Capabilities for Managers 1. Demonstration of interpersonal skills 1.1 Communication skills Communication is a diverse field and includes both verbal and non-verbal skills. Research shows that communication involves more than the spoken word. Other than verbal skills, the body has its means of relaying the message. They include sitting position, the talking manner, and eye contact levels, among others.  The non-verbal communication skills affect how the verbal information presented is received or understood. Hence, both verbal and non-verbal work together in ensuring effective communication. The following interpersonal skills applied are used in the teamwork, and they are verbal and non-verbal, feedback, questioning, and message transparency. 1.1.1 Verbal and non-verbal skills According to research, only a minimal percentage of the general message presented is communicated using words. According to Mehrabian (2007), words convey only 7% of the message.  The tone constitutes 38%, while body language contributes 55%. In the discussion between the team members, many verbal and non-verbal skills applied. Such include consideration of the tone used; a serious tone applied because the prevailing matter is serious. Also, the group communicated…

Pricing Methods Introduction Pricing is a critical strategy that impacts the success of a company. According to Feurer, Schuhmacher, & Kuester, (2019), pricing approaches are closely linked to the business’ understanding of connections between its business processes and its market. Varying pricing methods are selected by business management to drive better profitability for the company. The selection of these methods is based on a critical analysis of the best pricing approaches that are relevant to the company. Mark-up pricing and price bundling are strategic pricing approaches that impact organizational performance in varying settings. According to Wang, Sun, & Wang, (2016), mark-up pricing is a cost variation pricing approach, where organizations calculate mark-ups as percentages of their selling price. Mark up pricing determines the price of the product by adding a fixed rate or amount to product costs. In the case of price bundling, the price of commodities is determined by the combination of multiple services and products to create a comprehensive package to reduce general pieces. Understanding the relevance of these pricing approaches requires explicit case studies that assess their…

Planting Trees             In the modern world, the major challenge facing nations is global warming. The emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere contributes to global warming. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse that is produced from the burning of fossil fuels (Adele, 2020). Trees are essential in the absorption of carbon dioxide, which traps heat in the air and leads to global warming. My community can become a change that the world can emulate. I want to consider this as an opportunity to enlighten my friends back at home on the significance of planting trees. Plantings trees are the most appropriate way to curb the issue of global warming and fight climate change. I know you will tell me that you have been doing it at home; hence it is not a critical issue. My problem here is, do you know how many trees are needed in the entire world to help in fighting climate change? For example, if you plant a single tree on your compound and every day we need new trees to absorb the carbon in the…

Tesco and the UK external environment Table of Contents 1     Introduction. 4 1.1      Methodology. 4 2     PESTLE Analysis. 5 2.1      Political 5 2.2      Economic. 5 2.3      Social 6 2.4      Technological 6 2.5      Legal 6 2.6      Environmental 6 3     Discussion. 7 4     Conclusion. 8 5     References. 9       Summary The research has been considered to be adequately developed on the structure of Tesco and its relation to the economic position of the United Kingdom. The country has witnessed a number o aspects, including the growth of the very structured elements that are of help to Tesco’s profitability. Further, during the course of the study, the external environment has been found to be an option for the better positioning of the organisation in the competitive situation of the United Kingdom. Further findings display the fact that Tesco is to ensure increased competence with the demand-supply areas of the UK economy in order to be of help and aid to its growth along the course.       1         Introduction Globalisation has caused migrations of human force, and with that cultural…

A synergy of tactics with technology during the civil war as demonstrated by their evolution             Civil war is the most devastating time in American history. The battle is still the lowest moment in the history of America. There were many dead casualties reported during this time. Technology played a factor increased number of casualties during that time. A range of weapons, structures, equipment, and vehicles used helped in the warfare. The technologies used during the civil war were in five categories. These categories include offensive weapons, defensive weapons, transportation weapons, communication technology, and sensors for guide (“Civil War Technology” 2019)[1]The offensive weapons harm the enemies while the defensive protect the soldiers from aggressive blows. The transportation weapons carried the soldiers and troops from one location to another. It enhanced the timely transfer of supplies and troops. Communication technologies helped in coordinating movements of the forces through the efficient passing of information. The sensors helped in detecting effects and guiding them to or away from the enemy. The influence of technology during the time was two way. It was either…

