Nourse and Roulac’s (1993) and Weatherhead (1997) Models             Different models, such as Nourse and Roulac’s (1993) and Weatherhead (1997), were developed to address the aligning corporate real estate (CRE) strategies. The basic procedures involved in this concept are understanding; business strategy, market performance, making a real estate plan, and its implementation. Nourse and Roulac’s (1993) is a triangular model with three corporate strategic drivers, which comprise of operating decisions that offer direction. Similarly, Weatherhead’s (1997) is a linear flowchart model, which involves three main procedures; understanding the role of real estate in business, creation of strategy, and incorporating the plan with real estate objectives. First, the three corporate strategies that a firm may apply include multi-domestic, transnational, and global approaches, which the company deems appropriate for business involving real estate. Nourse and Roulac’s (1993) proposed that decisions on strategies have to be specific to the scope of products and markets. Consequently, the three corporate plans, which form elements at the vertices of the triangle, are interrelated through feedback (Heywood, 2011). These decisions determine the driving forces, which guide the…

Dependable Air Conditioning Services In Chattanooga, TN ers need regular service to ensure they are working optimally. Well-service equipment works efficiently and consumes less energy. When you call experts from Metro Plumbing, Heating and Air Company in Chattanooga, TN, we will take several measures to ensure your system serves you better and for longer. An air conditioning system is essential for both office buildings and homes. That’s why you need an HVAC system. Such a system works to ensure the occupants of your building are comfortable. The components of the AC system will assist you in controlling the proper inflow and indoor climate, to ensure your occupants neither sweat nor freeze. A well-maintained HVAC system also has health benefits. It will prevent the growth of mould which thrive in damp, warm areas. That’s why if there’s a problem with your heating and AC system, you need to call an expert plumber to offer the necessary Air Conditioning Service.   Maintaining Your HVAC System Prevention is better than cure. When you always wait until your AC system breaks down before you…

The Jilting of Grandma Weatherall In Katherine Ann Porter’s short story, The Jilting of Grandma Weatherall, the author uses a condescending tone to pass her message. The recurrent theme in the story revolves around loss and grief of Granny Weatherall. In her younger days, Granny Weatherfall experienced her first loss when her fiancé George failed to show up for their wedding. The theme of loss is also expressed when she recalls the death of her second husband, John. She sadly remembers the age of John when he died and compared it to the present age of her children. In her hospital bed, Granny Weatherall fails to recognize that she is sick, and her impending mortality near. She denies death, which is the ultimate loss for any human being, as she is haunted by other losses she had encountered through her eighty years of existence. Throughout the story, a sense of denial is felt. For instance, Granny Weatherfall fails to acknowledge that she is sick. She also seems to make references to her late husband, John, clearly indicating that she hasn’t…

The best drone in cold weather.   For the hobbyist, it’s interesting to fly a drone in cold, winter, and summer. To them, there is no significant difference—some doubts whether it’s risky to launch a drone into the air at subzero temperatures. Experienced drone pilots know very well that when the temperature lowers, the battery’s performance that the drones are equipped with deteriorates. You will experience these issues when reach weather conditions close to or below zero degrees Celsius. Before the end of this article, you know the best drone for cold weather and tips on what to check out when you are flying a drone at a low temperature. There are significant parameters and limits you should put in your mind for your drone to fly safely in cold weather, in terms of: Highest wind speed Range of operating temperatures maximum flight altitude Here are the best drones for cold weather: DJI Phantom 3 – 10m/s wind speed, temperature limit 32’F to 104’F, and maximum altitude limit of 6000m DJI Phantom 4- 10m/s wind speed, temperature limit 32’F to…

Benefits of Air Conditioners | Importance of Air Conditioners| Advantages of Using Air Conditioners {Who doesn’t love that fresh air in their homes or workplace? | The fresh air in your home or place of work, who doesn’t love that? | Who doesn’t love their home place of workplace having fresh air?} {That air that is just perfect without any trace of impurities. | That purified air that is just perfect. | That perfect and purified air.} {However, you don’t know how to get rid of that dust from the air in your living room. | You could not be in a position to know how to keep the air in your place pure. | The set back is that you can’t free your air from impurities.} {The air in your workplace can be hot and makes you uncomfortable. | Your workplace can be uncomfortable due to the hot air. | The hot air in your workplace could make you uncomfortable.} {You keep on getting that humid air that makes you feel uncomfortable in your office. | Your office is…

