Implementation of Adaptive Traffic Light in Kuwait Technology has been a crucial factor that drives the rapid developments witnessed in the contemporary world. The technological environment has been highly volatile, thereby presenting rapid changes, and for this reason, all processes and systems have to adjust themselves to these changes to retail their importance within the current society (Sotra, 2019). Governments are also realigning their systems and processes to suit the technological demands in the contemporary world to maintain their relevancy in service delivery to their citizens, and the Kuwait government has not been left behind in this. There has been the adoption of e-government across the globe. E-government is an electronic platform in which a country’s population can access relevant services offered by the government. This system helps in areas such as e-procurement that comes in suit with platforms that facilitate tendering and payment electronically. The rapid rise in the urban population has also been presenting several challenges, and one of these challenges is traffic congestion in these respective urban areas. This has been facilitated further by technological development in…

Control of level of algae in the great lakes region   Background In the 1960s, there emerged an issue concerning water quality within the great lakes region. Particularly, Lake Erie was perceived as a dying lake since the rapid growth of algae in the area. The fast growth of algae is known as cultural eutrophication, and it is brought about by the excessive input of phosphorus in the water. By the late 1960s, both the countries which resided close to the great lakes area, namely Canada as well as the United States, came into a consensus regarding the limitation of phosphorous inputs in large water bodies such as Lake Erie. The key was to stop and control too much growth of algae within water bodies. The two nations also decided that the control of phosphorus deposits in the lake required a coordinated approach to tackle the issue. This call for action was the main focus stipulated by the “Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement” held at the beginning of 1972. Due to the combined efforts to limit the levels of phosphorus…

Essay on Global warming Introduction Global warming is the gradual heating of the earth’s surface, oceans, and atmosphere occasioned by the greenhouse gas effect as a result of increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. This phenomenon is no longer a distant problem; it is happening now. There is no single day that passes without the effects of global warming being mentioned in global news across the world. Evidence of global warming is everywhere, ranging from melting of ice caps and mountain glaciers, warming up of lakes, changing migration patterns of animals, rising sea levels, and extreme weather patterns. Others include the extinction of some plant and animal species, the emergence of new crop pests and diseases, intense heat waves, among others. Despite the efforts made in response to this problem, not much has been achieved, and the situation is worrying. Global warming is attributed mainly to human activities that have interfered with the environment causing pollution. The impacts of global warming are irreversible, and the only thing that can be done is to mitigate the effects and…

The Kinder Morgan Pipeline Expansion (KMPE) project Introduction: The Trans Mountain Pipeline has been operational since 1953. It runs from Edmonton, Alberta to terminals and refineries along the west coast of B.C. The expansion of this system would follow the same route as the existing one with a run of 980km. The new pipeline system would transport refined products, synthetic crude oils, light crude oils, and heavier oils. Besides, it would triple the capacity for carrying barrels from approximately 300,000 to 890,000 per day. Also, the TMEP would be subjected to an additional 19 new tanks to the existing storage terminals. With this capacity, the terminal is forecast to serve up to 37 vessels per month. This would be an increase of 14 percent of total marine traffic in Port of Vancouver today. This project is expected to cost $7.4 billion while generating more profits. Besides, the project is expected to create more jobs, generate tax revenues, and stimulate economic growth for the benefit of all Canadians.   The Kinder Morgan Pipeline Expansion (KMPE) project has been one of the…

Household cleaning products on the growth of house plants Introduction Do household owners use special hazardous waste disposal services as health officers recommend? Common household cleaning products include detergents which help in the removal of dirt and foreign matter from contaminated clothes, surface, toilets, and utensils, among others. The detergents are common in homes and industries and help in the dispensation of oil spills as well as pesticide formulations, among others (Yahaya, Okpuzor, and Oladele 638). Currently, a lot of changes occur in the formation of household cleaning products, with the majority of the substances becoming soluble in water while others are in liquid form. Household detergents can contain various chemicals and vague ingredients. Homeowners might worry about such chemicals, and their effects on household plants as such chemicals dilute when they enter the water supply or wastages and become dangerous to plants if spilled, sprayed, or accidentally watered to plants (Yahaya, Okpuzor, and Oladele 638). Exploration Abstract The present study attempts to prove that household cleaning products have chemicals that have negative impacts on the germination, development, and growth…

