicted by Mr. Morris, this is a person who has a fixed mind and not ready to work as per the majority’s wishes. In this regard, such a person is considered mad despite having…

Bible Reading Review Israel demands a king Summarize the passage, including identifying the main characters and the central storyline of the journey. The passage is found in the 8th  chapter of 1 Samuel. In this passage, the people of Israel are lamenting to Samuel because they need a king like other nations. The central storyline in this passage is to portray the kind of prayers we make to God and human beings’ willingness to let God work his purpose in them. Samuel is a great Judge, was not shocked as he immediately prayed on hearing Israel’s demands for a king because his sons were unjust. The main characters include Samuel and the people of Israel. Explain how this passage fits in the developing storyline of the whole Bible. Israel’s request for a king has so much to do with developing a good storyline of the Bible. Throughout history, Israel has had an invisible king triumphing for them all the way, but because of their stubbornness, the prophecies of Samuel come true. Kings appointed, staring with the likes of saul, have…

Compare and Contrast Reading Materials In the first reading, Canadians are more likely to find doctor-assisted death, abortion, and gay relationships “Morally acceptable” by Amanda Shendruk talks about how Canadians and Americans differ on the right and wrong. In the second reading, for a country so self-satisfied with its image of progressive tolerance, how is this not a national crisis by Scott Gilmore, it focuses on the issue of race in the U.S. and  Canada. The focus of the essay is to compare and contrast the content, supportive evidence for authors’ claims, and the writing style and the language used in the two readings. Reading 1 and reading 2 differ in the content or the ideas of the readings. Reading 1 focus on the issue of moral compass and how Americans and Canadians differ on what is morally acceptable. Reading two focuses on the topic of racism, stating that racism is worse in Canada than in the U.S. Reading 1 and reading 2 are similar because they are both written in the argumentative style and the first person plural pronouns.…

reading reflection Each reading reflection is based on one course reading (videos are exempt from this assignment). For each reflection, you will write 3-5 pages outlining the main argument and supporting information from the reading. Your reading summary will use citations within the APA style. Each reading reflection needs to cover the following: The central premise of the reading (1 paragraph at 2%) The author′s supporting arguments of this central premise (1-2 pages at 3%) The significance of the reading to the unit′s overall learning objectives (.5-1 page at 3%) Personal reflection on the reading (.5-1 page at 2%) IMPORTANT: 1. Title of Reflection needs to be placed on p.1. 2. Writing needs to be double spaced; Your name needs to be on p.1, as well as the pages numbered. 3. When using author′s quotes, citation needs p.# on each point used. 4. A cover page is unnecessary. This is a University of Sudbury course. Each reading reflection is based on one course reading (videos are exempt from this assignment). [unique_solution]For each reflection, you will write 3-5 pages outlining the…

Case Formulation and Treatment Plan Ellice was brought in by her mother. The mother said that she had found her in her home on her bed and that it seemed like she had been there for a while because she found her covered in urine and sweat and it looked like she hadn’t showered for days. That is when the mother decided to intervene. Ellice did not look unwilling to be there though she seemed distracted most of the time and when asked a question she would start giving an explanation and halfway through lose her trail of thought and respond with “I’m sorry, I forgot what you had asked”. She was very reluctant to talk. Most times Ellice was staring into objects and her attention was never on my questions. The mother describes Ellice as being very interactive and active in group activities when she stayed at home but Ellice says that since moving out she does not make a lot of friends and mostly keeps to herself. She would visit home on the weekends but the mother said…

Philosophy Reading Critical Analyzes of Colonized and Immigrant Minorities Colonized minorities in the USA are mainly people of color who were involuntary migrants. The dominant groups who were in power and control of various aspects in society led to the creation of minority status. The minorities were either immigrants, colonized groups, or conquered native groups who were also minor. They weresubjected to forced labor and also mostly segregated, with their movements limited. Blauner argues that even native white immigrants like the Italians and the Jewish were also regarded as a part of the other racial group. They were subjected to racial discrimination and faced challenges in acquiring different resources. The Minorities all faced challenges in terms of acceptance, and Blauner states that they were viewed as incapable of becoming Americans. Some of them still practiced their cultural traditions and upheld their values, thus making it hard for them to be fully assimilated to the American Values. Although the minority groups were as a result of competition for land and labor, Blauner states the differences between the immigrant minorities and colonized…

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