Medical Issues and Treatment Overview on Perinatal care Perinatal is the period immediately before birth, during and after birth. While prenatal solemnly refers to the period before birth. A lot of women die due to complications during pregnancy or at childbirth. A lot of these deaths can be avoided by medical intervention as the main problem is the lack of proper care for women during the perinatal period. Medical issues may arise as a result of these leading to maternal mortality, poor reproductive health, poor maternal health, perinatal depression, and increased neonatal deaths. All which can be avoided or reduced by proper maternal care during pregnancy and more so during the perinatal period. Medical treatment is very vital to both the fetus and the mother. The proper medical treatment goes a long way in ensuring both the safety and good health of both of them. Children exposed to medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding suffer from apprehension. It is essential to consult a doctor during this period to know the right drugs to use without affecting the fetus or worse, terminating…

High Infant Mortality and Maternal Rate in African Americans Abstract African-American maternal and infant mortality rates are high, and it is reported that Black infants are more likely to die than white infants according to the most recent government data. The existing racial disparity means that African-American mothers and infants will continue to have a high mortality rate than other populations in the US. The purpose of this paper is to examine the root cause of the high African-American mothers and their infants’ mortality rate. Drawing on government, documentary sources, and NGO reports, the nature of the current state of African American mothers is examined as well as the reasons why the infant mortality rate is exceptionally high for African American infants compared to white infants. The study shows that there is racial disparity for the people of color, leading to them receiving poor prenatal care, lack of educational opportunities, and the opportunity to live in a stress-free environment. In this regard, relevant medical professionals and policymakers need to combine their efforts and develop viable solutions to reduce the high…

Six barren women in the Bible that finally gave birth. Sara, Abraham’s wife: “The name of Abram’s wife was Sarai … But Sarai was barren and had no child”, Gen. 11: 29-30. When God called Abraham to leave Ur and go to Canaan, he promised to make him “a great nation,” Gen. 12: 1. Then God told him that from him a large people would come out like the sand of the sea and like the stars of the sky that cannot be counted; that through that people he would bless all the families of the earth: he would give them the Scriptures, the revelation of Himself in the multiple precepts and ceremonies rich in symbolisms and teachings, which would be the framework for the manifestation of the Messiah, the supreme fulfilment of all His love for man. Abraham and Sara were tested. They were already old and, to complement the apparent problem, she was also sterile. Both were tempted to think that the offspring could only come through Hagar, Sara’s servant. The custom then was to consider the servants…

Tips to Succeed as a Woman Entrepreneur The numbers of women entrepreneurs have steadily escalated in the recent past. Although men have for long ruled most businesses, nowadays, there’s a shift in the trend, and more women are involved in big corporations. However, most women grapple in the dark and don’t know what to do to become successful. Below are tips on how to succeed as a woman entrepreneur: 1. Enroll for business courses There are many cases of women entrepreneurs who mishandle their business partnerships, lose money, end up with a destroyed image, and in debts. Luckily, there are many courses you can take to equip you with the necessary skills on how to succeed as a woman entrepreneur. Although managing a company may take much of your time, this should not hinder you from gaining skills on how to empower yourself as a woman. If you lack time to attend your classes, online class help is the way to go. They have a team of professionals who assists students struggling to balance classwork and busy schedules and can…

Legalization of Abortion The legalization of abortion led to the formulation of the abortion law that regulates the availability of abortion. The abortion law was implemented in the year 1985. According to the World Health Organization [WHO], abortion rates are similar in countries where the act has been legalized and in countries where it is not. The legalization of abortion was aimed at benefitting women that were caught up with unwanted pregnancies and therefore this was a solution for women to have children by choice and not by chance. The legalization of abortion has its pros and cons as well as effects that come with it. Hence the paper gives information on the effects, pros, and cons of the legalization of abortion in various countries. Effects of legalization of abortion In all societies, the legalization of abortion will impact the number of births that occur to different mothers. This is because the mothers can control the number of children they would want to have because abortion would enable them to get rid of unwanted pregnancies through legal channels [Family Planning…

