Place/Distribution Channel Strategy Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date                 Place/Distribution Channel Strategy For the first three years, Penn National Gaming looks to increase Fitzpatrick’s market share by attracting more customers with the American gaming culture. Therefore, we believe with the adoption of our subsidiary’s six casinos in Dublin will act as the first step into not only focusing on slot machines but providing our customers with the best in-house experience in Ireland. To reach our goal, we plan to task the marketing department with ensuring that in the first year of business, all the six casinos incorporate all the necessary in-house activities and resources that depict the American casino. This move will target to increase the growth of casino gaming and get ahead of the competitors in this market category. The next two years would then follow intensive and aggressive marketing of our casinos as an alternative to the vast online and shops market. As of now, we find only €65 million in revenue per year raised from…

                                                                 Masa Pljeskovic 1a. The BCG matrix is critical in assisting a business in analyzing the growth opportunities by reviewing the market growth and share of the products and furthers key in making the decisions on where to invests, to continues and or to develop products (Nasution et al., 2019, p 28). For the Yamaha Company, there is three operations that are key in the development of the SCG analysis that is on the critical business units, which are, Motorcycles, e-Bike Systems, and Industrial Robots. Question marks (e-Bikee system) These often represent a business unit in the considerably low market shares in a higher growth industry. As the name is suggesting the question marks, and in the case of Yamaha, the e-bike systems, it is quite difficult for these beguines units to become the stars or drop to the Dogs categories. This is because the business units will call for the company to invest a considerably large amount of investment to gain or maintaining the market share to become a star product. It falls in this category because it…

my desire to become a nurse Having a mother and a sister as a nurse, my desire to become a nurse came very naturally. Eleven years ago, when I was in my senior years, I was determined to move to Canada to continue my post-secondary education in a nursing program. However, all the schools that I applied to rejected my application because I was an international student. My desire to work in the health care field did not change, so I pursued my education in the field of Health Sciences. The more I learned about the Canadian health care system, and about global health, my desire to become a nurse grew even more prominent. I continued my dream to become a nurse by getting involved in many volunteering opportunities. Two of the most memorable volunteering experiences I had during my undergraduate year was first, living on the streets for 24 hours in downtown Vancouver to raise awareness of homeless youth for the Covenant House. It was a very tough yet sturdy experience that allowed me to appreciate more of the…

“Children of Heaven” Movie Analysis “Children of Heaven” is a movie about the life of the low-income families. The little brother Ali and his sister Zara are the main characters in the movie. The living is such a low-income family teaches Ali and Zara a lot of moral values (Snyder, 2010). The loss of Zara’s shoes, the situation, and the place they live in and the participation of Ali in the running marathon are all symbols of how much the kid learn throughout their lives and how much they value the little things they have. The movie takes place in Tehran, people here are poor. However, living such a simple life and having just enough to symbolize the closeness of the family and neighbors, and the individuals in the town at a whole. All the people in this neighborhood are very poor, and they struggle to live, but they also learn a lot this way (Snyder, 2010). They help each other a lot; children do work around the house, and the neighbors help each other with small things that mean…

Terminating Group and Family Treatment Relations The treatment process entails several aspects that require continuous improvement and analysis to manage effectively. The initial agreement between the parties determines the relationship between the patient and the therapist. Group therapy or treatment would constitute several individuals linked together by several issues that they share for treatment. However, the family treatment focuses on the different individuals who form the family unit and aims at uniting all in the family. However, the treatment process, even though different, there are a few aspects that would bring similarities. Much research focuses on the termination process and would require the following aspect as in similarities in both parties; Bringing the termination aspect early to the individuals in the family would create room for discussion and mutual understanding on the right approach to be taken. However, within the group, the treatment is based on an individual level, and the therapist would be required to understand each member within the group in getting a clear view of the termination option. Secondly, understanding the process of termination is a simple…

