Strategies for effective professional documents My job as a sales technician at this company, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) has brought with it an array of experiences and knowledge by the day. My job revolves around working with my sales team to come up with new and innovative ideas to increase our customer base, which involves coming up with suitable advertisement strategies and methods of maintaining customer satisfaction. This ensures maximum sales are made by our company, and as much of the goods produced enter the market for the consumers. In my few years in the job however, a few glaring problems have come to my attention. The underutilization of social technologies in the advertisement and sales of products has become a major worry. Social technologies are largely associated with social media platforms, but have a much broader spectrum. It refers to any technology that enables social interaction in whatever manner. These technologies have grown even further in importance with the dawn of the social media age. A larger portion of the human population is now on social media, be…

Mediums of information sharing Overview In case of any incident that has already happened or is waiting to take place, government and private companies should reach out to people both inside and outside to provide necessary clarifications, justifications, and explanations. This is usually done through various mediums, which are backed either by printed media of communication or through technology. In both cases, the main objective is to reach a large number of people at the same time, so that the information delivered can create maximum awareness. Also, using these mediums saves the government and the company a great deal of cost, workforce, and time, which could be further appropriately utilized. Types of Mediums As discussed earlier, the information-sharing medium in these cases usually is of two kinds: printed and electronic. Printed media enable the government to use printed mediums of mass communication (such as newspapers, magazines, notices, letters, legal orders, et cetera.) which could be posted in places where maximum people can see it, or could be delivered to every individual directly. For example: If a company wants to alert…

Incident Information Sharing Methods A brief introduction   After or before a specific major incident, it is always necessary for a company or a government to inform both their internal members, as well as inform the general public who might be affected with these type of incidents. Issuing an official statement and clarifying the matter is very much important, as it clears up the misconceptions among the people regarding that incident, and decides their further course of action as directed by the official body. There can be many methods of doing so. Both internal and external members could be notified through approaches which would address a large number of people at the same time Ways of information sharing:   Usually, when there is a need to address many people at the same time, one of the oldest and effective means of communicating is through printed media. The information is directly printed on paper and is either put in a place where it can be viewed by the public or is delivered to them directly. Few notable examples, in this case,…

Information sharing on potential incidents Outlook When a significant event takes place, the Incident Response Team (IRT) starts preparing themselves according to the conflict to share information related to the incident. IRT can employ various techniques, either traditional or newly developed, but the main goal is to reach the most number of people possible. This can be done in many ways, and each style decides the reach of the information to the people. There can be many channels which sold be used by the IRT for this purpose. Information Sharing channels: The immediate persons attached to the incident should propagate the news through smartphones, and it should be made mandatory for all the members of IRT to carry one. (Sadhu et al. .2016). Smartphones nowadays can perform multiple tasks at the same time and can click pictures of the incident, which could be forwarded to relevant people for necessary action. Further news could be spread through two types of channels: printed and electronic. Printed medium enables the team to put down relevant information on printed paper, and circulate them within…

The incident response through IRT Overview In case of any incident, the immediate people attacked to it is the Incident Response Team (IRT). Therefore, it is the primary purpose of IRT to spread relevant news concerning the incident among the people within the industry or the government. Sometimes, some events may demand the spreading of news to outside agencies or outside people. This task is undertaken and fulfilled by the IRT through various methods. Some of these are backed by technology, whereas others might be old and traditional methods of information sharing. Methods of information relay: The essential thing that an IRT member needs to carry is a smartphone. It can perform multiple tasks at once. It can also click relevant pictures of the incident and can forward them through social media channel or emails. Furthermore, smartphones today also support video calling, which could be very handy in situations that demand immediate communication between superiors, which may require visual confirmation of the incident. Other channels may include printed and electronic media of communications. For printed media, essential details are jotted…

Methods of Information sharing   Overview   In today’s word, information sharing is one of the crucial aspects of a business or government. They can be for a variety of purposes, such as promoting a brand, creating awareness, the launch of new products, the start of new services, or any other news that needs to be spread to a larger population. There can be many methods of said information sharing, which are backed by both private and government agencies. Mass communication nowadays can be channeled through various factors, and include either printed, written, or audio-visual means. Methods   The government or a private organization can share their information on a recent incident through various channels. These channels could be their own, leased from outside, or individual freelancers with an audience. The main motive is to make use of their already existing audience of the medium and use them to spread the news further (Nechita & Rezeanu,2019). Information sharing in these cases can be of two types: Internal and External. Internal information sharing is confined within the government agencies or the…

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)  CCTV is the current technology which is used for security surveillance. It captures images using lenses in one end, converts it into motion images and transmits it through a certain transmission medium to the receiving unit in one end. The motion picture will then finally be displayed on a monitor or a laptop screen.   The main elements of a CCTV System CCTV system has four basic parts which are very important for its operation. Video Source (Camera) This component is the primary source of images in the CCTV system. It has lenses which capture images by focusing light onto Charge Coupled Device which records light electronically. The video source is also tasked with monitoring the images at the place of interest. It is generally where the system starts its functions for monitoring. Transmission medium The CCTV’s transmission medium is responsible for transmitting images from source to the end (destination unit).Coaxial cable is commonly the preferred cable in this case. Recording unit (DVR) DVR is a storage component which houses the recorded footage for later viewing.…

HD Vs. 4K   Anyone interested in video technology is familiar with the phrase high definition (HD). TVs that supported this kind of image resolution experienced a surge in demand because of the clarity they have. But with the continuous technological improvements, bright things are getting brighter, and another gem in the world of TV enthusiasts has arrived, 4K TV also known Ultra HD TV.   For many TV watchers, the difference between HDTV and 4K TV is the pixels. But there is more than meets the eye. The HDTV can have either 720 or 1080 pixels, while 4K TV has four times the pixels of a Full HDTV. The higher the pixels, the more precise the image, and since this has been the primary marketing feature of 4K, most consumers think that is the only variation it has from HD. Here we compare and contrast the features of the TV models, including the display. Take a look:   Resolution   Moving from the known to the unknown, we begin our comparison basing on the image resolution of these two…

SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SPEAKER Observation Essays: (40 points = 4% of class grade each) You will be required to write critical responses to communication events you observe. You should not attend any in person events for this activity at this time. A total of 10 observation essays will be required. I will have 10 submission assignments on Canvas for you. These essays must each be approximately three to four pages in length, briefly describe the event, and fully analyze/critique the communication of the speaker/speakers. Papers under the length of 2 full pages of writing (a section with your title, name, date, etc. does not count), will receive no more than ½ credit. Events observed must include at least 20-30 minutes of oral communication. [unique_solution]No event or speaker may be used more than once. Only events or performances that are recorded live may be used, for example you may write a paper about observing a taping of a television show from the live studio audience but may not use the show itself if watched on television. Essays should address specific elements…

Covid-19: Military impose curfew in South Africa Hundreds of homeless people are being evacuated from the center of Johannesburg, the capital of South Africa, by military and police deployed to impose a 21-day curfew to contain the covid-19.     The South African government today announced the first two deaths from coronavirus as well as more than 1,000 infected.   In the early hours of today, Johannesburg’s emergency medical services treated a group of German tourists who were later hospitalized on suspicion of infection by the covid -19, according to the ENCA channel . Despite the restrictions announced by the Government and South Africa started, at 00:00 today (23:00 Thursday in Lisbon), three weeks of general confinement in the country, thousands of people remain on the streets. The President of the Republic and commander-in-chief of the country’s Armed Forces stressed that the military detachment, enacted to help the security forces to keep people at home, “is not of force, but for the protection of citizens”. “Your mission is to save lives, we are not the only country at war with…

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