Effective Ways to Recycle Waste in Commercial Buildings In the past, office parks and towers were built to maximize productivity in the workforce that occupied them. First forward, to today and you’ll see a significant shift in the corporate culture among big business firms. Environmental compliance laws have forced a shift to more sustainable waste management practices. Your business shouldn’t be left behind this wave of corporate responsibility. Identifying, let alone solving waste management issues can be challenging. Here is a list of ways to identify and remedy your waste management problems through recycling. Challenging your staff’s Mindset People often have a hard time adapting to new ideas and letting go of old habits. To most people, all trash bins should take in the same ways regardless of the label. However, making recycling easier can help you challenge such stubborn habits. Paper waste is the most common item of trash in commercial buildings. One effective way to address this challenge is to ensure there’s a paper recycling bin next to every employee’s desk. With time and repeated use, your employees’…

BREXIT AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Introduction In recent years the UK automotive industry has performed relatively well with output increasing by around 60% in the last ten years. Similarly, the industry has also received  over £8bn worth of investment and employing around 800,000 jobs (Bailey and De Propris 2017). Also, at least 54% of UK manufactured vehicles are sold in the EU market; the UK motor vehicle industry has clearly benefited from EU membership. Areas such as the Midlands that were highly affected by the global financial crisis have experienced an up turn in fortunes (Bailey and Berkley 2014). The recent is attributed to several factors but UK access to the EU Single Market remains a central reason to this success. Also, the EU enabled the industry to access skilled workers and European networks and research funding (KPMG, 2014). In the light of Brexit it is vital to consider how Brexit will impact on the UK automotive industry supply chain and reverse logistic processes. Currently automotive supply chains are optimized based on open borders, potential issues that will arise Post-…

The Property Development Process There are numerous opinions and illustrations about the steps of property development. Property development involves a range of levels, from initiation and investigation, purchase, and implementation. Aspiring property developers need to understand these steps to ensure a successful property development process. Property development, similar to other industrial processes, requires various inputs like labor and finances. However, as opposed to many industrial processes, the process of property development takes place under much public attention. As set out by Reed and Smith (2015), the property development process includes eight key stages which are: initiation, investigation, and analysis of viability, acquisition, design and costing, consent and permission, commitment, implementation, and the final stage of leasing, managing or disposal. However, the authors observed that while these processes involve different inputs and aspects, the activities often overlap or repeat during the process of property development. The Initiation Stage The initiation stage begins when a suitable site is identified, either for retail, industrial, or residential use. Reed and Smith (2015) opined that the process involved in this stage is often similar, regardless…

“The Case of Plant Relocation” Ethical issues refer to the standards which a business subscribes to and which help them distinguish between right and wrong and define their cause of actions morally. Lohrey (n.d) asserts that the company has ethical obligations in staffing related issues, health, and safety in the work environment, eliminating conflict of interests to their environment and so forth. A review of the Electrocorp case shows that there are several ethical issues that arise in their operations and their decision to relocate to other third world countries. These issues include compensation packages and their ability to meet the needs of their staff. The second ethical issue deals with safety regulations in their operations. This is a critical issue given the fact that the company deals with dangerous solvents, which must be handled with extreme care. As such, the company faces the ethical problem of ensuring that they provide protection and safety procedures for its staff. The third moral issue is the company’s obligation to ensure environmental protection. Electrocorp, therefore, is obligated to ensure that they do not…

THE THREE TYPES OF PUBLIC POLICY DISCUSSION There are three main basic types of public policies that were explored in this week’s reading. They include Distributive, Redistributive, and Regulatory. The strategies were developed in various ways, and they also impact our daily life in different ways. Considering the distributive policy, this policy is mainly concerned by the distribution and provision of services to the public. It happened when a local highway was built in a small town in Northern California. The road was established through a tunnel to allow access to the main road that eased congestion and traffic for commuters. The Redistributive policy, on the other hand, deals with fostering equality in terms of an opportunity to the public. It involves a situation when the resources in a society are distributed to various groups who require assistance to economically function effectively.  Lastly, the Regulatory policy mainly limits the discrimination of individuals in a society.  It occurs where the cost is concentrated on a smaller number of people, but the benefits are seen over a larger population. RESPONSE ONE The…