 the childhood and adulthood in iran from persipolis This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis Located at end of introduction Clear, concise Specific, not vague Focuses clearly on some aspect of the literary text This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupporting Details • Each paragraph supports the thesis with clear subtopic sentences • Examples are used throughout as evidence • Quotes are used as examples and support • Quotes are interpreted by the author • Ideas are fully explained throughout the text This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar & Mechanics • Sentence Structure • Proper grammatical usage • Spelling • Word usage • Subject-verb agreement • Pronoun antecedent This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA[unique_solution] • Properly cited quotes • Titled paper • Pages numbered with author’s last name • Language style and usage meets MLA essay style • Text formatted properly • Work Cited is properly formatted This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction/Conclusion • Introduction opens the paper and captures the reader’s attention and interest • Conclusion makes the paper “complete”, i.e.,…

Excitement and Concerns with My Clinical Experience       This clinical practicum is one that I have been looking forward to and I am grateful for this opportunity to be able to work with the pediatric population.. The pediatric population is the most vulnerable, and it is important to gain the trust and create a rapport with these patients and families. Although my pediatric experience is limited, I believe through this experience I will be able to gain the skills needed to provide adequate care for this population of patients.. What concerns me the most about this population is knowing how to properly diagnosis these patients and provide the best possible care. It is important to provide a thorough assessment, make sure they are reaching their milestones for their age as well as recognizing abuse cases. If any of these areas are missed, it can have a lifelong negative impact on their lives. Strengths and Weaknesses I consider my biggest strength when caring for the pediatric population is patience and compassion. I have come from a large family and love interacting…

Research Topic Proposal Research question During the period of transition from childhood to adulthood, also known as adolescence, an individual goes through growth that will affect them in their adulthood. During this period, many psychological factors come into play, including the environment surrounding them and the influence of their parents (Anderman, 2002). This results in the question; in Generation Z, which is more influential during the adolescence period, nature or nurture? Thesis statement Psychological factors shape one’s development throughout their life, especially when young (Cherry, 2018). This issue has, over time, triggered various scholars to venture into establishing a sufficient explanation behind these factors and their impacts. However, due to the changing times, different generations exhibit different results of this influence. In most cases, scholars focus on distinguishing, which is more influential between nature and nurture. In the current age, that is, Generation Z, various norms have changed, including the influences during adolescence. This is a result of the impacts resulting from the global changes occurring, including the advancement in technology. However, nurture is more influential during adolescence than nature…

To Best Boston’s Inc Breeder Hello, my name is Jessica. I recently called you about my dog Houston who recently developed Luxating Patella after turning a year. At first, I thought he was only injured since he was walking with difficulty and was less active and thought he would feel better, but that did not happen. After visiting a veterinary officer, I was told the only option was surgery. When I inquired about the cause of the disease, the veterinary doctor said it was a hereditary condition that is passed from generation to generation First, I am grateful that you sent Houston’s entire family pedigree since it was helpful during my research. Most of the online articles that I found online and other sources pointed inbreeding as one of the leading causes of Luxating Patella.   Because Houston’s parents 56918 and 696331 are closely related through Houston’s brother. 56916 is the father to Houston’s mother, who may have inherited dominant genes from her mother. When she mated with Houston’s father, they transferred a dominant gene to Houston, which is why…

Theory and Practice of Counselling Vignette one 1 Jack is a victim of two types of parents with different parenting styles. His father was harsh, cruel, and authoritative. His father could not stand any form of rebellion from Jack. On the other hand, his mother was a welcoming mother who could do anything to protect him. His mother also provided him with unlimited love. The result of the different parenting styles was that Jack developed resistance to his father’s command and orders. When his parents divorced when he was 18, he now had the freedom to do anything he pleased without listening to orders or advice from his father.   Jack grew, knowing that the only person capable of loving him unconditionally was his mother. The thought became imbedded in him such that even when he grew up, he could not trust anyone. That is the reason in his relationships; he could not think of anyone else apart from himself. Such feelings were as a result of the love his mother offered him. Jack may find it hard to forge…

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