Effectiveness of banning plastic straw real and the compare of pros and cons Research questions What are plastic straw real? What is the policy environment for plastic straw real? What is the impact of plastic straw real on the environment? Annotated Bibliography Lam, Chung-Sum, et al. “A comprehensive analysis of plastics and micro-plastic legislation worldwide.” Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 229.11 (2018): 345. Lam and colleagues portend that both aquatic and land-based plastic pollution has resulted in severe health concerns for animals and humans on a global scale. The authors acknowledge the myriad of legislative steps instituted to mitigate and control plastic usage, with a majority of the policies focusing on levies, banning plastic, and voluntary efforts championed through reuse and reduced campaigns. Moreover, the researchers advance both the positives and negatives of the existing legislation on plastic use. In conclusion, the study determines that there is a need for a conventional management strategy focusing on the existing legislation on the use and management of plastic. Bharadwaj, Bishal. “Plastic bag ban in Nepal: Enforcement and effectiveness.” The South Asian Network for…

Why I like January weather January is a quiet weather month across all nations and states, for example, no heavy rainfall or winter storms, and the temperature is above average. The January weather the liquid precipitation is usually below average, which is less than 50% for most areas while no significant cold snaps experienced in modified arctic masses. In 2019 January in modern arctic, the temperatures were below average on 10th– 13th and 17th-21st, but the month ended with January thaw with warmth of the 50s and 60s on 30th and 31st. The reasons I like January weather are because of the following; Time to reflect, January savings, and laying low. Time to reflect. January being the first month of the year is a great time to reflect on what someone did not achieve the previous year and having strategies to overcome it, for example, traveling to a new place, changing a career or becoming more involved in the local community (Haidar, 2016). January savings. January is the best month to start saving for that year and also, it’s the best…

consumer-oriented strategies Analytics denotes to the science of analyzing raw data in making conclusions about that information. According to Kunc and O’Brien (2018), most organizations consider business analytics to be an essential organizational capability. Analytics allow managers to have a better understanding of the business dynamics, predict market shifts, manage risks, and formulate new strategies where needed. Instead of going with gut when keeping dynamic pricing solutions, revenues, hiring talent, or inventory, businesses are using analytics and systematic statistical reasoning in making decisions that help improve effectiveness, management of risks, and profits. The value of analytics, with its far-reaching uses and different applications. It is arguably true that analytics is now emerging as an essential aspect of formulating strategies and making decisions, ranging from enabling businesses to formulating consumer-oriented strategies to helping them address vital operational inadequacies, analytics is radically evolving the perception towards the significance of data. Most businesses already have the data that is required to tackle business problems, but administrators do not know how to use this data in shaping tactics and implementation. Businesses operations executives, for…

How to Install Solar Panels on Your RV RV solar panels are environmentally friendly with neither smell nor noise and perfect for outdoor activities such as camping, it works best on dry camps with fewer power hooks, also called boondocking. The majority of RV solar panels’ power is between 100 to 400 watts perfect for small huge kitchen appliances. There are three types of RV solar panel divided into Amorphous RV solar panel made from thin silicon cells and has attached material that backs it. Mono-crystalline RV solar panel made from single-crystal cell Polycrystalline RV solar panel made from varieties of crystal cells Installation of solar panel on RV Every home set up has a different way of solar panel installation. Some households use more electric power compared to others. A perfect installation depends on the number of panels you will use and the amount of energy required. It will help you save on the cost of electricity, especially if installed on the rooftop. Before you install the solar panel on RV, you must have the following parts, the devices…

  How Hard Is It to Sell a Home With High Radon Levels? Summary Selling a home with high radon levels is a hard task; thus, homeowners should ensure they make use of all available control measures.   Body Homebuyers consider a variety of factors when purchasing a home and they include; the price of the house, its location and age, in addition to, the seller’s incentive to sell. However, in the recent past, radon mitigation and testing have become a common concern during real estate dealings due to the increased awareness of hazards associated with the gas. Below is information on how radon levels affect the sale of a house and the mitigation measures.   Do radon levels affect the value of a home? Presence of radon gas in a home will affect its value and ability to sell, but this is mostly dependent on the level of the gas. Since radon is the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers, most buyers are skeptical about purchasing any home declared to have high levels of the gas. Therefore,…

