report on critical understanding of pressures on organisations to pursue ethical operations and environmental management practices 1.2 Coursework 1 Assessment Remit Individual Research Report (2000 words): You are required to produce a report which demonstrates a critical understanding of pressures on organisations to pursue ethical operations and environmental management practices, Your report should provide a critical discussion of academic literature as well as applied examples to demonstrate you have fully researched the issues. To pass the report it is critical to underpin your discussion with reference sources from academically accepted references (sourced through the GCU library, Google Scholar or a similar acceptable site) however, you may also use evidence of company practices from organisational websites (fully referenced using Harvard conventions). [unique_solution]For further guidance on Harvard referencing conventions please refer to the support resource below: You should also provide an overall conclusion on the lessons learned and recommendations. Although you are asked to choose only one industry sector, you are encouraged to research several organisations / workplace contexts (two – three maximum) in order to compare and contrast how organisations…

Islamic Fundamentalism Introduction According to Ruud Koopmans, the WZB Berlin Social Science Centre director, religious fundamentalism can be described through three key ways, namely; that the believers should adhere to the unalterable and eternal rules that were laid down long-ago; that such laws permit only a single interpretation in addition to binding every believer, as well as that the religious laws have precedence over the secular rules. In this regard, the sociologies have insisted that strict religiosity or religious fundamentalism refers to the ideologies that are based on a group of ideas that also refer to the behaviors and attitudes with regards to the manner of perceiving life. Moreover, religious fundamentalism does not essentially justify or take in aspects of violence given the view that violence is a type of behavior as opposed to an ideology. As such, sociologists have often compared religious fundamentalism to communism and fascism, which are other notable ideologies that neither include nor justify violence. Nonetheless, Eisenstadt (1999) maintains that religious fundamentalism may promote aspects of violence including radicalization. Thus, though it does not imply aggression,…

current social/economic/political climate Students are to choose a topic relevant to the current social/economic/political climate and write a 3-page paper that outlines how the topic relates to the audience (your classmates), presents evidence and support for both sides of the issue, states your position on the topic, and offers support material for your argument while briefly giving rebuttal against counterarguments.   Students are to choose a topic relevant to the current social/economic/political climate and write a 3-page paper that outlines how the topic relates to the audience (your classmates), presents evidence and support for both sides of the issue, states your position on the topic, and offers support material for your argument while briefly giving rebuttal against counterarguments.[unique_solution]   Students are to choose a topic relevant to the current social/economic/political climate and write a 3-page paper that outlines how the topic relates to the audience (your classmates), presents evidence and support for both sides of the issue, states your position on the topic, and offers support material for your argument while briefly giving rebuttal against counterarguments.   Students are to…

Preterm Birth Initiative Introduction Preterm births are infants who are born with a gestation period of 37 weeks or less. The final weeks usually are essential in the growth and development of the fetus in the significant organs systems like the liver, brain, and lungs. Preterm births are a leading cause of mortality for infants and developmental disorders like feeding and breathing. According to Purisch and Gyamfi-Bannerman (2017), children may exhibit cerebral palsy, vision difficulties, and delays in development. Cognitive-behavioral disorders are also common for children born as preterm babies like challenges in social interactions, controlling themselves emotionally, and paying attention. The frequency or rates of preterm births are higher for populations where mothers earn a low income, belong to minority groups, and are younger than 18 years. The research tool that will be used for this project is a close-ended questionnaire. The questionnaires shall be given to nursing practitioners and mothers to find out about the risk factors, today’s prevalence of the preterm births, and find possible solutions to the problem (Sun et al., 2019). Literature Review The numbers…

 intimate relationship between the poor and the fragility of the planet summary As examples, I will point to the intimate relationship between the poor and the fragility of the planet, the conviction that everything in the world is connected, the critique of new paradigms and forms of power derived from technology, the call to seek other ways of understanding the economy and progress, the value proper to each creature, the human mean ing of ecology, the need for forthright and honest debate, the serious responsibility of international and local policy, the throwaway culture and the proposal of a new lifestyle. Fresh drinking water is an issue of primary importance, since it is indispensable for human life and for supporting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Sources of fresh water are necessary for health care, agriculture and industry. Even as the quality of available water is constantly diminishing, in some places there is a growing tendency, despite its scarcity, to privatize this resource, turning it into a commodity subject to the laws of the market. Yet access to safe drink able water is…

