Rough Draft On September 11, 2001, a date popularly branded 9/11, four airliners were hijacked by several members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group with the aim of carrying out attacks on specific targets in the United States of America. The four planes attacked the country at different times and places, but on the same day. One of the planes crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, another one struck the Pentagon house which serves as the U.S headquarters of the defense department, and the other two hit the Twin Towers in New York City (Jiwani 2017). The attacks led to the death of many Americans, property destruction, tension among the Americans, and social issues both domestically and internationally. The main aim of the attacks was to reduce America’s influence and support for Islamic governments, hindering their ability to spread and take over the leadership in Middles East (Mitnik 2018). The main target was the World Trade Center, which hosted the Twin Towers, which were the center’s centerpiece. The al-Qaeda targeted the center due to its large population, hosting more than four…

The I Love Lucy television series             The central point given by the author is that women should see a different sense of beauty. I find the arguments of Nicole Benbow convincing because she is separating the roles of men from those of women. She says that women are figures of beauty who should not be subjected to difficult tasks. Men on the other side should undertake hard tasks, for example working in the chocolate factory. My counter argument to Benbow’s argument is that, women have energy and strong opinions and taking them only for beauty is lowering their status in the society. Women should be depicted positively in the media. Begging with a riddle and solving it at the end is not an effective way to write. Benbow also violates other rules like splitting infinitives and use of shun contractions. Her work is however very outstanding.  

The VRIN analysis The VRIN analysis for Disney is essential since it assists in offering an insight into the sustainable competitive advantage of the company. It typically involves assessing the internal resources of the company to evaluate its competitive edge. The VRIN analysis for Disney is represented as below. Valuable The economic resources of the company are extremely worthy since they assist the firm to invest in exterior opportunities that emerge. The resources also capacitate Disney to combat external uncertainties that threaten its operation in the competitive business environment. Moreover, the workers of Disney act as valuable resources for the firm. A substantial section of the employees is well skilled and educated, and this usually enables them to generate more produce for the corporation. The enhanced level of output induced by the skilled workforce habitually improves the performance and competitive advantage, which considerably helps in promoting the sustainability of Disney in the aggressive business environment. A strong distribution channel is also a useful resource for the firm as it enables the firm’s products to reach a large customer base. Lastly,…

Case Brief NCAA v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, 468 U.S 85 (1984). Decision by Supreme Court of the United States FACT: The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) advises colleges that form the College Football Association that they will be barred from accessing all competitions it organizes. The case brings forward a television rights conflict. The situation forces the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma and that of Georgia Athletic association to sue NCAA to stop the ban. The Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma accused NCAA practice to control television broadcast rights to college games was unconstitutional as it violated the Sherman and Clayton Anti-trust Acts, which limits monopoly power over trade. The case slowly moved to the Supreme Court of the United States, having been appealed by NCAA at both the District Court and the Circuit Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court ruling upheld the decision of the lower courts LEGAL QUESTION: Does NCAA engage in activities that violate the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts regarding free trade? DECISION: Yes (7-2)…

What happened after Gareth Fuller goes into Quarantine Gareth Fuller is a British map artist well known for designing topological drawings to analyze a phenomenon of a place. He starts his research with broad walks alongside highways, cultural landmarks, via buildings and through alleyways. Sometimes he can cover long distances up to a hundred miles. It has been his routine until the Corona virus outbreak. As per reporters, Fuller is now being forced to quarantine himself for at least fourteen days. According to CNN reporters, on the evening of 3rd March, Fuller returns from Kuala Lumpur to the Chinese capital city, Beijing. After his return, he is subjected to a fourteen-day mandatory isolation because of the rules imposed following the rapid spread of the Covid-19. Inside the four walls quarantine room In the two week period, Fuller spends each day thinking and analyzing the current virus situation. Finally, he comes up with a series of fourteen drawings with the title, “The Quarantine Maps.” As per the news, it said that he spent mornings by observing what surrounds him, including news…

