Schools in South Korea Located in East Asia, South Korea is one of the most heavily militarized countries in the world. The country is famous due to its high-tech cities, old Buddhist temples, and sub-tropical islands. South Korea ranks 7th in the 2018 PISA rankings. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the country is the most educated in the world. South Korea has a top-quality education system. Compulsory education begins from age six to the age of fifteen years. Students spend six years in primary school, three years in lower secondary, and three years in upper secondary education. A majority of the country’s children are in preschool. Parents have the option of a public or private preschool. However, the ratio of private to public education is 7:3. Primary education consists of nine core subjects. These subjects include moral education, mathematics, Korean language, science, physical education, music, fine arts, practical arts, and social science. Primary school aims to develop the students to civic moral members of society. The study also aims to improve the basic abilities, skills,…

challenges that face sustainability in the modern environment Executive Summary The purpose of this assignment is to review some of the challenges that face sustainability in the modern environment. As it is notable, the current world has had its fair share of these issues, and it has been hard for business people to handle the matters effectively. The second section of the paper also addresses the current approaches that institutions are putting in place to ensure that their employees and their customers are well served. Through the incorporation of this, there is high hope that the customers will pay more attention and respect the companies even more. The obvious consequences of this involve the resolution of some public opinion misconceptions and increased loyalty in the companies. The final part of the paper will be the creation of a business model that handles the sustainability issue and further advice on recommendations to resolve the issue. Introduction The contemporary environment has seen different types of business entities and depending on the structure and the situation where the company operates, then it is…

use of Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs) The use of Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs) has emerged as an area of high interest and study due to their ability to use the transfer of heat from a region of low, medium sources of temperature to generate power. Different sources of heat are essential in powering ORCs, including geothermal energy and solar energy. The proposed ORC system will generate solar energy in San Diego for large scale applications in the nearby institutions. The proposed solar power plant based on the ORC system with proper optimization to attain economies of production. An innovative solar organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system with water is proposed. A heat storage unit is fixed in the ORC to certify generation and power stability. The system proposed deters intermediate secondary transfer of heat and presents a good reaction for solar radiation transfer, thereby providing power to the hospitals and universities in San Diego. The industrial solar thermal plant will throttle from 100-40% of the maximum power output based on grid demand as a function of the time and day of…

The Purpose of Scanning the Market Environment (150) Because of the advancement in technology, the majority of the businesses work in an information economy whereby the success of an organization relies on knowledge than the resource they possess. Therefore, in this perspective, competitiveness is primarily on the capability to obtain, treat, and utilize informative materials effectively to make company decisions. The environment in which an entity operates can create challenges and opportunities for the syndicate, surge the level of ambiguity, and can lead to information search (de Lorenzi, Junior & Rossetto, 2014). Due to the uncertainty created by the surrounding, managers need to scan their environment to avoid being overtaken by risks and enabling the enterprise to function as an open system. Environmental scanning (ES) refers to a tool utilized by organizations to analyze their surrounding, and its efficiency relies on some underlying aspects. Studies indicate that ES is an essential component since the process allows businesses to work as an open system, and it enables managers to change marketing techniques based on the prevailing environmental conditions. Notably, numerous enterprises…

 strategies on how to choose the right kitchen utensils It’s a great feeling in the kitchen having the right utensils, which saves you time and energy. Also, it feels excellent serving your family and guest with high standard appliances. Before purchasing kitchen gadgets, you need to examine the best and long-lasting ones. However, you are supposed to acquire information from friends and different websites before coming up with a conclusion. The best kitchens gadgets are worth spending for and can never disappoint you. There are several reasons as to why you want to have a new appliance, that is, maybe you want to replace the older ones, or you want to start a home. However, here are several strategies on how to choose the right kitchen utensils. Gadget sets First, decide whether you need the appliances individually or as a set. Buying the tools as a set is more economical than purchasing them separately. It is also an added advantage since all of them will match hence making your kitchen neat and organized. On the other hand, buying gadgets gives…