Analysis of the Effects of Population Growth in Armenia Introduction   The increase in the human population is a significant contributor to the global warming crisis. This is because humans have contributed to the rise in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons. With the countries already experiencing the effects, this has promoted nations such as Armenia to have strategies to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.  The paper will explore the impact of greenhouse gases, the sources, and solutions to mitigate the increase in greenhouses. Background Greenhouses are made up of three or more atoms. They include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and chlorofluorocarbons.  Other halogenated substances such as chlorine, bromine, and fluorine are also greenhouse gases, which are commonly known as chlorofluorocarbons. The gases are produced from industrial activity, and they are potent. These gases have the ability to absorb the heat from the sun, causing greenhouse effects.  The molecular structure of these gases is in such a way that it facilitates the trapping of heat (Kweku 1). Greenhouse gases such as methane…

Are Melbourne trams air-conditioned? Melbourne’s electric tram system is the transport system of choice for many people. If you ride the tram regularly, then you may have noticed that they aren’t always the same if you change routes often. Some are old; some are new. So let’s answer the question are Melbourne trams air-conditioned? The answer, yes. The more modern trams are air-conditioned. The E-class Yarra trams are air-conditioned and come equipped with a load of other comfortable adjustments. The z-class and subsequent A-class are not air-conditioned. Reason being, they are an older model which was introduced in 1975 and 1984 respectively. But pleasant surprise and hello air-conditioning on the B-class C2-class, and C1-class. These trams are just the best for summer when no one wants to be in a puddle of their sweat. How can we forget the W-class? Any Melburnian will have their heart warmed at the sight of this slow, and 1st generation tram that tells us so much about our history and heritage. However, they are uncomfortable and do not have air-conditioning. Promptly board the E-class…

Ecology essay On a warm, bright sky morning, I stepped on to the famous Augusta golf coast. The eyes are greeted by the carefully manicured grass and colorful flowers that stretch to the horizon of treetops. The fresh air is breathtaking, and the ground is kept cool by the shadows of the trees. The trees appear as though planned with specific gaps between each tree to allow for maximum sunlight penetration. Long canals cascade through the land. The noise levels are maintained at the minimum, which enables one to escape from the activities of the city. As I walked around, I could feel the ground below me sink as it absorbed the pressure to indicate how delicate and natural the place was and far from contamination. The beautiful colors of the well-taken care flowers gave the pace its authentic scenic beauty that enables a person to relax. While being absorbed on the beauty of the small lakes within the golf coast, I noticed some movements in the water. I thought to myself that it was the fish, but to my…

The Feasibility of a 100% Renewable Electricity Mix before 2040   Abstract According to Diesendorf and Elliston (2008), energy sector has always been regarded as “the largest contributor to global greenhouse emissions “at about “35% of total emissions” (p.318).  Experts have warned that continued increase in carbon emission will lead to a rise in global temperatures and adverse effects of climate change will be inevitable. This study evaluates various literature material on the feasibility of achieving a 100 % renewable electricity mix by 2040. This review also discusses the global state of renewable energy in multiple regions such as Australia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, USA, and the Middle East.  Renewable energy is analyses through parameters such as power generation, storage and grid balancing, costs of renewable energy, environmental impact and social acceptance. From the literature, a realization of 100 % renewable energy mix is possible, however, various challenges in terms of costs, social and environmental aspects will be experienced. The overall advantage of the renewable energy mix will be eliminating greenhouse emissions, limiting climate change, improved energy efficiency and attainment…

Green Belt Movement According to Wangari Maathai, the “Green Belt Movement” was formed to spearhead the “concept of planting trees” needed to “regenerate the land” and conserve the environment (Knopf, 2006). Through the movement, several initiatives were developed, such as establishing tree nurseries for the supply of trees, tree-planting activities, and training people on planting.  On the other hand, Aldo Leopold believes that “more conservation education” is the answer to environmental protection, since, “land-use ethics” has long been driven by “economic self-interest” (Leopold 1948).  He argues that such a “system of conservation” hinged solely on “economic self-interest” as well as less “ecological concepts” in the educational system is the impending obstacle in conserving the land and change of people’s attitudes. Despite the two authors giving exemplary ideas on environmental conservation, they slightly differ in their approach. Maathai concentrates mostly on programs that reverse the causes of ecological destruction, like planting trees. At the same time, Leopold insists on changing the attitude of the people towards the conservation of land through education by redefining the human role in ecology. In my…

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