

Europa Among the all four Galilean moons orbiting the Jupiter, Europa is considered as the smallest moon and the number six closest among all the 79 known Jupiter moons. Additionally, Europa is the sixth-largest moon in the solar system. Europa was discovered and explored by astronauts called Galileo Galilei in 1610, and he later named the moon after Phoenician mother of King Minos of Lover and Crete of Zeus. The surface of Europa is covered with layers of ice particles, and as a result, scientists thought that there is an ocean underneath the surface of the moon (Sparks et al., 2017). Furthermore, its icy surface makes the moon the furthermost philosophical planet in the solar system. Using the Telescope, researchers noted a water plume that jets from the south polar region of Europa in 2012. However, after repeated several attempts of research, a different team of scientists confirmed their observations, they also saw superficial plumes in 2014 and 2016. The pictures and data from the Galileo spacecraft are the observations made by scientists, which made them believe that Europa is…

The environmental impact assessment (EIA) process The environmental impact assessment (EIA) process is an interdisciplinary and multistep procedure to ensure that environmental considerations are included in decisions regarding projects that may impact the environment. EIA process helps identify the possible environmental effects of a proposed activity and how those impacts can be mitigated. The EIA process is to inform decision-makers and the public of the ecological consequences of implementing a proposed project.  The EIA document itself is a technical tool that identifies, predicts, and analyzes impacts on the physical environment, as well as social, cultural, and health impacts. If the process is successful, it identifies alternatives and mitigation measures to reduce the environmental impact of a proposed project. Depending on the EIA system, responsibility for producing an EIA will be assigned to one of two parties: the government agency or ministry, the project proponent. If EIA laws permit, either party may opt to hire a consultant to prepare the EIA or handle specific portions of the EIA process, such as public participation or technical studies. Some laws require consultants to…

How to properly handle plastic roofing materials correctly/ Best way to maintain plastic roofing materials Installing plastic corrugated roofing sheets is a straightforward procedure and one that does not require any level of expertise. You only need the right knowledge, proper assessment of the roofing skills and the right tools to do it. How to properly handle plastic roofing materials correctly/ Best way to maintain plastic roofing materials Corrugated plastic sheets have a lot of benefits to their users. They are used on both roofs and walls. Also, they come in different shapes, colours, and materials. Translucent corrugated sheets are mainly made of acrylic, PVC, polycarbonate, or a combination of various polyesters. Each roofing material is used according to the needs of an individual. Proper storage of corrugated plastic sheets Plastic corrugated roofing sheets UK should be stored away from direct sunlight to avoid any deformity or damage that comes from high temperatures. Kindly note that their shape and form is only affected by sunlight when they are stacked together. Always store them while they are in a flat position…

The Legal and Political Environment of Global Business The political and legal environment in global business comprises of various political elements and government regulations in the worldwide market that can either encourage or slow down a business’ capacity to lead business exercises in the global market. In a capitalist economy, property and organizations are claimed and managed by people. The production and costs of merchandise and ventures are dictated by how sought after they are and how hard they are to deliver. Capitalism makes riches through steadily progressing to ever more elevated levels of profitability and mechanical advancement. Technological advancement, a key component in capitalism, requires the constant disposing of out of date manufacturing plants, commercial segments, and even social skills (Lamaj, 2015). However, critics say that it is unwise to permit an unregulated market to run its course, and to allow private individuals to settle on their own monetary choices dependent on personal responsibility. Socialism and communism are umbrella terms alluding to two schools of economic thought, that dispute capitalism. In a Communist society, every individual adds and takes as…

DGWP papers Define DGWP and please give two examples that illustrate the significance of this concept. DGWP refers to ‘Direct global warming potential’ and it used to measure gas and how powerful of a greenhouse gas it is; the more powerful, the greater the radiative forcing effect it will have on the climate. One direct use of this concept is as stated; it is used to measure the effectivity of a gas on the environment which can determine which gases are posing a threat upon the ozone layer. The second is related to how human activity is affecting the environment; this is useful in concepts of Anthropocene. Naomi Klein argues that climate change presents us with a historical opportunity. Explain what she means. Do you agree? Why or why not? Klein Historical Opportunity- change the economic infrastructure for more equality/distribution of assets; ability to act collectively to change the economy to combat CC; less exploitative economy where ind. Are all recognized; creation of new jobs; a better more just world. I agree with Klein for capitalism creates inequality and the…

