Global warming or climate change APA FORMAT 200 to 300 WORDS (MINUS COVER AND REFERENCE PAGES) PLEASE INCLUDE CONCLUSION CITE 3 SOURCES ORIGINALITY Note:  I will drop EPA Carbon Footprint Calculator and Carbon Footprint Calculator in the links EPA Carbon Footprint link: Carbon Footprint Calculator:     Global warming or climate change have become generally accepted terms to describe the gradual temperature increase the Earth is experiencing. Not everyone believes the phenomenon is occurring. However, the majority of the climatologist scientists around the world agree that greenhouse gases produced by man are contributing to the global warming phenomenon occurring on our planet today. One of the greenhouse gas culprits in this global warming issue is carbon dioxide (CO2). Every day, the earth’s human population pumps CO2 into the atmosphere just by going through daily routines. China leads in CO2 emissions with the U.S. as a close second. A not-so-fun-fact is that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the average U.S. household carbon footprint is about 50 tons of CO2 per year.[unique_solution]   In Part 1, you will examine environmental…

Different ways people said NO Written Summary During the exercise, people said NO in different ways. First, some said they wanted to think about it. This answer was a polite and more professional way of saying that they needed more time to consider my request, and they included the busy respondents. Secondly, some of the respondents respondent by saying, ‘not today.’ In this response, I believed that the request is worth looking into in the future when time is available. The third way of saying no was, ‘I am sorry, but I can not.’ This was a straight forward NO as the respondent could not fulfill the request, or they do not want to attend to the request, and hence there is no room for hope for future engagements concerning the request. Additionally, the body language such as the use of gestures was another way of saying NO In a way that is not outright. The feeling when people say NO At times, saying NO to other people may be hurtful while at the time helpful to both the respondent…

The effects of climate on reptiles Climate has shown to have different effects on the environment, plants, and animals. Climatic change can make the environment dry or wet, causing an impact on the adaptation of animals and even the plants.  For instance, we have seen some plant shading leaves for it to adapt and survive the dry season.  On the other hand, we have experience animals that migrate to other cooler places which .favour their conditions or even change in order to adapt to the change in climate conditions. However, in reptile, climate change has a different effect.  The change in climate can cause a shift in the sex of the reptile, either from male to female or vice verse. In other mammal and human beings, the sex chromosomes, Y and X, is used in determining the physical sex.  Unlike other animals, the sex chromosomes of the reptiles sometimes do not correspond with the physical sex. This type of characteristic is called reversal sex.  Factors such as change in temperature, low or high temperatures can cause sex reversal in the…

How to Install Solar Panels on Your RV RV solar panels are environmentally friendly with neither smell nor noise and perfect for outdoor activities such as camping, it works best on dry camps with fewer power hooks, also called boondocking. The majority of RV solar panels’ power is between 100 to 400 watts perfect for small huge kitchen appliances. There are three types of RV solar panel divided into Amorphous RV solar panel made from thin silicon cells and has attached material that backs it. Mono-crystalline RV solar panel made from single-crystal cell Polycrystalline RV solar panel made from varieties of crystal cells Installation of solar panel on RV Every home set up has a different way of solar panel installation. Some households use more electric power compared to others. A perfect installation depends on the number of panels you will use and the amount of energy required. It will help you save on the cost of electricity, especially if installed on the rooftop. Before you install the solar panel on RV, you must have the following parts, the devices…

  How Hard Is It to Sell a Home With High Radon Levels? Summary Selling a home with high radon levels is a hard task; thus, homeowners should ensure they make use of all available control measures.   Body Homebuyers consider a variety of factors when purchasing a home and they include; the price of the house, its location and age, in addition to, the seller’s incentive to sell. However, in the recent past, radon mitigation and testing have become a common concern during real estate dealings due to the increased awareness of hazards associated with the gas. Below is information on how radon levels affect the sale of a house and the mitigation measures.   Do radon levels affect the value of a home? Presence of radon gas in a home will affect its value and ability to sell, but this is mostly dependent on the level of the gas. Since radon is the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers, most buyers are skeptical about purchasing any home declared to have high levels of the gas. Therefore,…