Can I Take My Electronic Scooter Off-Road? Introduction When you decide to take your scooter out for a ride, you may want to go off-road and enjoy the fresh air, scenery, and thrill. However, this is a luxury that you may not enjoy with most scooters as most as built as lightweight and may not stand the tough terrain. Luckily, with the growing number of manufacturers, there are scooter models that are built to withstand the challenging and rough roads with ease. In this article, I am going to guide you and some of the things you need to know about off road electronic scooters and suggest to you the top three that are currently available in the market. Do Electronic Scooters Work on Gravel? It is important to note that not all electric scooters can handle the rough/dirt road. For you to be able to ride on a gravel road, it will depend on the scooter that you invest in. It will have to be well built to be suitable for the rough terrain; thus it will have to…

Bullwhip effect 1.      Executive Summary Business success is the main aim of all entrepreneurs. The interest of every entrepreneur is the satisfaction of the needs of its clients. Maximizing profits with minimum production cost is the glow of a business. Many businesses have a fear of losses or operating in great fear of the loss which may be incurred.  However, various businesses have different types of customers and face different challenges and opportunities. Therefore, each business exhibits different customer purchase behavior. Among the key consideration for the success of a business is the keen eye of the bullwhip effect. This affects the supply chain management of a business in various ways. There are various uncertainties when the demand for a commodity is very little to the end consumer of products. This leads to uncertainties even to the manufacturer of the commodities. Therefore, the bullwhip effect should be minimized and brought to the point of equilibrium to prompt adequate and stable running of the business. There are various ways of the digital aspects of running a business with the correct prediction…

5 Amazing Things about Female Boston terrier Puppy Summary – Boston Terriers are fast moving dogs and should be let out only on a leash. Training them well, include them into your family. Plenty of options for owing a pet dog are available and you have to invest for the right one. If you are in search of a cute look and compact dog breed, it is Boston Terriers. With sturdy build, they are intelligent compared to others. Below are mentioned some details of its female breed. Structural facts A female Boston Terriers can be 10 to 20 lbs in weight and 16 inches in withers. This breed is compact and cute looking little dogs with broad chests. With square head, flat on top, its muzzle is short and broad. The appealing round and dark eyes are sure to make you fall in love with them and you can easily decide to keep them as your pet. But you have to ensure that you train them correctly if you wish to include them in your family. Therefore, when you wish…

Weather policy and procedures For this activity, you will assume the role of a manager of flight operations for an aviation organization. Conduct research and develop your organization’s weather policy and procedures to brief to the organization’s president.   Your presentation must include: Strategies to collect reliable weather informationA risk management approach to facilitate a Go-No-Go DecisionStrategy to adapt to changing weather phenomenon Your presentation must include a minimum of five, but no more than eight, slides not including the title slide or reference slide, have embedded audio, and include speaker notes.  Refer to Presentation Assignment Guidance for more information and review the rubric for this activity. Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or desсrіption). Do not add punctuation or special characters.[unique_solution] Weather policy and procedures For this activity, you will assume the role of a manager of flight operations for an aviation organization. Conduct research and develop your organization’s weather policy and procedures to brief to the organization’s president.   Your presentation must include: Strategies to collect reliable weather…

Soundproofing Barn Doors The current trend in modern homes is including barn doors inside the home. The rustic look and feel add a certain warmth to the house that many homeowners seek. Sliding barn doors are particularly a favorite for many homeowners. However, one of the most significant challenges that these doors present is all the noise they make. You can be sure you will hear every time someone opens or closes a barn door. Recently, we moved into a home with barn doors, and all the noise almost made me crazy. So, I sought out different ways to make the doors quieter. Like any other soundproofing project, there are several ways to achieve the same result. Well, if you have been wondering how to soundproof your barn doors, this article should provide some inspiration. Here are several ways through which you can dampen the noise from your barn doors. Weatherstripping This is probably the most common way to soundproof your barn door. Weatherstripping involves sealing off cracks, holes, or openings in your door. Homeowners use weather stripping to prevent…

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