Should parent spank their children? If they do, what are their rights and limitation?   Have you ever heard the word, “Spare the rod and spoil the child”, this is a common saying that we have heard at one point in our lifetime. Some people believe that spanking a child is good, while others believe it is not. Another phrase for the word spanking is “corporal punishment”. Some parents believe spanking is a good way of bringing up a child and they give excuses such as, it helps to discipline the child,  it sets the child straight , it makes the child respect the parents, some Christian parent even quote the Bible as a good reason to spank their  child, Proverbs chapter 23, verse 13 “Do not hold back discipline from the child, Although you strike him with the rod, he will not die.” These are just a few of the reasons why parents spank their children.  Meanwhile, they never talk about the negative effect of spanking children. The word “spanking” is downplayed when parents use it as a reason…

importance of corporate governance practices in private family firm Corporate governance practices in the family-owned companies are mostly this, required to maintain the operational transparency. Thus, the importance of corporate governance practices in private family firms are as follows: To build up transparency: Corporate governance can help private family firms to maintain an openness in operational activities. It promotes the private family company to maintain equilibrium between the male manager and the female manager. To ensure CSR activity: Implementation of corporate governance will provide the organization to maintain a separate section of corporate social responsibility to perform the social duty by improving the external environment. Structural flow: Corporate governance helps an organization to maintain a fundamental flow in the organization. The architectural flow includes developing an audit committee, developing a remuneration committee, and an unbiased recruitment committee. Corporate governance is also essential in young entrepreneurial firms (specifically IPO firms) because of the following reasons: Corporate governance will help the young entrepreneurial firms to adapt complex decision in a more straightforward form Corporate governance can be time-saving for the young entrepreneurial…

PARENTING IN 21ST CENTURY             Considering the traditional family structure changes noticeable in these modern days, fathers should also be given the opportunity just like the mothers to take care of their children. This is out of consideration to the increasing number of paternal care giver fathers who also stay at home. Contrally ideas point at the historical precedent that indicates children raised by single mothers usually grow with upright morals as compared to those raised by the single fathers. This scrutiny however does not hold true based on both the sociological and economic fluctuations of the last fifty years (Cabrera & Natasha, 2012). In the United States for instance, statistics undertaken in the last half a century depict an up surge in single parent fathers mirrored but lagged behind the high rates of divorce. This has led to unequal assignment of parental responsibilities across men and women. In the modern society, families led by single fathers are common just like the families with both two parents working unlike some years back in America where the majority of children were raised…

Book Endings Analysis There is an unexplainable feeling one gets from reading a whole novel, the emphasized exhilaration of the work only to get disappointed on the last page or the ending. I have often fallen victim to such stories that left me wondering, “that’s it??” usually, these books are extremely good with very disappointing beginnings or ends. I apologize in advance if ill spoil your reading schedule on a mention here. Authors often incorporate disappointing endings on purpose, but sometimes it’s just as a result of terrible planning. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll is the book we will look into. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland are one of the most celebrated, creative, exciting, and acclaimed works in fiction. The main character Alice on her usual antics, feels drowsy after her sister reads. She then wanders off and falls into a rabbit hole into a land that is full of fantasy and magical creatures. Throughout the story, we get faced with new dilemmas, life-threatening situations, and mind-boggling riddles. In short, the book is short of…

The Texas Blender Presenting a Mixture of Opinions From UT Students Top of Form Bottom of Form The Texas Blender Because reverse discrimination is a real thing The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ensured that there would be no more discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, or national origin. So why does, affirmative action, a legal practice, contradict this non-discriminatory act? Proponents of affirmative action support it because it is “the practice of improving the educational and job opportunities of members of groups that have not been treated fairly in the past because of their race, sex, etc.” But if we truly live the Civil Rights of 1964, then affirmative action is actually an illegal practice all round, whether it be a 20 point boost or hardcore recruiting, racial preferences is discriminatory and excludes some whites.   Isn’t this this a hypocritical agenda that causes reverse discrimination? It’s not white men’s fault that because of that privilege and exploitation of other racial groups, their parents and grandparents thrived in the suburbs. It’s not their fault having tax money poured into…