How is climate change affecting the Island Countries of the South Pacific? What are they? The Pacific Ocean is home of Pacific island which located in the east of the Philippines and Australia, and this region is also called Oceania. Oceania also covers the vast Australian Continent Island. Additionally, these islands are band together into three regions which include Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia (Wikipedia). The world’s climate is rapidly changing, and this change brings drastic consequences to the world (–). South Pacific Islands are the victim of the changing dynamics of the global climate, and the existence of many islands are on the stake. Moreover, a large number of low-lying atolls will become part of the seas, and the world loses land. The prime reason for this emerging threat to the existence of the South Pacific Islands is that small islands are credible for only 0.03percent of the whole planet’s carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, the Pacific Islanders are facing harsh consequences, which can take away their livelihoods, culture, and homeland. Researchers predicted that the situation of the South Pacific Islands…

Carbon Trading is not an Appropriate Response to Climate Change Introduction Global climatic change is one of the leading issues affecting several countries around the world. The United Nations and other global organizations on the environment adopted the Kyoto protocol that gave birth to carbon trading among other environmental programs (Dou, 2017). Carbon trading was touted to be the most effective ways of addressing the historical problem of carbon emissions that harm the environment in various ways. However, the implementation of these protocols and arrangements has failed to ensure these programs can work and deliver on reducing greenhouse emissions (Barragán-Beaud et al., 2018). Carbon trading has failed to reduce greenhouse emission in a variety of ways as illustrated in this paper. Overview and Benefits of Carbon Trading Currently, it stands out clearly that carbon trading is ineffective in its role and discourages economic development (Nai, Luo & Yang, 2017). Various countries and entities need to understand the importance of the Kyoto Protocol and subsequent carbon trading program that is in place. The Kyoto protocol was a United Nations-led international agreement…

The role of Saturn in the twelve houses Saturn makes the native responsible, loyal, and sincere in his work. The person is blessed with a long life when Saturn is placed favourably in his chart. The natives are mostly found in professions involving oil, iron, mining, stones, etc. as Saturn rules all mining items. Saturn is believed to rule the nerves in the gastric area, and an afflicted Saturn can create health issues like constipation, indigestion, etc. Saturn stands for the black or blue colour, and so wearing a blue sapphire (Neelam) is believed to reduce the adverse effects of Saturn in your chart. Saturn represents the ‘Shudra’ caste, and its direction is west. The effects of Saturn in all twelve houses are: First house: The native is an introvert and often seems to be reserved and quiet. They like to take responsibility for their work and do everything sincerely. A feeling of inadequacy drives them to achieve success. They should try to be optimistic and believe that they will be successful later in life. Second house: This position gives…

Climate change is happening in almost every part of the world Climate change Climate change is happening in almost every part of the world, and it is assumed to be caused mainly by different human activities. Climate change presents severe threats to people and nature in current days and even in the future. Without taking any precautionary measures as soon as possible, the global temperatures might rise beyond the normal levels and could go beyond 4 degrees Celsius above the required levels. Some catastrophic impacts might also characterize such changes. Global warming and climate change have intense implications for birdlife international conversation approaches and priorities. Climate change often affects the distribution and populations of species and natural world provision of services and goods such as clean water, fuel, and food. Other than these impacts, climate changes result in significant additional pressure on biodiversities, such as habitation fragmentation, overexploitation, and invasive alien species. For the past ten years or so, the total number of people who have been at the risk of being forced to move away from their homes by…

climate change Climate change is the global health emergency of the 21st Century is an article written by Hollis.Ph.d, J.D, a leading climate justice analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientist. In 2018,13 U.S scientific agencies together published the Fourth National Climate Assessment. The article indicates how rising seas, severe weather conditions, and high temperatures result in mental issues, infectious disease, and cardiopulmonary illness. Many residents of color and low-income struggles with pollution of air, soil, and water caused by the burning of fossils fuels or dumping lead and ash in the water supply. Climatic change is associated with chronic conditions like depression, obstructive pulmonary disease, kidney disease, and propels the body to overwork when reacting to existing environmental hazards. The changes alter patterns of illness and distort the health system, which can’t be ignored. Union of Concerned Scientists discovered that change in temperatures leads to the extreme increase of heat, resulting in more public health risks, especially to low incomers who are not able to relocate during severe weather events. Hollis states that Policies need to be formulated that…

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