The Jilting of Grandma Weatherall In Katherine Ann Porter’s short story, The Jilting of Grandma Weatherall, the author uses a condescending tone to pass her message. The recurrent theme in the story revolves around loss and grief of Granny Weatherall. In her younger days, Granny Weatherfall experienced her first loss when her fiancé George failed to show up for their wedding. The theme of loss is also expressed when she recalls the death of her second husband, John. She sadly remembers the age of John when he died and compared it to the present age of her children. In her hospital bed, Granny Weatherall fails to recognize that she is sick, and her impending mortality near. She denies death, which is the ultimate loss for any human being, as she is haunted by other losses she had encountered through her eighty years of existence. Throughout the story, a sense of denial is felt. For instance, Granny Weatherfall fails to acknowledge that she is sick. She also seems to make references to her late husband, John, clearly indicating that she hasn’t…

Network addressing and security Technical requirements There is need to subnet the existing network using a network and it will involve 8 subnets and 25 hosts on each subnet. Proposed subnet Subnet Network Address Host Address Range Broadcast Address Subnet Mask: Classroom 1 (First Floor) – Classroom 2 (First Floor) 192.168.3. 32 – Classroom 1 (Second Floor) 192.168.3. 64 – Classroom2 (Second Floor) –  Admissions (Second Floor) – Student Computer Lab – Library – Wi-Fi Network –   Firewall implementation Technical requirements There is a need to determine whether the information on the network should be allowed to proceed or not and to go ahead to find out if the various solutions when it comes to securing the data. Moreover, there are needs to define the security requirements in detail before settling on a solution. Proposed network security hardware The firewall is will ensure that the network is…

Poverty and its causes             This research assignment is based on the article, Causes of Poverty, Alex Addae-Korankye being the author under the American international journal of social science and the article was published in December 2014. The study analyzes and reviews what poverty is, its causes and the effects of poverty. The study limits the causes of poverty to a few factors that include poor governance, corruption, limited or scarce employment opportunities, poor infrastructure and resources usage, and unending conflicts. However, the study asserts that policies and strategies have been adopted to be able to achieve a poverty reduced state. From the available evidence in the article, the aim of this research assignment is to define and determine the core causes of poverty. In addition, the study investigates the impact of poverty on society and how best to avert the problem. Addae (2), defines poverty as the state of lacking sufficient resources or income or the lack of basic needs to sustain the survival of a people or person. It is an intricate phenomenon that refers to the insufficiency…

Essay on Medical Social Work And Theory   Introduction Professional interventions are often based on several models that make an attempt at explaining the health of people according to their behavior, in behavioral medicine. This is what is termed as the Health behavior theory. Health behavior theories include; social cognitive theory (SCT), The theories of reasoned Action (TRA), theories of planned behavior (TPB), protection motivation theory (PMT), and health belief model. The theories that are used most often are the social cognitive theory, health belief model and theory of planned behavior. This paper is mainly focused on discussing about the social cognitive theory in detail. The Social Cognitive Theory The social cognitive theory initially begun as the social learning theory and was developed in the year 1960 by Albert Bandura, a pioneer in social cognitive theory. It asserts that learning takes place in a social context that has a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the person, behavior and environment. The social cognitive theory is unique in that; it emphasizes on social influence as well as external and internal social reinforcement…

The State of Environment in Poland The state of Poland’s environment has been on the forefront of the European Environment Agency since the ejection of the communist regime in the country. The Polish government together with the help of non-governmental organizations are putting a lot of effort into combating environmental pollution of its country. The core cause of the dilapidation of the environment is the high rates of deforestation during the World War II, where four million acres of forest were destroyed, mining activities (such as those highlighted by Gąsiorek et al (2017) in Cracow and Katowice Voivodship which release a lot of dust and harmful metals such as zinc, Sulphur. Manganese, phenol, lead and their oxides.), and the high rates of acidification in the region. However, Durka et al (2017) confirms that the environmental agency in the country has proved to take control of the environment since it has shown improved environmental status in terms of decreased Green House Gases (GHGs) emission, noise pollution, ionization radiations, air pollution, industrial waste as well as increased protection of the country’s biodiversity.…

