Journal Reading Reflect Ethnic Studies in the Age of Transnationalism by Agnes Lugo-Ortiz, Robert Warrior, R. Radhakrishnan, Juana María Rodríguez and Mark A. Sanders The article critically analyzes the themes brought about by ethnicity and transnationalism. These two concepts become relevant, especially in the study of the history of the United States of America. From the article, my understanding is that the globalized world of today has embraced and acknowledged societies as having features of different manifestations and constitutes cultural diversity. On the other hand, transnationalism depicts that there exists a stable interpersonal relationship among migrants in a given country border. As a result, such a relationship affects a wide range of phenomena, such a sense of belonging. Ethnicity should not be put against transnationalism. Instead, as Juana Maria Rodrigues puts it; “Multiple frames of inquiry are required to understand the complexities of racialized signification practices that animate the cultural worlds in which we live and study.”   Race and the Shaping of U.S. immigration policy by Donald S. Dobkin From the article, it is evident that different factors in…

A Critical Evaluation of Marine Plastics in the Lenses of Roland Geyer’s Work Contents Introduction. 3 The Current Sources of Marine Plastics. 3 Discharging Plastics Materials Direct to the Sea. 4 Ocean Currents. 4 Single-Use of Plastic Materials. 4 Fishing Nets. 5 The Outcome and Effect of Marine Plastic Debris. 5 Upsetting the Food Chain. 5 The Toxic Plastic Components Leaking to the Underground Water. 6 Entangling Fish and Other Marine Organisms. 6 A Reduction of Tourism.. 6 Threatening the Livelihoods of Communities that Depend on Fishing and Other Marine Activities  7 Posing a Navigation Problem.. 7 The Possible Solutions for the Complicated Issue. 7 Recycling of Plastic Materials. 7 Encourage the Production of Biodegradable Materials. 8 Educating People on the Need for Conserving the Environment 8 Impose Strict Regulations Concerning Plastic Pollution. 9 Conclusion. 9 References. 11 Introduction According to Geyer (2019), the management of the environment, especially the control of plastic pollution, is critical for the wellbeing of marine plants and animals, as well as the general good of populace across the world. The work by Geyer (2019)…

5 Natural Ways To Protect Your Dog From Fleas With six strong legs capable of leaping, it’s smooth for fleas to move around and hide on your dog or cat’s fur, your carpet, mattress sheets, in cushions, or even in house plants. Female adult fleas can lay up to 50 eggs each day. Those eggs then fall off and continue to be covered in the dirt, cracks, and crevices of your home, in pets bedding or on your carpet, where they hatch into larvae. In about 10 days, the larvae emerge. Flea larvae are slender, pale creatures. They feed on organic debris, including their own cast-of skins and the feces of adult fleas. When fully developed, a larva spins a cocoon, pupates, and emerges as a famished leaping flea . . . looking for a ride and a meal. Symptoms of flea bites Fleas can take excessive blood from the body of their host; as a result, they can cause anemia. The pet will become very weak in consequence; the symptoms get worsen according to its age. The effect of…

Exploration and Effects on Native Americans European explorers first landed in the late 1400s on the shores of what is presently North America. According to historians, what motivated European exploration was religion, glory, and hunt for precious metals. The religious motivation is evident in the way European Christians spread the word of God by organizing crusades and religious battles that sought to make Jerusalem a religious place. They also had the desire to possess the holy lands, and that is why they had a war of violence against Muslims. The Europeans traced trade paths to the Asian markets hoping to acquire global recognition for the state. The crusades that European explorers introduced, enhanced the maritime trade. As the crusaders came into contact with spices, silk, and porcelain, the demand for the products generated fresh markets for traders. The main problem that the European explorers had while transporting products was the robbers and Muslim middlemen (“Motivation for European Conquest of the New World (article),” n.d.). Also, the Muslim rulers took advantage of European explorers by not telling them where the Spice…

Kinder Morgan’s Journey in Reducing Methane Emissions   In the last few years, market forces and innovation have transformed the natural gas industry; the industry has sparked a revolution whereby the United States is on the cusp of long-awaited energy independence and has achieved energy dominance as the world’s leading producer of natural gas. Kinder Morgan owns and operates one of the largest natural gas networks with approximately 70,000 miles of natural gas pipelines. Their natural gas network is connected to every important U.S. natural gas resource play, including the Eagle Ford, Marcellus, Utica, Uinta, Haynesville, Fayetteville, and Barnett and moves about 40 percent of the natural gas consumed in America. While striving for a zero-carbon economy may sound good, trying to phase out and eliminate the use of natural gas doesn’t. Natural Gas has been responsible for the American energy resurgence, at the same time, reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, methane emissions from the energy sector decreased 14 percent from 1990 to 2016, while natural gas output increased by more than 50 percent…