BEST TYPE OF SMOKER Who wouldn’t want to be a magician with any kind of smoker? Getting a quality barbeque smoker can be troublesome for a lot of people, partly because they are a dozen types of smokers to consider. With a modern meat smoker, you don’t have to hover over your grill now and then to check the temperature, add woodchips, or fiddle with the tampers. Ultimately, you need to pick the smoker that you’ll enjoy using most. Scoring a myriad smoker websites doesn’t just guarantee easy picks. We’ll help you evaluate a few types of smokers. How then do you pick a smoker worth your dough?   Propane Smoker Foremost, all food smokers yield great cooking results. It all boils down to your preferences. For this reason, you need to know how a propane smoker works and establish just how it is such a viable option. A typical propane smoker resembles a gym locker. Other models reminisce old cabinets- the kind that you see in classic Western break-in movies.. Most propane smokers have a simple design. The bottom…

PSYCHOMETRIC TEST Introduction Mental capabilities and how people behave including their traits can be determined using psychometric tests. The tests are used to evaluate if an individual can perform tasks in the right manner depending on their personalities and cognitive nature. It is not easy to understand some candidate’s hidden traits from a face to face interaction only. For this reason the psychometric tests enable interviewers to match roles to be carried and the cognitive abilities presented by the candidate. Psychometric test have been evaluated statistically and have been proven to be unbiased and objective through standard assessments. Traits have various dimensions which cut across set of skills, motives, personality, behavior change in social settings and other capabilities. Good traits are associated to behavior patterns that depict dispositional habits like values and motives that are good and ambiguity with comfort. The aim of trait approaches is to show how one responds to contexts. For instance introverts cannot carry out roles the same way as extraverts. These trait approaches aim at manifesting these behavioral patterns in productivity. For instance extraverts have…

DRUG ABUSE EFFECTS ON KIDS Abstract According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse regular use of opioid pain killers are generally safe when taken for a short time and advised by a health professional but, since they create a sense of euphoria in some individuals, they can easily be misused or abused causing drug addiction. Frequent consumption, even when consumed as advised by the health professional, can lead to addiction, over consumption, and eventually death. Opioid drug addiction is a country wide public health issue since Americans consume 79% of the world’s supply of opioid pain medications. Even more alarming, Americans consume 96% of the prescription drug Hydrocodone produced worldwide, which is a synthetic opioid derived from the pharmaceutical drug codeine and is very potent and addictive(Kampman & Jarvis, 2015).. The prescription drug crisis in the United States is believed to have reduced from the increased awareness of chronic pain by health professionals. This, coupled with the push from pharmaceutical companies for providers to prescribe opioid medications, led to a drastic increase of opioid use among Americans in the…

Linebarger (2015) Conclusion Linebarger (2015) concludes that there are several and co-dependent factors based on contexts, which cause child behavior problems. Such factors include the environment where a child lives at home, the extent of child-parent relationships, and the genres of videos that a child is exposed to. Video games do not increase levels of hyperactivity among preschool children. Importantly, examining the type of content that a child is exposed whether violent or non-violent, parenting styles along with cumulative risk can be considered to attain better insights into the study area. In the future, the research could find methods with the capacity to measure exposure as well as results more precisely, designs, as well as analyses that incorporate various contextual factors, and studies that enable the coefficients to vary or interact. Parental perceptions regarding early characteristics of infants may help to predict cognitive, language as well as motor development of infants (Parfitt, Pike & Ayers, 2013). The prenatal depression of the mother significantly affects the language development of an infant. At the same time, the mental health of the child…

O.J Simpson Case Introduction The gruesome murder of Simpson’s ex-wife and the hotel attendant (Nicole and Ronald) caught the attention of the public for years. The crime was not the first in the history of America, but media attention elevated the case into the ‘crime of the century.’ The handling of the case and the ruling made the situation even more exciting than how the crime was committed. After the murder of Nicole and Ronald, the events leading to the arrest of Simpson attracted live media coverage, which attracted millions of viewers (Brown 33). The failure of Simpson to surrender despite being notified by the police to surrender led to a follow-up by police that was televised by numerous media houses. This paper seeks to analyze various issues that emerged in the infamous O.J Simpson Case with the main focus being on the media coverage of the event. The paper posits that the media overdid their coverage and overstepped on their mandate. The paper points out that media coverage should be censored (by media house owners) to reduce the possibility…

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