Service Level Agreement (SLA) A service level agreement is a formal agreement between two parties, usually a service provider and customer, that contains requirements, responsibilities and standards of service. SLA establishes communications between the party and provides clarity on any responsibility between the parties. Thus, it helps to reduce conflict between the parties and controls the overall expectations. Basic components of SLA SLA contains some essential elements to serve as a well-organized arrangement. They are: Overview: serves as an introduction to the agreement and includes necessary information such as names of the parties, starting and ending dates of the agreement. Goals and objectives: it mentions the overall purpose behind drawing up the contract and ability to obtain an agreement. Stakeholder: it mentions all the probable parties who may be involved in the transactions between the parties (Peoples et al.,2019). Service agreement: this is the essential part of the transaction. It contains vital components for which the service provider is responsible, such as the services offered with the agreement, customer requirements, service provider’s requirements in case of incidents, and situations and…

Coffee Shops with the Most Interesting Menus in Toronto A little food makes your morning-cap-a-Joe go down better. It also gives you some extra energy to get you to lunch or through the day. Toronto’s coffee shops are not just an ideal meeting point. They also serve up some tasty menus. This city has many spots where you can have brunch or eat at any time if the day. Here are some Coffee Shops with the Most Interesting Menus in Toronto: Infuse Cafe Bar The Infuse café bar is laid back sport that serves coffee, tea and mostly pastries by day. However, they serve tea-infused cocktails late into the night. Their menu is a little eclectic. You can have nachos, nuts, Japanese cheesecakes and other baked goodies. They also serve steak dinners from Wednesday to Sunday. Early Bird Coffee & Kitchen This is one of Toronto’s most Instagramable coffee shops in Toronto. The interior has a clean, yet natural feel and they serve the best international roast. But, the menu is a real work of art. The food is presented…

Air Quality Impacts One of the most profound effects of climate changes has been the deterioration of air quality in the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that pollution levels in the country exceed national air quality standards for all common pollutants (EPA, 2019). Higher temperatures from global warming have increased allergens and air pollutants. In turn, the increase in air pollutants has made the air we breathe increasingly dangerous for our health, and is associated with acute respiratory and cardiovascular diseases (Crimmins et al., 2016). Changes to weather patterns due to climate change have further contributed to an increase and redistribution of outdoor air pollutants, including delicate particulate matter, ozone, and carbon dioxide (Crimmins et al., 2016). The quality of indoor air has also been impacted as outdoor air pollutants and allergens find their way into residential and commercial buildings (Crimmins et al., 2016). Human activity has contributed significantly to air pollution and global warming through the production of greenhouse gases and other harmful chemicals. Despite a person’s age, race, or social class, we all breathe in the…

The best drone in cold weather.   For the hobbyist, it’s interesting to fly a drone in cold, winter, and summer. To them, there is no significant difference—some doubts whether it’s risky to launch a drone into the air at subzero temperatures. Experienced drone pilots know very well that when the temperature lowers, the battery’s performance that the drones are equipped with deteriorates. You will experience these issues when reach weather conditions close to or below zero degrees Celsius. Before the end of this article, you know the best drone for cold weather and tips on what to check out when you are flying a drone at a low temperature. There are significant parameters and limits you should put in your mind for your drone to fly safely in cold weather, in terms of: Highest wind speed Range of operating temperatures maximum flight altitude Here are the best drones for cold weather: DJI Phantom 3 – 10m/s wind speed, temperature limit 32’F to 104’F, and maximum altitude limit of 6000m DJI Phantom 4- 10m/s wind speed, temperature limit 32’F to…

One of Five recommendation: With the growth in technology and increase awareness by the consumer due to access to information, companies are necessitated to maintain ethical standards to remain relevant in the market. Ethical brands are now getting more recognition as people realize the importance of maintaining ethical standards by organizations for the well-being of the consumer. Upon these realizations, numerous brands are striving to maintain or enhance their ethical brand image to remain competitive in the market. A good example is the Coca-Cola company who have had difficulty meeting their financial objectives due to a few ethical crises. One of its biggest challenges is how to tackle plastic pollution, especially considering the soft drink company has been declared the most pollutant of plastic in the world, producing up to 3M tonnes of plastic yearly (Laville, 2020). . Nonetheless, Coca-Cola can look to adopt various ethical based theories to enhance its brand ethical image. Virtue Ethics is one of the theories that can assist the company. In this approach to ethics, the emphasis is made on individual characters as the…

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