Preterm Birth Initiative Introduction Preterm births are infants who are born with a gestation period of 37 weeks or less. The final weeks usually are essential in the growth and development of the fetus in the significant organs systems like the liver, brain, and lungs. Preterm births are a leading cause of mortality for infants and developmental disorders like feeding and breathing. According to Purisch and Gyamfi-Bannerman (2017), children may exhibit cerebral palsy, vision difficulties, and delays in development. Cognitive-behavioral disorders are also common for children born as preterm babies like challenges in social interactions, controlling themselves emotionally, and paying attention. The frequency or rates of preterm births are higher for populations where mothers earn a low income, belong to minority groups, and are younger than 18 years. The research tool that will be used for this project is a close-ended questionnaire. The questionnaires shall be given to nursing practitioners and mothers to find out about the risk factors, today’s prevalence of the preterm births, and find possible solutions to the problem (Sun et al., 2019). Literature Review The numbers…

 intimate relationship between the poor and the fragility of the planet summary As examples, I will point to the intimate relationship between the poor and the fragility of the planet, the conviction that everything in the world is connected, the critique of new paradigms and forms of power derived from technology, the call to seek other ways of understanding the economy and progress, the value proper to each creature, the human mean ing of ecology, the need for forthright and honest debate, the serious responsibility of international and local policy, the throwaway culture and the proposal of a new lifestyle. Fresh drinking water is an issue of primary importance, since it is indispensable for human life and for supporting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Sources of fresh water are necessary for health care, agriculture and industry. Even as the quality of available water is constantly diminishing, in some places there is a growing tendency, despite its scarcity, to privatize this resource, turning it into a commodity subject to the laws of the market. Yet access to safe drink able water is…

Ecology essay On a warm, bright sky morning, I stepped on to the famous Augusta golf coast. The eyes are greeted by the carefully manicured grass and colorful flowers that stretch to the horizon of treetops. The fresh air is breathtaking, and the ground is kept cool by the shadows of the trees. The trees appear as though planned with specific gaps between each tree to allow for maximum sunlight penetration. Long canals cascade through the land. The noise levels are maintained at the minimum, which enables one to escape from the activities of the city. As I walked around, I could feel the ground below me sink as it absorbed the pressure to indicate how delicate and natural the place was and far from contamination. The beautiful colors of the well-taken care flowers gave the pace its authentic scenic beauty that enables a person to relax. While being absorbed on the beauty of the small lakes within the golf coast, I noticed some movements in the water. I thought to myself that it was the fish, but to my…

Green Belt Movement According to Wangari Maathai, the “Green Belt Movement” was formed to spearhead the “concept of planting trees” needed to “regenerate the land” and conserve the environment (Knopf, 2006). Through the movement, several initiatives were developed, such as establishing tree nurseries for the supply of trees, tree-planting activities, and training people on planting.  On the other hand, Aldo Leopold believes that “more conservation education” is the answer to environmental protection, since, “land-use ethics” has long been driven by “economic self-interest” (Leopold 1948).  He argues that such a “system of conservation” hinged solely on “economic self-interest” as well as less “ecological concepts” in the educational system is the impending obstacle in conserving the land and change of people’s attitudes. Despite the two authors giving exemplary ideas on environmental conservation, they slightly differ in their approach. Maathai concentrates mostly on programs that reverse the causes of ecological destruction, like planting trees. At the same time, Leopold insists on changing the attitude of the people towards the conservation of land through education by redefining the human role in ecology. In my…

Social and Economic Impact of Poaching on Tourism Overview Poaching of wildlife continues to a significant problem in South Africa as is the case for many other African countries. Demand for ivory primarily in Asia and European country fuels the poaching for elephants and rhino with the decimation of the numbers of the wildlife. While conservation efforts are in place to curb the trend, poachers find new methods to kill the animals for their tusks. Poaching activities are now the broader scope, and the poacher is advanced, have sophisticated weapons and even influence to work around the regulation in their quest to bag the trophies (Naidoo, Fisher, Manica & Balmford, 2016). Due to the level of sophisticated poachers, efforts to deal with the problems face serious problems. Due to poaching, there are adverse economic and social problems in the tourism industry. Tourism plays a significant role in the South African economy with the sector contributing about 3 per cent of the gross domestic product, making it critical to the economic survival of the nation. (Statistics South Africa, 2019) The infographic…