“FDR vs. Hitler: American Foreign Policy, 1933 – 1945” The period between 1933 – 1945 is significant in America’s history.  American entry into the Second World War has always been questioned. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s war policies were more influential in determining American intervention during the Second World War. Even though America’s entry into World War II was catalyzed by many factors, the primary catalyst of the US entry into the war was the fear of Hitler. For a long time, Franklin Delano Roosevelt used several strategies, including domestic and international policies, military and diplomatic and economic efforts to restore peace; however, he was already aware that war was inevitable. Nazi Germany had been a threat to America, and the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor confirmed American fear. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s main concern was Adolf Hitler. Since his early years serving as the assistant secretary in the naval office in the Wilson administration,   Roosevelt was much aware of the possibility of entering into war. During his tenure as the president, he focused on bringing the country out of depression. However, he…

Guidelines for Choosing The Best CBD Products As the CBD industry continues to expand, more and more companies will venture into the market, and that means more options for customers. However, although it is excellent to have more options, it opens doors for people with questionable products. The good news is, there are established regulations o regulate and monitor the claims made by brands that deal with CBD. You also need to pay attention to the following tips to ensure that you purchase the best product. The Extraction Process The CBD industry is young, and so there are no regulations for the extraction of the products. Different companies employ their methods for converting hemp into CBD oil. As they say cheap is expensive, companies that sell their products at low prices may choose to use more economical methods that require the use of harmful substances like propane to save on costs. Before purchasing CBD, make sure you go through the company’s website and consult a customer service representative to get information on the production of the product. It is better…

Lab report :The Effect of Male Fertility on the Amount of Eggs produced in Female Bean Beetles. Abstract The main goal of this investigation was to find out whether mating of a virgin male to a virgin female produces more eggs than virgin females who copulated with non-virgin males. This study hypothesizes that beetles who are virgin copulating with other female virgins makes produces more eggs than female beetles who have to copulate with non-virgin males. Males who are non-virgin are assumed to cause less egg production by virgin female beetles. The study predicts that if we mating of both male and female virgin beetles will lay more eggs than the copulation of males who are non-virgin with females never copulated before. The research involves groups of virgin female and male beetles or non-virgin males and virgin females and documented the amount of eggs per bean (n= 20 females per treatment). The outcome variable in this study was the volume of eggs produced by virgin females. In contrast, the predictor variable was the virginity status of a male beetle (virgin…

Light Spectrum and Plant Growth It is imperative to note that plants require light as an essential ingredient in the manufacturing of their food, and course growth and development. Moreover, botanists have established that the rate at which the chloroplasts absorb different wavelengths of light vary depending on the significance of the wavelength in the photosynthesis. In this regard, and view of the experiment, it is worth noting that the red light is the best light that stimulates plant growth. When a relative quantum efficiency curve on the rate of growth of plants under different light colors is drawn, then the red color will have the highest average. This reasoning is also supported by the experiment in which different plants are allowed to grow in restricted light wavelengths. The plants that are put in the red light will have extended growth leading to relatively taller plants as compared to those produced in other color bands. Again from the experiment, it is imperative to note that when plants are subjected to different unitary wavelengths, then the plants growing under green light…

BENEFITS OF A GROW TENT IN YOUR HOME Many of us wish to grow our favorite plants all year round. But this is sometimes challenging because of climate issues, infestations, and lack of growing space to mention but a few. But luckily, an indoor grow tent is an easy solution to this problem. A grow tent, also known as a grow room, is a collapsible indoor gardening tent that allows you to grow your desired plants indoors. Because a grow tent is usually in an enclosed space, you will be able to benefit from a hydroponic garden that has enough grow lights. Furthermore, the tent provides enough insulation to retain the heat that consequently stimulates the growth of the plants. But the best part is, you can set up your grow tent just about anywhere you have space; be it in a garage, basement or a spare room, provided you have electrical access and ventilation. Sounds good, right?   What are the benefits of a grow tent? Improved growing environment When you grow your plants in a grow tent, you…

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