ECR paper The results obtained from the survey are 1.33 and 1.18 for avoidance and anxiety, respectively. The scores are relatively low because they are closer to 1 compared to 7. They indicate that I have low avoidance and anxiety in relationships. I agree with the feedback because they reflect my daily interactions. I tend to nurture secure relationships. As a result, I have developed close acquaintances over time, anchored on trust, and this leads to an inclination to being confident that I can rely on my friends in different situations. Human beings are preprogrammed to develop attachments and bond with significant caregivers as children. In most occasions, mothers are the primary caregiver, and an emotional attachment grows between them and their babies. The kind of bond one experienced as a child determines how an individual relates to people in his/her adult life. If a person grew up experiencing confusing emotions in infancy, they have trouble understanding their feelings and those of others. Accordingly, it hinders them from establishing successful relationships. A parental style that aligns with child’s emotions harnesses…

The Story of an Hour” Deep Sorry Kate Chopin, who is the author of the book, “The story of an hour,” bases his story on the theme of emotional crisis. The story describes that Mr. Brentley Mallad has been reported dead due to an accident. The newsroom has declared that it is a murder, and it is not the first one of its kind. This is information that is known to Richard, the friend of the deceased who is working at the Media house. The wife, Mrs. Mallad, is made aware of the demise of her husband by her sister in bits. This trend is because she tends to overreact when she is told any sad news. Her sister mourns with her, but she searches for privacy (Chopin, 56). This is when she discovers that she is lonely in the world. She feels like she has no one to hold her hands when she needs her husband.  She even feels hopeless in the current world, and as she stares into the sky, she only sees and feels death and despair.…

Many hands make light work “Many hands make light work” mean if everyone does a little bit, the work will less hard. My family is aware of how difficult to do all the housework alone, so we always have good cooperation in doing household chores. So everybody in a family has to do housework together. Although we are busy every day, we split the household chores equally.   My dad is the most influential person in the house, so his responsibility includes washes the motorbike, repaints things, and does the heavy lifting. My mom works in the afternoon, so in the morning, she usually cleans the floor, irons the clothes, shops for grocery and does the cooking. In the evening, she cooks dinner and cleans the kitchen. But sometimes, he disputes my mother’s cooking. But my mom doesn’t like it because of my dad always messy when he is in the kitchen, so they sometimes argue at lunchtime and dinner time. This problem makes me tired. In my daily routine, I sweep and clean the floor, hang on the clothes,…

ECR essay The results obtained from the survey are 1.33 and 1.18 for avoidance and anxiety, respectively. The scores are relatively low because they are closer to 1 compared to 7. They indicate that I have low avoidance and anxiety in relationships. I agree with the feedback because they reflect my daily interactions. I tend to nurture secure relationships. As a result, I have developed close acquaintances over time, anchored on trust, and this leads to an inclination to being confident that I can rely on my friends in different situations. Human beings are preprogrammed to develop attachments and bond with significant caregivers as children. In most occasions, mothers are the primary caregiver, and an emotional attachment grows between them and their babies. The kind of bond one experienced as a child determines how an individual relates to people in his/her adult life. If a person grew up experiencing confusing emotions in infancy, they have trouble understanding their feelings and those of others. Accordingly, it hinders them from establishing successful relationships. A parental style that aligns with child’s emotions harnesses…

Family Theory Family A family is a unity of two parents, a male, and a female coming together to raise children as a unit. There are different types of families like the nuclear and extended family. A family undergoes different phases with diverse family members. After marriage, the family starts becoming big because children are born or adopted. After some time, the children in the family later become adults and leave the parents alone. Such occurs, especially when the parents retire and are on a pension. At the start, my family had only dad and mom, and that is the first section. Later in the section, we were born together with my two sisters. In the drawings, I included my dad, mom, my two sisters and me. Family change over time Before, the family used to have dad and mom, but after some months, I was born. Later my two younger sisters were also born. Today we are a big family with five members. My sisters are in 12th grade. Dad used to work in Miami, but now he works…

