Importance of Collaborative Working Environment The workplace environment determines our performance and the entire company output. Unfortunately, your company is recording negative performance progress. I believe, as workers, you have done your best individually to enhance growth despite the little challenges that are the base for the poor performance. What do you think is the cause of the profit depreciation for the last two years?  Is the reason manageable from your end? Are you aware that the improvement in company production would equally increase your compensations? There is more that we can do to mitigate this situation. Working together is a primary step in promoting productivity in any enterprise. According to the words of Henry Ford, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself,” it is true that a comparative collaborative working environment would greatly influence positive change. Today, I want us to have a conversation concerning the importance of a collaborative working environment that is aimed at positively altering company production. Creativity is an essential skill in the global market. Collaboration at the workplace inspires…

Parable of the Sower: Analysis Literary work has proven to be an effective medium over information reaches the public about critical issues and their consequential effects if the current human habits are not altered. Octavia Butler, in her novel, the Parable of the Sower, highlights the development of a few of the most essential environmental issues that are currently affecting the world. There is no secret that the planet’s industrialization has adversely affected the climate of the earth over the previous century, with the issue compounding on itself and becoming worse every day. Thus, speculative literary work is particularly noble at presenting such leitmotifs across since the author can make a universe independent of the certainty in which kinds of stuff are as diverse as the writer wishes. In this dystopian world revealed by Butler, all human current fears have already been actualized, hence degradation of the world is evident to a point where turmoil is rampant and most of the American citizens are not safe in their respective homes. In Butler’s Parable of the Sower, disproportionate degradation of the natural environment and worsening…

Analyzing Wildlife Conservation Introduction The book “A Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold is a well-written book that enlightens one on ecology and widens the critical thinking skills of a reader. It uniquely combines art through scenery painting, philosophy, and history. Leopold had a history of contributing a number of articles to Oxford University Press on hunting and environmental conservation. Leopold’s articles depict his concern about wildlife conservation. He passes his message uniquely by using irony to explain the dangers of using recreation to cover what is termed as conservation in the present day. He also believes that conservation should involve harmony between men and the natural environment. Brief Overview of ‘A Sand County Almanac’ Aldo Leopold arranges his book in sections and uses literally devices throughout his book. From the title, his unique style of communicating his message is portrayed right from the title where he uses the term sandy county to refer to sections of the state with sandy soils to imply that they have not been conserved (Zhang et al, 927). He further uses rhetorical analysis in…

Discussion Question and Response Part 1 The lesson on the population growth in Brazil was one of the most captivating and informative I have ever heard.  Before this lesson, I had no idea about what Brazil experienced in terms of population growth. However, this lesson provided me with background information on different aspects that were behind the reduction in population growth as well as the effects of government and societal influences on the population. The most interesting of this topic was how Brazil had undergone a demographic shift for the last fifty years, leading to a reduction in the population. The fertility rate has reduced from six children per household to less than two children. This part of the lesson made me wonder why such a case has to be in Brazil when it was one of the growing nations in the world. Consequently, this topic on the human population not only informed me of how the fertility rate in Brazil has reduced, but it also diversified my understanding of how government and societal influences the population in other nations.…



Pterosaurs             Various studies and research suggest that pterosaurs were among the first flying reptiles to have successfully evolved great flight as vertebrates. In addition to these airborne capabilities, the wings of the pterosaurs were a combination of skin membrane and other stretched tissues extending from the lengthened fingers to the ankles (Naish, et al, 51). An article suggests that they were in existence during the Mesozoic era which spanned from the late Triassic period to the Cretaceous period, an average of 230 to 67 million years ago. Through scientific discovery, the analysis presents pterosaur’s specimen that further reveal detailed information about the same (Hyder, 17). The report asserts that these creatures had four different varieties of feathers for instance in terms of structures. This paper aims at researching on pterosaurs, with a particular interest in time of existence, diet constituents as well as hunting mechanisms. Results from a detailed study and research approve that since the fossils of this creature have been found to dominate the Bavaria region in Germany in the Jurassic period, it is, therefore, possible to…

