Investigate the cultural implication of your innovative venture Culture is a critical issue, and it significantly determines the success or failure of a business. Contrary to the opinion of the majority of the people, culture is a business issue and not an HR issue. Communities surrounding business are the major stakeholders, and a business venture has to comply with the cultural beliefs to succeed. It should also make social impacts and include the community members in decisions that are likely to affect the members. My innovative venture is a Mom Spa called “Ma Spa,” which is just for moms with small kids. The idea for the Ma Spa is that it allows moms to come in, drop their kids in the childcare section, and then get their spa visit going. The childcare team watches the kids while mom gets the pampering she needs and deserves. There will be no appointments, no wait times, and services will be fast. Investigate the cultural implication of your innovative venture: The spa will be useful in providing services to nursing mums and ensuring they…

The Joy of Motherhood book review The Joy of Motherhood by Buchi Emecheta is a book that represents and functions of the African Fatale. The book is about a protagonist woman who stumbles to a Yaba compound with a lot of grief. She intends to throw herself in a waterfront(Emecheta). The book focuses on the traditional state of Ibo society. The paper discusses the different practices that carried out in this society that harm women. The conventional ways view a woman who is supposed to caretake of their offspring. Ememcheta writes this book intending to expose the gender politics that happen in most African countries. The joy of motherhood is a book that helps people understand women’s experiences during historical time. Currently, most people living in these African developing countries do not know what the African woman had to go through during the traditional times. It talks about the role of women in families and al the impact of political movements on women’s lives, their role and also participation. Such campaigns also show how they affect the relationship between males…

Five ways to naturally build your child’s immune system In winter, children are more prone to catch cold and fall sick, than the adults. Especially if you have entered motherhood recently, it is highly recommended that you make sure your baby does not fall sick very often. Babies generally have more capacity of developing faster than the adults. But unlike the adults or older children, their bodies are very fragile. These first months are most vital, as they help in building your child’s immune system. Here is a list of five compulsory things that you should do to your baby, to help her build her immune system. Breast-feeding It is the same mantra for the young and the adults. A proper diet and sleep is all it takes to form a healthy body. Similarly, if you are still in your lactation period, make sure that you breast-feed your baby. Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients that your baby requires to form a strong immune system. Germ-fighting strategies As a mother you should understand that your baby is vulnerable to…

The INSTAMOM             The ‘INSTAMOM’ essay gives the lifestyle of Amber Fillerup Clark. Authored by Bianca Bosker, the article is published in the Atlantic Magazine that covers daily breaking news in America. In addition, the Atlantic magazine has the editorial arm that publishes essays from different authors like Bianca. The career life of Amber Fillerup Clarke revolves around blogging, and the author is concerned on how Clarke, at just 26 years has grown so rich given that it was not long since Clarke was a poor student at Provo, Utah. The essay appears to address the general readers of the Atlantic magazine, especially the ones with interest in blogging as a career. The article does not seem to be argumentative since the author is only reporting information obtained from the informal discussion held with Amber and just makes few comments which do not constitute any form of an argument. It is evident that Amber spends a good number of hours online and this makes her famous in the social media platforms. Amber is a member of the Mormon Church and…

Teenage Pregnancy in Mauritius The issue of pregnant teenagers has been taken as an essential subject in distinct ethnic groups, socio-economic backgrounds, groups, and religions. Different studies have indicated that technological influence, parental absence, and failure in contraceptives are a few of the major causes (Bhukuth and Ballet, 2019). Around the globe, teenage pregnancy is a common problem with at least three-quarters of all the adolescent girls engaging in their first sexual encounter by the age of 19 years. One of the countries that have encountered significant problems in teenage pregnancy is Mauritius, where the issue has become alarming. Mauritius Family Planning Welfare Association (MFPWA) records that at least 3800 adolescent girls get pregnant each year (Bhukuth and Ballet, 2019). For instance, in 2011, MFPWA recorded 6000 cases due to reasons such as aggression, parental absence, abuse, and sexual vulnerability (Bhukuth and Ballet, 2019).  This essay explores teenage pregnancy in Mauritius by looking at causes of teenage pregnancy and the impact of teenage motherhood, the factors that may be responsible for the crisis of teenage pregnancy in Mauritius, and the…

ABIGAIL ADAMS BY PHYLLIS LEE LEVIN Abigail Adams was an advocate for the equality of intellectually independent women. She is a feminist heroine, a lady who deserves to be celebrated in essays and dramas. Abigail being a mother and wife of presidents, warned her husband that women would become rebellious if they were denied their rights. She did comment on political issues. She committed herself to her husband for rearing their family. She was also involved in handling delicate matters about democracy and forming a nation. She is known for her intellectuality, keen, and curious characteristics. More so, she was a fiercely patriotic royal and a resourceful person. She bitterly resented the absence of her husband while at the course of serving the public. She behaved with loyalty as a hostess to the statesmen. She maintained a strong friendship with one of the statesmen known as Jefferson. Abigail is regarded as a woman with love, and intellect and gifted with language.  Abigail is an extraordinary person who lived in extraordinary times in American history. She wrote letters without getting tired.…

Beowulf poem review Beowulf is an ancient poem done by Prof. Charles Sawyer and Katherine Sawyer.  Chauncey Tinker translated it and its revised version published in 1912. The poem is based on a legendary warrior who sets on a journey to Denmark with his solders and best friend. At their destination, they meet a king in need of aid to slay Grendel, a creature that possesses appalling strength. The translation of the original poem aims at making it readable and straightforward.   Overall, Beowulf has brought out the critical themes like kingship and heroism, and tension between paganism and Christianity in England history. The plot of the poem is logical. Beowulf questions the nature of human existence. It seems transfixed by certain common concepts that include practical nature, life, and death. The Anglo-Saxon structure of the poem is overlapping and ambiguous. It seems natural that major binaries like humans and monsters, and Christianity and paganism, would show strange hybridity. It is because the author conjoined two concepts with opposing ideas to attain poetic effects. However, it is not easy to notice…

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