Traffic congestion overview Traffic congestion is a common problem facing many urban centres and cities. The problem is dominant in both developing and developed countries. Traffic congestion in Australia has been a significant concern to the national government. It has attracted multiple research, with researchers focusing on the causes and the various ways that the congestion would be reduced. Recent research was developed to establish traffic monitoring through social media platforms such as Twitter, in a bid to reduce congestion levels on the highways of Sidney (Gong, Deng &Sinnott, 2015). The Australian government has also invested in significant researches conducted to find out modernized methods of handling traffic congestion in Sydney and the rest of Australia. This research paper was conducted to capture the current state of traffic congestion in Sydney, Australia. The study captured the average speed of traffic in the city’s major highways, the congestion (average speed against the posted free-flow speeds), and the variability of the traffic congestion in time, on a 24hr scale. The results of the study were then computed into a bar, line graphs…

Air pollution in China              Air pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances in the air. China being one of the highly developing countries in the world has high levels of air pollution. China has had the fastest developing economy among the major nations, which has contributed to increased air pollution.  The increased levels of air pollution have increased the rate of premature deaths, which is about 350,000 to 400,000. About 760,000 have been reported dead due to air pollution each year. China being a developing country experiences several factors leading to air pollution causing both affects on human life and environment hence the need for prevention. Air pollution in China has increased due to the rapid increase of motor vehicles. China’s economic development has led to a rise in wealth, which has enabled individuals to buy their motor vehicles. Statistics carried out indicated that the number of vehicles on the roads has doubled with over 1200 vehicles added each day. Gas emissions from motorized vehicles contribute to nearly 70% of China’s air pollution (Rohde, 2015). Some of…

Air Pollution in Seoul, South Korea             Air pollution refers to the release of pollutants to the air, which endangers all the living things on the planet. The level of particulate matter in Seoul city in recent years has risen to 115 micrograms per cubic meter, which is too high as compared to the World Health Organization regulation, which sets the minimum level of the particulate matter to 25 micrograms as a daily average. General causes of air pollution in any country include the burning of fossil fuels and the release of harmful gases to the air. Air pollution causes severe effects on human beings living on the planet. Smog and soot caused by combustion of fossil fuels reduces the distance, which the human eye can see. The primary cause of air pollution in Seoul is fine dust according to the study conducted by Dong Jong-in, a professor in South Korea (Lee, 1999). The fine dust accumulates in the air due to the emission of hazardous gases from the production industries in South Korea. Air pollution has caused the residents of…

ENVIRONMENTS AND HEALTH Introduction The discussion handles  various environmental risk factors, mitigation strategies that ensure that environmental threats are eliminated in the environments which infants are exposed to ensure they have good health which contributes their wellbeing. The paper also provides the summary of presentation which is highlighted in the pamphlet, experience with a female parent, demographic information the subjects, experience with the participant, and assess the understanding level of the parent and improvements that should be conducted on the methodology. Health literacy and patient safety Lack of understanding and action on medical information, millions of adults require basic lliteracy skills. Many people are illiterate about environmental health concerns in the society. Doctors normally talk to patients in complex terms that the less illiterate cannot understand. The average United States citizen reads at eight grade levels, however, the health care information is usually taught at the college level of education. This gap leads to disconnection which results in confusion, helplessness, and frustrations (Lundgren & McMakin, 2018). ven to individuals who have pursued education up to college level some of the…

Marijuana Legalization: The Unethical Approach It is of no surprise that the marijuana legalization has come about in the media everywhere. For many years the issue has been strongly debated, and it has been a tough debate. Most of the United States considered and are still considering legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use by adults. Yet, different controversies have come into existence as well. Arguments in favor of and opposition to legalization are clear in news media and also other sources. These argue that increasing the availability of marijuana through legalizing recreational and medical use of marijuana will create opportunities for illegal use, marketing, and abuse by minors (Alain, and Samuel 1). In the article “Legalization of Marijuana: Potential Impact on Youth,” it states that the “editors of The Lancet have concluded that ‘cannabis per se is not a hazard to society but driving it further underground may well be’.” The opposing sides of this statement suggest that cannabis is not different than any other drug and shares just as many features. In a survey conducted in 1995, about…

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