Exemptionalists Science has come a long way since its conception in the Hellenic era. From then, man has tried, and I dare say, achieved feats in understanding earth and the universe at large (Cairns, 2014). This understanding has led to countless advancements in this field, and said advancements had helped humanity jump leaps in terms of perfecting ‘living.’ Improvement of science over the centuries has led to the development of medicine, technology, transport, food production, etc. which has all improved the standards of living (Cairns, 2014). All this has come at a great cost. Climate change, for example, is eating away at our planet. It is because of this that two revolutionary groups have emerged, each fighting the other but both fightings to save our world. These groups include the environmentalists and exemptionalists. The focus of this paper is on the later, a group that does not only acknowledge the superiority of mankind above all things nature, but the fact that we as humans, transcend all other lifeforms and as such have the ability to think, and to come up…

The Patient Bill of rights The Patient Bill of rights was mainly established to ensure confidentiality in health care services. Privacy on health care services is one thing assured to patients through rights patient’s Bill of rights. The Bill seeks to assure fairness in the health system .it ensures, the system works to meet the needs of patients. Therefore, it is the right of the patient to receive healthcare that aligns with their beliefs and cultural values. Also, the patients have the right to explain the problems they face and make the decision individually (Tamariz et al.,2019). The informed consent seems to inform patients of their rights. The informed consent form also has the requirements for patient rights. The informed consent form should ensure that it tells the patient of the benefits, problems associated with the treatment. Moreover, informed consent also has to provide the alternatives in treatment associated with surgery. The reason for the concept of informed consent is basically to the fact that the patient has the right to active participation in decisions concerning their treatment.   Informed…

Parable of the Sower: Analysis Literary work has proven to be an effective medium over information reaches the public about critical issues and their consequential effects if the current human habits are not altered. Octavia Butler, in her novel, the Parable of the Sower, highlights the development of a few of the most essential environmental issues that are currently affecting the world. There is no secret that the planet’s industrialization has adversely affected the climate of the earth over the previous century, with the issue compounding on itself and becoming worse every day. Thus, speculative literary work is particularly noble at presenting such leitmotifs across since the author can make a universe independent of the certainty in which kinds of stuff are as diverse as the writer wishes. In this dystopian world revealed by Butler, all human current fears have already been actualized, hence degradation of the world is evident to a point where turmoil is rampant and most of the American citizens are not safe in their respective homes. In Butler’s Parable of the Sower, disproportionate degradation of the natural environment and worsening…

Analyzing Wildlife Conservation Introduction The book “A Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold is a well-written book that enlightens one on ecology and widens the critical thinking skills of a reader. It uniquely combines art through scenery painting, philosophy, and history. Leopold had a history of contributing a number of articles to Oxford University Press on hunting and environmental conservation. Leopold’s articles depict his concern about wildlife conservation. He passes his message uniquely by using irony to explain the dangers of using recreation to cover what is termed as conservation in the present day. He also believes that conservation should involve harmony between men and the natural environment. Brief Overview of ‘A Sand County Almanac’ Aldo Leopold arranges his book in sections and uses literally devices throughout his book. From the title, his unique style of communicating his message is portrayed right from the title where he uses the term sandy county to refer to sections of the state with sandy soils to imply that they have not been conserved (Zhang et al, 927). He further uses rhetorical analysis in…



Pterosaurs             Various studies and research suggest that pterosaurs were among the first flying reptiles to have successfully evolved great flight as vertebrates. In addition to these airborne capabilities, the wings of the pterosaurs were a combination of skin membrane and other stretched tissues extending from the lengthened fingers to the ankles (Naish, et al, 51). An article suggests that they were in existence during the Mesozoic era which spanned from the late Triassic period to the Cretaceous period, an average of 230 to 67 million years ago. Through scientific discovery, the analysis presents pterosaur’s specimen that further reveal detailed information about the same (Hyder, 17). The report asserts that these creatures had four different varieties of feathers for instance in terms of structures. This paper aims at researching on pterosaurs, with a particular interest in time of existence, diet constituents as well as hunting mechanisms. Results from a detailed study and research approve that since the fossils of this creature have been found to dominate the Bavaria region in Germany in the Jurassic period, it is, therefore, possible to…