What are the benefits to get when playing via Dunder casino sister sites? Nothing can be better for a player than playing through Dunder casino sister sites. A site offers different types of games. Players can play the games on different platforms like mobile devices and laptops. Some of the guidance can help you choose the right site where you can get plenty of game options. If you are planning to play it for the first time, it is better to get it from a trusted site. With plenty of options, choosing the right one may seem to be a daunting task. Go through the tips below to know about it more. Get sign up bonuses Every casino offers to sign up bonuses for the players. It is better to go through the list of bonuses offered before you start playing for the first time. To avail the bonus, one has to go through the terms and conditions given on the casino site. This is also the case with the Dunder casino sister site. By this, players can know which…

Husband Wife Problem Solution Meta: We here at ABC astrology house provide our clients with the best Husband Wife Problem Solution that would help them to sustain their married life and carry it to the end of their life happily. Are you tired of finding the right Husband Wife Problem Solution? The road to the end of married life is not an easy path to walk. It requires a mutual amount of respect, love, trust, and honesty to carry it to the end. And when two adults live together under the same roof, small fights and quarrels are inevitable. But things get wrong when the small fights turn ugly, which eventually turns into a toxic relationship. What is the role of astrology in solving husband wife problems? Where everything else fails, Astrology remains the only solution that can solve most of your problems. But, one must not confuse Astrology with magic as there are no hocus-pocus tricks involved in Astrology. It is rather a science-backed theory through which it can provide the best unhappy marriage solution. And the XYZ astrologer…

Family scenario and the structure of the family system Hunt’s family comprises of a father, mother whose name is Christina, and two children, James and Brandi who are 5 and 8 years old respectively. The structure of Hunt’s family is nuclear as it involves a father, mother, and their biological children only, without extended relatives such as grandparents, aunts, or cousins. The parents are Latin Americans, HIV positive. Christina is a current client in Decision Support System as a result of a report of supervision neglect. Hunt was arrested last week for forgery charges with an expected release date eight months from the arrested day in Chicago. He is also a famous drunkard in the city. James and Brandi were alone at home on Saturday morning when their mother attended work and could not afford to take them to a babysitter. Christina has had challenges with substance abuse in the past. She works at the Holiday Inn in the housekeeping department on a fixed income. James has allergies and asthma. Brandi is also having challenges in school and can not…

Apple showcases the abilities of the new LIDAR scanner using the Hot Lava game You can now turn your living room into an AR version of the popular video game Hot Lava using the LIDAR scanner of the new iPad Pro. The video game is based on that childhood pastime, where people used to jump on the furniture for avoiding imaginary lava on their floor. The game is available for streaming, but the mobile version of it is presently exclusively available only on Apple Arcade. Apple declared that the LIDAR scanner enabled iPad Pro will allow users to play Hot Lava using the latest AR mode, to be made available this year. The game aims to showcase the abilities of the LIDAR scanner. The player has to scan the living room using his iPad. The app automatically generates the lava on the floor, and the player has to jump accordingly to avoid coming in contact with hot lava.. Besides this new and improved version of the video game, Apple has also showcased a couple of other important uses of the…

authoritative parenting style My parents used an authoritative parenting style. They expected me to listen to them and have an open discussion about the things that were troubling me. They set rules and enforced boundaries not only applicable at home but also to be a reference point when dealing with members of the community. They were affectionate, encouraged me to be independent and supported my dreams. To them, one’s children have been taught the ways to live, and the parent should give them the freedom to live their life as they mature up. Looking back, I’m glad my parents choose to use the authoritative parenting style. The high demand and response helped me to become more sharp and independent. Furthermore, the freedom that comes with this parenting style enhances children’s happiness and self-esteem (Lally, 2019). Also, it enhances their skills, content, and interaction with people, academic performance, and freedom (Smetana, 2017). I am proof that this parenting style has a lot of benefits and enhance a child’s mental development and health. For many years, researchers have been investigating the best…

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