Environmental Scanning             Various studies conducted in the recent past, it has come to light that most of the marketing activities of multiple firms are subject to external and internal factors. It has also been proven that some elements tend to control the firms while others are not. For this reason, organisations are forced to adapt to such environments to avoid being affected by such issues. Economists based on some studies describe a marketing environment as a combination of internal as well as external factors that affect the ability of a firm to serve and establish a positive relationship with their customers (Singh, 45). The internal environment comprises the specifics of the firm such as the employees, owners, investments such as machines and materials among others. The external environment, on the other hand, refers to the micro and macro factors. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that forces and actors outside marketing affect the management abilities and their ability to maintain a successful and positive relationship with the market. This paper seeks to address the different management functions for the…

 issues linked to the 7th program in the MDGs, MDG 7 This paper seeks to describe the issues linked to the 7th program in the MDGs, MDG 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability and reduce child mortality. It placed the political and the economic prosperity of the country at the hands of the people residing within the nation. The country sought to implement the program using the MDGs developed through the UN charter alongside the devolved system of government brought into the world. MDG 7 mainly seeks to reduce the cases on child mortality across the globe, especially among the children in the developing countries (Sachs 56). It also seeks to create a sustainable environment by ensuring that people on the surface of the earth adhere to the environmentally friendly practices that would help in the regulation of exposure to wastes and other harmful effects to both humans and animals living in the globe. ustainable environment has been considered as the new fit used in the development programs in the country. This gesture is based on the fact most of the services…

Framing the Decision In the second step of decision making, the focus would be on using the available time and resources to define the purpose, scope, and perspective of the decision to be made. Clarity is essential at this step in determining success. Therefore, there is a need to have the right decision framing to make the right decisions. Based on the PPO and CAPO struggle, the three aspects will play roles as elaborated below. Purpose PPO has no obligation but to meet the demands made by CAPO in terms of observing the right environmental behaviors that will minimize the current damages. As a result, PPO will have an opportunity to address this concern as well as putting many efforts in enhancing sustainability in palm oil production. The purpose of this approach is to make sure that PPO remains in business, register success, and make profits (UMGC, 2019). For example, one way of framing would have decisions that will lead to short-term profit loss that will ensure there is a long-term solution for environmental issues that have been advocated by…

The Kinder Morgan Pipeline Expansion (KMPE) project Introduction: The Trans Mountain Pipeline has been operational since 1953. It runs from Edmonton, Alberta to terminals and refineries along the west coast of B.C. The expansion of this system would follow the same route as the existing one with a run of 980km. The new pipeline system would transport refined products, synthetic crude oils, light crude oils, and heavier oils. Besides, it would triple the capacity for carrying barrels from approximately 300,000 to 890,000 per day. Also, the TMEP would be subjected to an additional 19 new tanks to the existing storage terminals. With this capacity, the terminal is forecast to serve up to 37 vessels per month. This would be an increase of 14 percent of total marine traffic in Port of Vancouver today. This project is expected to cost $7.4 billion while generating more profits. Besides, the project is expected to create more jobs, generate tax revenues, and stimulate economic growth for the benefit of all Canadians.   The Kinder Morgan Pipeline Expansion (KMPE) project has been one of the…

Household cleaning products on the growth of house plants Introduction Do household owners use special hazardous waste disposal services as health officers recommend? Common household cleaning products include detergents which help in the removal of dirt and foreign matter from contaminated clothes, surface, toilets, and utensils, among others. The detergents are common in homes and industries and help in the dispensation of oil spills as well as pesticide formulations, among others (Yahaya, Okpuzor, and Oladele 638). Currently, a lot of changes occur in the formation of household cleaning products, with the majority of the substances becoming soluble in water while others are in liquid form. Household detergents can contain various chemicals and vague ingredients. Homeowners might worry about such chemicals, and their effects on household plants as such chemicals dilute when they enter the water supply or wastages and become dangerous to plants if spilled, sprayed, or accidentally watered to plants (Yahaya, Okpuzor, and Oladele 638). Exploration Abstract The present study attempts to prove that household cleaning products have chemicals that have negative impacts on the germination, development, and growth…

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