Technological trends in 21st century             The world is progressing in an amazing swift speed. The discussion on new trends that fall on the technology side has always been done. The discussions are always exciting as they are bound to make human activities much easier to execute. The question that lingers is how are people prepared for these technological trends that are about to happen in the future. Some of these trends have already begun and are being implemented. However, some of them are faced with ethical questions that are based on whether they should be utilized or not. However, some of the trends are bound to be of benefit to aspects in the economy of human beings. Some of the sectors to be impacted positively may include business, education, healthcare, energy just to mention a few. The most common trends that have been on discussion include self-driving cars, designer babies, cryogenics, GMOs just to mention a few (Grant). The question always remains will the new technological trends mean that it will solve the current world problems or it is bound…

The case of Tesla Motors The case of Tesla Motors is a case of admiration of grasping opportunities which deem unreachable. The company, from its initial stage, identified the market and the customer needs that required satisfaction. The company specializes in electric automobile manufacturing. The organization was founded in 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpening. The name Tesla originated from the inventor Nikola Tesla who originated from Serbia. At the initiation stage, Eberhard was the chief executive officer, while Tarpening was the first one to serve as the company’s chief financial officer. The business plan was executable, and what lacked at the initial stages was the financing, and Elon Musk, the founder of Paypal, injected the organization with $30 Million. In 2007 tesla CEO, Eberhard resigned while Tarpening left in 2008, and Must assumed the CEO seat in 2010. First car For the next four years, the company worked intending to release their first car, and in 2008, the success of the effort was notable when they introduced electric Roadstar was put in a test, and it covered 245…

The Role of Non-Executive Directors in the Current Business Environment Non-executive directors (NEDs) are members of a company’s Board of Directors who are not part of the executive team; as such they do not engage in the daily management or operations of the company or organization. They are appointed through a letter of appointment by companies or organizations to challenge or monitor CEOs or senior management. They bring an independent perspective to decision making and typically have the responsibility of monitoring committees such as audit committees, remuneration committees, and nominations committee (Pass, 2002). In general, the role of NEDs is often described as that of a long-serving, consensual based decision-maker and custodian of the governance process in a company or an organization. The role of NEDs is broad, and their demand continues to increase over the years. (Dunne and Morris, 2008,7 ) split these roles into two components, namely: ‘ensuring’ and ‘adding value’ further, (Johnson et al., 1996) sums up these roles into three leading roles, namely: control, service, and resource dependency. From the preceding, it can be noted that…

Environmental sociology Question 1: Norway is a politically stable, modern and highly developed country with a robust economy. The Norwegian economy is characterized by being open and mixed, with a combination of private and public Cultural, political economy (CPE) is an approach to political economy that focuses on how economic systems, and their parts, are products of specific human, technical, and natural relations. Notwithstanding longer historical roots, CPE emerged as part of the “cultural turn” within the social sciences. Emotions are essential in constructing socially organized denial, and sadly, these are not given importance as much as they deserve. Question 2: Story 1 is discovering Who You Are (African), story two is genetic science will end racism, and the last one is The Vanishing Indigene. (b) That is the crucial critique, not that scientific evidence itself is debatable. Scientists themselves arrive at that conclusion, at least in part, when they endlessly dispute whether there was one migration or three, how long ago, and whether ancient peoples have sailed here across the Pacific. One can say with a good deal of…

Urban environments Urban environments are with no doubt different from rural areas in several ways. Some of the characteristics of urban environments include modernization in terms of development which means that there is a high density of human structures such as roads and houses. These, among other factors associated with urban areas, is what makes them unique when compared to small towns and rural settings. The most significant factor associated with modern societies is the growth of great cities. An important thing to note when accessing the level of urbanization of a given place is the fact that the degree of urbanization is not measured by the total population but the by the level of development in the area. Certain attributes are recognized to have played a significant role in making urban environments different from small towns. These differences can be discussed in reference to the sociological definition of a city which is “…is a relatively large, dense, and permanent settlement of heterogeneous individuals” (WIRTH 1). From this definition, it is clear that an urban environment is densely populated, unlike…

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