The Deep Ecology Platform The well-being and flourishing of human and nonhuman life on Earth have value in themselves (synonyms: inherent worth, intrinsic value, inherent value). These values are independent of the usefulness of the nonhuman world for human purposes. Richness and diversity of life forms contribute to the realization of these values and are also values in themselves. Humans have no right to reduce this richness and diversity except to satisfy vital needs. Present human interference with the nonhuman world is excessive, and the situation is rapidly worsening. The flourishing of human life and cultures is compatible with a substantial decrease of the human population. The flourishing of nonhuman life requires such a decrease. Policies must therefore be changed. The changes in policies affect basic economic, technological, and ideological structures. The resulting state of affairs will be deeply different from the present. The ideological change is mainly that of appreciating life quality (dwelling in situations of inherent worth) rather than adhering to an increasingly higher standard of living. There will be a profound awareness of the difference between big…

  Causes and effects of corruption In Ivory Coast In Ivory Coast, corruption in its many forms remains to be the main cause of the economy’s slow growth and development.  The country has embraced corruption and cases of corruption no longer seem to be dealt with, those in charge of fighting and stopping it show delays in handling corruption cases and sometimes never handle them. Corruption has become a major threat to investment. Here judicial proceedings, customs, tax issues, and even contract awards have been affected by corruption deeds of the leaders and the citizens as well. Even obtaining an official stamp or a copy of birth certificate for your children you have to bribe the person in charge. Causes of corruption Colonial and political roots In the post-colonial era most of the African countries separated and turned away from their colons but Ivory Coast instead kept close ties with France. The relationship brought technical and military assistance from France. But it has also been a root cause in influencing the country into corruption. Leaders in Ivory Coast have inherited…

light pollution and its effects on astronomers at night Henderson, D. (2010). Valuing the stars: On the economics of light pollution. Environmental Philosophy, 7(1), 17-26 Light pollution is extreme, lead astray, or flashy artificial light and is usually brought about by outdoor.Excessive litter of view hasits implication since itfades out the stars twinklein the sky at night. Besides, itaffects astronomicalresearch study, interruptsecosystems; also it has contrary health effects, and it is a waste of energy. Riegel, K. W. (1973). Light pollution: Outdoor lighting is a growing threat to astronomy. Science, 179(4080), 1285-1291. Less than a century ago, one could move outside at night and enjoy watching Milky Way galaxy arch across the night sky even when atthe city. The ability to see thousands of stars as part of a day to day life.Our cultural legacy is fading since we allow artificial lights to flopthe glittery night skies. Also, what could inspire future generationsis losing touch as days go by for allowing light pollution. More than the world population are currently living in towns and cities, making it is difficult to convince…

Criminology Concerns about criminality progressively depict it as revolving around social lives. Tactics that focus on particular methods of crime prevention stress on tough measures against dangerous persons and possible criminalities. Modern civilization fundamentally shows a stirring mix between the social ideals and the essentials of a fruitful market economy which present opportunities for crime. In response, different programs come into play towards reducing crime across social settings. Populations deemed prone to law-breaking and persons perceived as highly likely to fall victim form the subject of focus through increased responsibilization. Targeted programs incline towards improving the population’s skills of co-existing in society. Consequently, the rise of crime deterrence procedures in different situations strives to make locations perilous for potential lawbreakers instead of exposing specific dysfunctions or disorders. Since the overarching concept remains that situations influence behavior, the growing stress on using different strategies focusing on augmenting security seeks to decrease crime. Notably, some security programs focus on the privatization of unrestricted areas. Remarkably vigorous efforts seem focused on monitoring and possibly detaining homeless individuals and other persons fond of spending…

Shirebrook Regeneration Project Ethos and Rational Summary Ethos has to do with credibility. It is persuading an audience by using the credibility of the subject matter. The ethos that influenced the development of the Shirebrook regeneration project was simply to benefit the town’s community. A significant section of the population had lost their jobs and business, and they needed something that would help them get a source of livelihood again. Additionally, the company that had been responsible for their housing and social services had also gone out of business. Therefore, there was a need for another project to step in and offer these services. This need and gap in the economic and social environment was to be filled by the regeneration project. The plan was to make sure that the opportunities for employment that the project would generate would have a direct benefit to the local workforce as well as the town’s new residents. The businesses provided much-needed jobs and offered the traders a place to conduct their transactions. In effect, the project would heighten the town’s economic viability. Such…

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