Companies for Green Thermal Solutions Living in this digital world has necessitated that most things be done digitally. Conserving the environment could be a priority for most people, and people try to manage it. Making the environment clean is made possible by green deposition units that are manufactured these days to serve the function. Soil that is contaminated can be made to regain their state, and that could be interesting to you and the people around you. The companies for the manufacture are different, and finding the best will be a challenge to you if you have not hired them before. The companies can be chosen well if you consider the factors below. First, you have to consider the cost of getting the unit. Different companies will design a unit for energy deposition at a price that will be different from each other. Before you select a company, you can compare them and their services for you to choose the best. Select a company that will be affordable to you when you need them in the services. Ensure you compare…

Sinusitis: A Comprehensive Guide By An ENT Doctor In Singapore   An Overview of Sinusitis   Sinusitis is an infection that affects a person’s nasal and sinus passages. The infection makes these passages inflamed, thus making a person uncomfortable. Many people around the globe are affected by sinusitis annually.   In a human’s skull, there is an interconnected system of cavities that are hollow. There are large sinus cavities that are around one inch. There are also other smaller sinus cavities. There are four types of sinuses, i.e., maxillary sinuses, frontal sinuses, sphenoid sinuses, and ethmoid sinuses. These different sinuses are placed at different parts of a person’s skull. For example, maxillary sinuses are held by the cheekbones; frontal sinuses are at the low center of the forehead; sphenoid sinuses are in the bones behind the nose, and ethmoid sinuses are between the eyes.   One primary function of sinuses is to create mucus. Mucus is an aqueous slippery substance that works to trap harmful particles. For example, smoke, bacteria, and dust. Moreover, mucus contains enzymes and antibodies that kill…

3 Reasons why we Need Cleaner Energy Clean energy is essential in the creation of an efficient and sustainable future. Although currently many people rely on fossil fuels to provide power, renewable energy is said to facilitate the reduction of carbon emissions. Additionally, it is a source of reliable, competitive, and clean energy. For these reasons, the demand for renewable energy is rapidly gaining popularity. Many people are shifting from fossil energy due to its environmental threats. Besides creating a better environment, here are other three crucial reasons why we need cleaner energy. Energy Security Fossil energy is not evenly distributed. Majority of its sources such as gas and oil are concentrated in particular areas, which limits its access. Furthermore, accessing fossil energy can be expensive and challenging. On the other, clean energy is domestic and can be found anywhere in the world. It allows you to make use of the energy provided by your solar panels and other local sources. Meaning it reduces the possibility of a country to depend on imported energy. Renewable energy plays a vital role…

 Runway design and structural design of an airfield pavement Abstract: The growth of air transportation is one of the most remarkable technological developments of last century. The phenomenal increase in air-travel, has created severe congestion at the airports in the large cities, needing additional facilities for rapidly growing short-haul domestic markets. The studies by ICAO in 2010 showed that the existing terminals and runways would be inadequate to handle air traffic and the Chennai International airport will saturate by 2015 and so The Greenfield Airport at Sriperumbudur was proposed. “Runway design and the Structural design of Airfield pavement” is a region specific project work that aims to geometrically design the runway and orient it considering all the factors that affect it including the environmental norms and regulations. Meteorological survey, Geological survey, Topographic survey, Drainage survey and Reconnaissance surveys are done in and around the proposed airport site. All the factors affecting site selection are considered and cross checked with the proposed site conditions and location. Meteorological data of the proposed site is obtained from the reliable web sites that depend…

The imposition of bargaining tariffs The two concepts of Introductory game theory, the Cournot game and Nash equilibrium are used in the article to analyze the imposition of the bargaining tariffs. Cournot game refers to the duopoly model whereby two firms chooses the level of output to compete with each other. Nash equilibrium, on the other hand, means there would be no incremental benefits to an individual who change actions given players remain constant in their initial strategies(Rad 45).The concepts predict the behavior of the companies in response to the competitors’ prices. Hegemony refers to one group dominating the other(Schindler 24). To start with, I think the authors are right not to agree with some of the people who think trade is a zero-sum game. “It is a misconception that International trade is a zero-sum game in which the losses in imports must be avoided and the profits to be made in exports”(Tandon 34). It is wrongbecause we engage in international trade to get things cheaper than we can produce them. Imports are the real benefit from trade and exports…

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