Global warming or climate change APA FORMAT 200 to 300 WORDS (MINUS COVER AND REFERENCE PAGES) PLEASE INCLUDE CONCLUSION CITE 3 SOURCES ORIGINALITY Note:  I will drop EPA Carbon Footprint Calculator and Carbon Footprint Calculator in the links EPA Carbon Footprint link: Carbon Footprint Calculator:     Global warming or climate change have become generally accepted terms to describe the gradual temperature increase the Earth is experiencing. Not everyone believes the phenomenon is occurring. However, the majority of the climatologist scientists around the world agree that greenhouse gases produced by man are contributing to the global warming phenomenon occurring on our planet today. One of the greenhouse gas culprits in this global warming issue is carbon dioxide (CO2). Every day, the earth’s human population pumps CO2 into the atmosphere just by going through daily routines. China leads in CO2 emissions with the U.S. as a close second. A not-so-fun-fact is that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the average U.S. household carbon footprint is about 50 tons of CO2 per year.[unique_solution]   In Part 1, you will examine environmental…

Different ways people said NO Written Summary During the exercise, people said NO in different ways. First, some said they wanted to think about it. This answer was a polite and more professional way of saying that they needed more time to consider my request, and they included the busy respondents. Secondly, some of the respondents respondent by saying, ‘not today.’ In this response, I believed that the request is worth looking into in the future when time is available. The third way of saying no was, ‘I am sorry, but I can not.’ This was a straight forward NO as the respondent could not fulfill the request, or they do not want to attend to the request, and hence there is no room for hope for future engagements concerning the request. Additionally, the body language such as the use of gestures was another way of saying NO In a way that is not outright. The feeling when people say NO At times, saying NO to other people may be hurtful while at the time helpful to both the respondent…

Environmental Stressors Related to False Confession             Your introduction should be approximately 1.5-2 pages long. Begin the introduction with a compelling fact or statistic regarding your topic. Spend perhaps one paragraph doing this. Follow that paragraph with an overview of research that you plan to cover in the main body of your paper. Obviously, you would not spend a lot of time going into detail here. Just give the most important info from each of the papers you plan to cover. This section should be no more than one page. There are several strategies you can take in setting this small section up, including going through information chronologically, or setting up initial debates in the literature you plan to cover. Finally, include a paragraph making a case for the importance of your topic. Why might the reader be compelled to read through this? How does this work impact the field today? End this paragraph with a thesis statement, perhaps similar to the topic statement you submitted in the first assignment. IMPORTANT: Please note that this sample includes the structure for…

Understanding the Need for Eco-friendly Commercial Cleaning Supplies Cleaning is necessary for maintaining a safe, fresh, and conducive working environment. A hygienic workplace is attractive to the employees and visitors therein. What is worrying, however, is how many staff members and workers suffer complications as a result of prolonged exposure to harmful, toxic substances in commercial cleaning supplies. The risk affects the cleaners and those people who are working in areas where these harsh products have been used. What with their sharp, pungent fumes it becomes near impossible to focus on work. No doubt, there is a need for change. The solution lies in embracing safer, eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Here’s more on why there is a need for using eco-friendly commercial cleaning supplies Healthier Staff/Workers There is evidence pointing to increased lung complications and skin issues among workers who are in constant and direct contact with harsh cleaning supplies. Even with protective gear, there is a high chance that a person who is continuously using chemical-based cleaning supplies will indeed experience health problems. This including runny nose, sore eyes, coughing,…

Cosmetic surgery Cosmetic surgery is one of the growing areas and getting popularity due to its fantastic success rate and results in Cosmetic Gynecology. Cosmetic surgery helps in increasing the pleasure, aesthetic beauty of genital, and pleasure and mainly aims to reshape the female genital area and improve the aesthetic beauty of the genitalia.   Cosmetic Gynecology Cosmetic Gynaecological procedures have several forms to enhance the clitoris to get more pleasure, sensitivity, and tightness in the genital area. Usually, sensitivity lacks after childbirth, aging, or mishappening in life. The media has made cosmetic procedures popular, which often reflects the insecurities some women have about their bodies and, perhaps, the fantasies their male partners have about women.   The prepuce to the clitoris, the labia majora to minora, the tissues of vaginal to the hymen all can be reshaped, reconstructed with the help of various cosmetic gynecology procedures, and their functionality also improved along with the appearance.   There are so many myths circulated about surgery and sexual life after any surgery, including childbirth. Still, not much time takes to recover,…

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