pangolin trafficking According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (Heinrich, Sarah, et al. 2016), pangolins are the most threatened mammals with extinction. There are eight pangolin species, four being in Asia and the other four in Africa. Pangolins are trafficked mostly due to their meat and scales, which are a recipe in many traditional medicines. The medicine cures cancer, rheumatism, and too much crying in children. Internationally, measures have been adopted to curb pangolin trafficking. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) issued an international trade ban for all pangolin species. This ban also removes confusion on zero quotas by collectively prohibiting the international sale in pangolins. This also means that in China, confiscation of pangolins is dealt with at a national rather than regional level. The ban also increases penalty trafficking in the countries of China and the Philippines (Zhang, Mingxia, et al. 2017). China has also adopted regulations to protect the pangolins. In 2007, China banned pangolin hunting and suspended commercial imports of pangolins and their related products. To strengthen the ban of pangolin…

Essay on Medical Social Work And Theory   Introduction Professional interventions are often based on several models that make an attempt at explaining the health of people according to their behavior, in behavioral medicine. This is what is termed as the Health behavior theory. Health behavior theories include; social cognitive theory (SCT), The theories of reasoned Action (TRA), theories of planned behavior (TPB), protection motivation theory (PMT), and health belief model. The theories that are used most often are the social cognitive theory, health belief model and theory of planned behavior. This paper is mainly focused on discussing about the social cognitive theory in detail. The Social Cognitive Theory The social cognitive theory initially begun as the social learning theory and was developed in the year 1960 by Albert Bandura, a pioneer in social cognitive theory. It asserts that learning takes place in a social context that has a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the person, behavior and environment. The social cognitive theory is unique in that; it emphasizes on social influence as well as external and internal social reinforcement…

Deep Ecology             Living beings enjoy the right to live and flourish independently of their impact on human beings. Deep ecology as a philosophy tries to restructure human beings according to the idea of equal rights. Living organism depends on each other either directly or indirectly for survival. According to the deep ecology platform, several planks are underlying this course, but several of them are challenging to undertake.  The lack of right to devalue the life of nonhumans, policy change, and ideological change is most challenging. There is a great challenge in supporting the rights of human beings without infringing on the rights of the nonhumans. According to (De Jonge, 2017), the rights of nonhuman life can only be upheld by changing the human perception towards the world. Human rights are diverse and changing the way humans have a higher risk of breaking some of the rights. For example, some cultures may involve damaging nonhuman life and changing these cultures is a massive task. Changing the policies of the economic, technological and political structures appears to be a great strategy.…

5 wildlife sanctuaries in Jaipur for all the wildlife lovers out there Jaipur is one of the most majestic cities in India as it offers tourists the combination of the royal heritage and modern culture at the same time. With a rich historical and regal heritage, Jaipur has an architecture that allows you to experience the authentic essence of Rajasthan. The entire city has several sites that have been enlisted in the UNESCO world heritage sites. But this blog is not about those sites. In this blog, you will get to know about the natural wonders of Jaipur. Here, you will get to know about the top wildlife sanctuaries in Jaipur. As Rajasthan is home to majestic tigers and other exotic wild animals. With large acres of forest area, Rajasthan is home to several wild animals and birds. If you are planning a trip to Rajasthan for exploring the wildlife over there, read this blog carefully as all the details are mentioned regarding the tours are given over here. Apart from the natural assets of Jaipur, there are some sightseeing…

Nursing Care Plan for Labor Nursing Care Plan (During Labor) Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Implementation Rationale Evaluation   Signs and symptoms ·         Facial Grimace ·         Labored breathing ·         Discomfort ·         Rubbing the abdomen and back of the patient. ·         Irritability ·         Restlessness     Labor pain r/t uterine contraction, stretching of cervix and birth canal, and fetal expulsion Short Term Goal: Within the first two hours of the shift, the patient’s level of pain will remain below two on a scale of 0-10. Long Term Goals: By the end of the shift, the patient will feel more relaxed and comfortable. 1.      Monitor the patient’s level of pain on an hourly basis. 2.      Monitor labor stages 3.      Encourage practicing of the relaxation breathing technique 4.      Encourage the husband to help the patient relax by rubbing the back 1.      Ask the patient about the intensity of pain every hour. 2.      Assess the stage of labor by performing a vaginal examination to determine cervical dilation and the position of the fetus.   3.      Train the patient with the best breathing and relaxation techniques…

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