Climate change and extinction Scientific and historical examination of the extinction of different ecological organisms indicates that human activities have played a significant role in recent extinctions. However, earlier forms of recent extinctions such as the Pleistocene suggest that climate change could also have been a substantial contributor to the ecological phenomenon. However, evidence from Islands like New Zealand and Madagascar shows that since the arrival of humans in the Islands about 1000 years ago, several ecological extinctions have occurred (Sam Noble Museum, 2017). Human activities cause the extinction of several organisms from their ecological habitats in three specific ways. First, they cause extinction through overexploitation in the form of hunting and fishing. The clearing of land for farming and human settlement has also led to the disappearance of several species of organisms from their ecological habitats (Barbier, Burgess & Folke, 2019). Additionally, human being’s genetic modifications of different plants and animals have also led to the extinction of some plant and animal species. Economic growth is the epicenter of human activities. In essence, all human activities in one or…

Role of Cities in Climate Change Mitigation Governments continue to involve their cities in the identification, analysis, and risks evaluation that originate from climate change. A city is an urban set-up with lots of social amenities and business. Climate change has become a worldwide concern in both developing and developed nations. The complexities of taking responsibility for the mitigation process include a proper understanding of scientific data on climate change and comprehending the effects of socioeconomic actions that contribute to environmental degradation. The lack of an appropriate framework of governance for climate hazards has jeopardized the resolution of this problem. The traditional approach to the vindication process continues to be replaced with the involvement of the cities in the resolution process. Cities are home for more than half the world’s populace. This implies that the cities are too vulnerable to the climatic problem (Bulkeley & Schroeder, 2012, pp.766). Although the city’s involvement in environmental conservation had been ignored, cities have turned out to be the “first responders” in the mitigation process (Fünfgeld, 2010, pp.160). The occurrence of cases of global…

Challenges of Mitigating Climate Change Climate change mitigation and mitigating its effects requires an understanding of climate change, its impact on the economic, social, and political aspects of a society, and an unwavering commitment to the process of mitigation. So far, there is an understanding of what climate change is and how to solve it; however, mitigating the effects of climate change has proved to be a challenge. To be successful in mitigating the effects of climate change, it is important that we fully understand the challenges facing today’s society in the mitigating process. Climate change and its effects is a global problem that requires global solutions. The international organizations that deal with the effects of climate change have around one hundred and ninety-four members. Subsequently, it is very challenging for such a large number to reach a consensus. Moreover, it is even more difficult for all members to commit to changing the process of driving the economy (Carrington). All member nations have to be fully committed to the process for it to be successful. However, for this to be…

Mexico’s Climate If I were to live anywhere in the world, Mexico would be my first choice. Mexico’s climate varies from tropical to arid, with a defined split. Given that the Tropic of Cancer divides the country into two, one section is tropical and the other, temperate (Williams, 2013). Consequently, land to the south experiences constant temperatures year-round while more northern regions have cooler temperatures during the winter season. Moreover, Mexico experiences variation in the north, with winters being colder and summers hotter. Though I may not move to Mexico for its fantastic climate alone, it is one of the most attractive features that would influence my decision. My ideal place to live would be Mexico because the climate is not only favorable but also typifies my perfect climate. I prefer a reasonably cold winter for most of January and February, and I am perfectly comfortable with temperatures of about 20 degrees Celsius. However, I find it annoying when winter extends to March (Williams, 2013). I like Spring, particularly Fall. While I prefer some dry climates, I’m not too fond…

Climate chaos solutions Before the debate, we first analyze the climate change mainly by three categories: first, astronomical reasons: including changes in solar radiation, earth orbits and changes in tides; second, geographical reasons: including polar movements, land and sea Changes, continental drift and volcanic activity; third, human causes: increased CO2 content in the atmosphere, and artificially increased aerosol effects. Among the above three major influencing factors, only the human element is a controllable variable. At the same time, as a big country, is it necessary to assume the responsibility of the big country in the global environment? Should the state implement a series of measures to save energy and reduce emissions? Laozi has no interest in the disputes between the big powers. He prefers carefree and freedom compared to the rules and orders that make people just dull. He said: First of all, everyone knows that changes in solar radiation and changes in the continental plate may be the leading causes of this climate turmoil, and these are unpredictable natural factors. ‘Human law, earth law, heaven, and law, the Tao…