 diethyl ether as a fuel and an additive in diesel engines 1. Literature review This paper used various researches done on diethyl ether as a fuel and an additive in diesel engines. There are multiple methods used to minimize the harmful exhaust emission from diesel engines. There different procedures used to remove the detrimental discharge on diesel engines (Sezer, 2019). The first technique was to modify the engine design and fuel injection, which is very costly and time-consuming. The second technique that was not as effective as it negatively affected engine performance; it used various exhaust gas devices. Finally, the other method was the use of multiple fuel substitutes and fuel additives, which worked well; it abridged emission and enhanced engine performance (Sezer, 2018). Nitrogen oxide (NO) and particulate matters (PM) are significant pollutants and are difficult to be eliminated. The only solution to reduce emissions is the use of various additives, which include the use of addictive conventional fuel diesel and alternative fuel, natural gas, biogas, among others. Therefore, the use of other fuel and fuel additives stood to…

Routine violations Violations of the established rules, procedures, and standards have also been a source of human-related errors in the aviation industry. While many violations occur, routine and exceptional are the most popularly associated with accidents. For this reason, having a comprehensive evaluation of these violations can shed some valuable insights concerning their correlation with mishaps. Routine violations. Popularly known as bending the rules, this type of error often one of the chief causes of accidents in the aviation industry. While individual operators perpetrate routine violations, they are mostly tolerated by systems of supervision and management that allow such departures from the established guidelines (Shappell et al., 2007). In this sense, this violation is habitual in nature because the governing bodies do not have a problem with its execution. Placed within the context of air transport, some regulators may allow operators to fly aircraft that have been grounded because of their safety concerns. For example, some countries such as the united states were not quick to ground the Boeing 737 Max planes after being declared unsafe in most jurisdictions. Such…

 use of lithium-ion batteries Renewable energy sources are essential in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the creation of a sustainable society. They are crucial in reducing our dependence on environmental pollutants such as oil, natural gas, and coal (Kotcher et al., 2019, P. 1082). However, the challenge with the use of renewable energy is their dependence on environmental conditions. Solar energy, for instance, is entirely dependent on sunlight, and if there is no sunlight, it becomes an unreliable source of energy. Such challenges demand the use of lithium-ion batteries, which allows for the solar energy to be harnessed and stored until when required (Choi et al., 2016, P.12). A lithium-ion battery is made up of three components, namely two electrodes and a chemical medium called an electrolyte. For the cell to generate electricity, a chemical reaction must occur, triggering the electrons to move from the anode (negatively charged electrode) to cathode (positively charged electrode).when the stored power is exhausted, the battery is recharged consequently sending the electrons back to the negatively charged anode. Globally, the…

Malcolm x  journey to Mecca As Malcolm x went through his journey to Mecca, he had a strong belief that the black and the white race could never come together and live peacefully. Loving in America where racism was very high made Malcolm believe that white people are evil, and they have the privilege to enjoy good things in life while black people suffer under the expense of the whites. Through his journey in Mecca, he was able to change his mind about white people, after realizing that not all white people are evil. The journey changed his mind and transformed all his initial believes after seeing different people from different races coming together and working without barriers. “Never have i seen such a beautiful sight nor witnessed such a scene nor felt such an atmosphere” (378) are the words he used to describe the appearance of different races interacting without minding their racial differences. He later set goals to work for the principles he now believed. He explained that it was his first time experiencing color blindness in the…

urban infrastructure decision-making model This paper highlights the urban infrastructure decision-making model. According to research, model seeks to explain complex processes solution based on selected decisions as well as the actions that have been taken. The initial problem is linked to the final decision to ensure that the proper procedures were followed. It also allows one to take relevant actions that will solve the problems faster and better. Following this, the power theories of the Crespi and Gallon have been used. An explanatory social framework has been used for the initial and final phases. Between these two, it was found that social judgment links them; hence it is crucial to put into consideration the societal feelings before arriving into any conclusions. In the study, different case studies presented to highlight why problem definition is essential in any organization. When a problem is defined, it is, therefore, natural for the solution to be made. The answer has to fit in the typical social structures. Following the proceedings of study, different solutions evaluated and the best choice selected. It ensures that there…

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