Response paper PETER DOAS, Thank you for your post, which expressed your political compass score. In your test, you scored economic -3.26 and authoritarianism -4.50. This score represents you as a left-libertarian, located near Gandhi, who believes in the supreme value of each individual. I would identify yourself as conservative in the English sense. Still, You do have some reasonably leftish views on keeping an eye on the suspicious activities of multi-national corporations, workers’ rights in general, and environmental issues.  I agree with your indication of how Left libertarians believe in individual freedom, equal rights, and the government protecting its citizens. They are also opposed to the idea of private ownership of land, oil, and other natural resources, which affects equality in society. On the other hand, you have shown how they defend civil liberties like equal rights for homosexuals, endorse drug decriminalization, open borders, and oppose most military (Magstadt, T. M. 2017). You believe the individual should have personal freedom apart from authority unless the authority is justified. The burden remains on the authority figure to show it is…

Oman Airports Management Company: Expansion of Salalah and Muscat Airports Terminals Abstract Due to the increased economies, most people are opting for air transport over other modes of transportation due to its convenience. The increased number of passengers using air transport has led to congestion in the airport terminals. To reduce the congestion, there is need for the expansion of these terminals so as to accommodate the high number of passenger. However, the development of airport terminals is not an easy task due to relating challenges such as lack of space for expansion, economic constraints, and environmental issues. All the same, with proper planning and using the other methods of reducing congestion such as technology, it is possible to cope with the rising number of passengers at a minimum cost. This report is about the study that was carried out on the problems  Oman Airports Management Company is facing in its bid to expand the Salalah and Muscat airport terminals. 1.0 Introduction Oman Airports Management Company is a government-owned organization. OAMC has been given the mandate to run Salalah and…

Public Health paper Question 1: Mission of Public Health Health is the state of having total physical, social, and mental well-being. A healthy person can satisfy his own needs as well as realize set ambitions. In general terms, health entails the process of maximizing one’s social and personal resources as well as physical capabilities. Public health, on the other hand, implies the primary goal of ensuring that the health of the community is preserved in as much as the health of the surrounding communities. According to Nies and McEwen (2019), the mission of public health is to promote social justice that entitles all members of the community to have access to primary health care treatment and bear the burden of providing the best healthcare outcomes.   The Henry Street Settlement in the early 1800s created avenues for the provision of healthcare services to the poor population. The settlement is congruent to the Nies and McEwen (2019) mission for healthcare as it sought to address all health issues affecting the community. The type of works at the Henry Street Settlement was predominantly…

China and Global Strategy to Reduce GHGs Emissions Introduction Global environmental issues have been subject of concern since the last century. Global environmental issues are factors that affect or increase environmental problems on a global scale and threaten the extinction of resources as well as humankind if not checked. A factor that has led to global environmental issues is the growing need for national development among countries leading to the increase in industries in countries such as China, America, and Japan, and deforestation in forested areas. One of the global issues this paper seeks to explore is global warming caused by greenhouse gases emission by China, which leads to climate change. Also, the paper will seek to explore how international organizations have tried to combat the issue of GHGs as well as the U.S. takes on the issue. Body China is one of the leading countries in greenhouse gas emissions because of the increase in the number of manufacturing industries. According to Mohajan, China, “emits one-fifth of the world’s GHG emissions from power generation” (3). The country’s high emission has…

China’s Sustainability Project Since the 1980s, sustainability has taken centre stage in world politics as it focuses on how best to simultaneously meet people’s needs and the environment through facilitating human well-being without degrading the ecosystem. Despite sustainability sparking and highlighting the importance of conservation, economic growth, human health, and the important links between these factors, sustainability is also responsible for indicating socio-ecological processes that cause degradation of the environment, social injustices and poverty. Ideally, sustainability needs knowledge, better technology and incentives from political powers to be effective. However, sustainability is inherently political due to its normative nature. Chinese Economic Complexity Even though China has a steadily developing economy of about 8 per cent annually, this economic development has had detrimental effects on the natural environment. Economic growth in China’s past two decades saw an increase in demand for almost every natural resource known to man, including water, land and energy. Consequently, practices of depleting forests have devastating impacts such as flooding and desertification. Also, poorly regulated emissions and waste disposal continue to impact water and air negatively. China’s strive…

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