Climate change as a public health issue Climate change is a big threat to public health today. Climate change has been able to affect humans through several social, cultural and natural ways (The Lancet, 391(10120), 581-630. . Its effects comes in tow differently ways; firstly, it can increase the occurrence of health problems that are already affected by climate or by weather factors, for instance extreme heat, skin diseases and secondly, its can result into unexpected health threats in areas where they have never occurred before for example; rise of storm and flooding. Certain groups of people are likely to be affected in great ways than others. Climate change challenges may have great impacts on people who live in places that are vulnerable to coastal storms, seal level rise and drought (Sazvar, Z., Rahmani, M., & Govindan, K. (2018). People who are living in poverty, aging adults, and immigrant populations have limited resources to cope up with changes. Due to their limited funds they are unable to relocate or evacuate in case of any a climate change complication. They are unable…

Cities and Climate Change: The Challenge of Urban Resilience Unimagined Communities These are communities which according to the journal, Situation Sarnia: “Unimagined Communities” in the New National Energy Debate by Scott have extraordinary conditions that curtail their involvement in critical decision making processes by authorities. The unimaginative of given sections of the country are mainly based on notions that these communities are located in places whereby, if considered, they would limit the execution of the given project. The “Unimagination” can hence be used to mean ignorance associated with impact assessment protocols. Communities are hence ignored, or rather unimagined at the expense of project prosperity. The Aamjiwnaang First Nation is such a community in Canada that is given no consideration when the National Energy Board decides to approve the Line 9 energy Project. These communities demonstrate how irrational government authorities may get when making decisions that may have implications on the community dwellers. Unimagined communities are made to face the implications associated with the projects, like the case of the National Energy Board and the Aamjiwnaang First Nation and the Chippewas…

The proposed solution to climate change Outline Introduction Climate change has become a major global concern because of the implications on the environment that later affects the wellbeing of humanity. The review of the causes of the development cites a combination of factors with human impact featuring on top of the list. The scholarly evidence acknowledges the need to avert the situation before the condition gets out of control. The text includes Wallace-Wells’ “The Uninhabitable Earth”and Borenstein’s “Science Says: Arctic Not so Chill this Record Warm Winter.” In this presentation, the paper infers to the sources as the basis for proposing the solution to the challenge to alleviate the possibility of human catastrophe from the negative impact of climate change. Summary Paragraphs (1).  Summary of article 1 The exploration of Wallace-Wells’ “The Uninhabitable Earth” highlights that challenges relating to climate change. The scholar implies that people are aware of the risk, but few are, according the concern the deserved attention. Wallace-Wells believes that the world has not yet fathomed the threat awaiting humanity in the future. As a warning, the…

 A Summary of California’s climate policies             The office of the Legislative Analyst Office is required to report annually the impacts and the benefits of California’s enacted greenhouse gas emission goals. This has to cover the changes in emission between 1990 levels to 2020 and also 1990 levels to 2030. In the report, they discussed the effects assessments, the significant policies set in the transport sector to meet the goals of zero-emission, and also substantial issues regarding the legislature in terms of policymaking and budget decisions. The state has many policies that reduce emissions through transportation, which is the largest source of the state’s emission. Light-duty cars have the most massive emission record. It is also noted that emissions had declined between 2006 to 2016 but increased in the last four years. Some of the significant policies that the state has put in place are reducing emissions from light-duty vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles, raising the use of low carbon fuels, and reducing the mileage of the cars. There are also challenges that accompany the policies. They include the lack of…

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