The consequences of the Atlantic Slave trade The consequences of the Atlantic Slave trade included economic, social, and political impacts. Nonetheless, the most significant effect of the slave trade on Africa was that of economic stagnation. It affected Africa’s potential for economic development. When the Europeans arrived on the coast of West Africa and established ports for slavery, through the commodification of slaves, they exploited the human resources of Africa and its labor. More than 12 million Africans were slaves in the West, and an unquantified number died in the process. This exploitation is highlighted by the state of development in different countries across the world. As a result, the most impoverished regions and countries in Africa are those who had the most significant number of slaves. Africa, before the trade, had a vibrant economy engaging in different forms of commerce. The taking away of millions of able-bodied men disrupted the economic growth of Africa. Africa, therefore, lost people endowed with skills and its production force. Wars and slave raids further led to more economic destruction. Due to the insecurity…

Huck’s Maturation Journey Transition and Maturation of Huck into adulthood is evident in his progressive separation from society throughout the novel. At the beginning of the book, when we first encounter him, Huck is in the process of being indoctrinated into the society by the Widow Douglas. His hypocrisy can be seen. However, Huck does not mind being regarded as an outsider. However, his society begins indoctrinating him and forces him into conforming when he suddenly he is handed economic power. From this point, it can be seen that Huck has no desire to get “sivilized”. Even before the book starts, he leaves and leaves the widow and returns. Huck protests against what he terms as the “respectable life”, which unfortunately he is part of. He returns only with slight coercion from his friend. Nonetheless, he does not completely disenchant himself from immaturity as he attains at the end. “The Widow Douglas, she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular the…

The Green World in Dandelion Wine Introduction Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury is a story about a 12 years- old boy named Douglas who used to play and run around as any other young boy would do. Living in Green Town, a city in Illinois, Douglas is trying to live a happy life by enjoying his summer to the best he can. In his adventure, the boy familiarises himself with the nature of the world as he tries to make sense of both life and death (Bradbury 8). From how Douglas is enjoying summer in his unrestricted life, Bradbury teaches us that we don’t need to travel places in search of adventure because the world around us is infused with mystical beauty which we only need to open our eyes to see. The whole summer is exciting to Douglas, and he has to record everything that is happening in every passing hour. The summer that Douglas is enjoying is replete of green apple trees, mowed lawns and new sneakers. The happiness of any man exists within him but does not…

Essay On Mother’s Day: Its Date & Celebration Mother is the greatest gift that God has given to human beings on earth. Mother is as necessary for child development as water is for a sapling. She renders love, protection, care, and nourishment. No matter what a mother does for her child, she does it as an act of selfless service, having just one goal in mind: the development and well being of her child. The world celebrates this spirit of Motherhood on different dates that coincide with their customs. In India, the 2nd Sunday of May is celebrated as Mother’s Day every year, even if many countries have their dates. This day is celebrated to pay love and respect to the greatest gift God has provided where the unconditional love of the mother has no parallel. The love of a mother does not depend on her child’s mental ability or physical appearance. A physically challenged child is cared for and loved for by her/his mother, no less than a healthy child loved by the mother. Also, to provide nourishment, a…

Motherhood and Community Research Question: What role do mothers play in the continuity of a community? Introduction Women promote the continuity of a community by raising children and impart moral values passed from one generation to the other. Although people may disregard the role of women in a community, motherhood models behavior imparts social ethics and rear children to ensure the continuity of generations. Mothers model behavior and imparting ethics Motherhood helps children to meet neighborhood expectations Mothers give expected social values to their children (Windsong, 2019). Mothers train children Motherhood promotes learning of acceptable behaviors among children (Windsong, 2019). Mothers impart social values in their children and model the behavior of a child. Women ensure continuity of a community Mothers procreate Mothers give birth to children and ensure the continuity of generations (Collins, 1995). Mothers protect infants Mothers take care of the newborns and reduce infant mortality rates (Collins, 1995). Giving birth and taking care of children to ensure the continuity of generations. On the other hand, women cannot promote community endurance Fathers provide children with moral support Fathers…

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