What is Sky Q Television?   Sky Q is a television service that offers various entertainment options based on subscription. It was launched in 2016 as a revamp of Sky+ as well as Sky+ HD. The product is popular since it is a multimedia platform that tries to merge conventional TV with various catch-up together with on-demand services. What is Sky Q Television? Well, it is a TV subscription service that includes a multiroom set-top box, broadband-connected hub, PVR set-top box, and various applications for your mobile and desktop gadgets.   When you wish to subscribe to Sky TV, then this is the main product that will be offered to you as a newcomer. Those that are enjoying Sky+ options can upgrade to this service at a reduced price. The firm is trying to ensure that all its users are using the amazing Sky Q since the advantage of it is that you may not require a satellite dish to enjoy the services.   The reason why you need to go for this product is that it is a family…

Elements of a Successful Promotional Video Summary – A suitable promotional video can go a long way in reaching out to the target group and conveying the brand message. Try to create the video with storytelling elements for the best results. Television advertisements came into being since the early 1940s, but its form has emerged. The marketing techniques speak about brand awareness and reach out to the wider audience. By incorporating the right elements, it helps to enhance fast business growth. It is important to know how a brand can benefit from a quality Promotional Video. Engaging video is what requires the most to sustain in this competitive market. You have to offer a number of reasons for the customers to opt for your company’s service over others available in the market. For this, it is vital to wisely choose Promotional video facts that can grab the attention of the target group easily. Based on the facts, people will get to know about the brand which they have not known before through other platforms. Let us take a glance at…

Film or Television Critique Paper #3: Film or Television Critique: This assignment will allow you to utilize your knowledge of the misconceptions, myths, diagnoses, etiological factors, and treatments of a psychological disorder.  You will need to critically examine the depiction of a disorder in a film or television show of your choice. You will compare the portrayal of the psychological disorder to the information that you have learned in the course.  Was it accurate? Inaccurate?  How? Please spend as little time as possible summarizing what happens in the film itself.  I do not want or need a plot synopsis. Please email me if you need suggestions for films or TV shows.  Popular choices include:[unique_solution] A Beautiful Mind American Sniper Big Bang Theory Dexter Game of Thrones Girl, Interrupted Homeland One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Silence of the Lambs Silver Linings Playbook The Aviator The Sopranos    

Distinguish between racial and ethnic group. These words are frequently used commutable, but initially, they mean different things. Racial is the mixture of behavioral, physical and cultural traits where else, ethnicity brings out people based on their communication, nationality and shared culture. What is color blind racism? It is a belief that racism is no longer an issue, it shows that all have equal rights and chances. Explain three major sociological perspectives on race and ethnicity. Functionalism perspective – it addresses the society as a whole as far as race and ethnicity are concerned. From this perception societies can be said they are reasonable, bounded and creates fundamental relations of working together. It also stresses on equilibrium and harmony. The intersectionality sociological theory – intersectionality is a feminist theory that indicated different race and ethnicity; gender could interconnect and seize to create a form a system of oppression. It proposed the idea of accessibility to one another. Interactionist perspective was an idea formulated by Robert Park, an urban sociologist who suggested the race relation cycle a mode of relation that…

Television Review Episode 1, Golden Parachute, CSI: Miami Summary of the Plot and Major Events A plane crashes into the Everglades and the CSI: Miami team then undertakes an investigation. The plane has eight passengers in total, but only one survived the crash. The other passengers are later found near the plane in a swamp found in Florida. The surviving passenger is the pilot who is initially in a comma but is questioned when he wakes up. The dead bodies are analyzed by the forensic scientists who use machinery to recognize the victims and match the scattered body parts with their corresponding victims. The scientists also use fingerprint processing programs to identify whether they match with any fingerprints in the database. BULLETPROOF, which is a database, is also used for the investigation of any use of a gun to kill one of the passengers. The team analyzes the causes of death and determines that the only woman on board the plane was killed on the plane before the crash. A database called DILAUDID is also used to develop a hair…

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