The Dilemma of Middle-Class Family Mother             Compared with the rich people in the United States, the poor are relatively weak, but they have a relatively sound social security system, as long as the poor have legal status, even if they do not work to maintain their daily livelihood. It is not the poor who have the most robust and most stressful lives in the United States, but the middle class, which makes up about 80 per cent of the population. At present, the impoverishment of the middle class has aroused widespread concern in American society. We know the middle class is engaged in mental labour,  technical, and necessary manual labour. They’re mainly by wages to make a living; on the other hand, they usually have well-educated, and professional knowledge and ability; so, they can correspond to family consumption capacity by their salary. Thus, the growing middle class is the foundation of a nation’s economy. Some middle-class mothers quit their job to take care of the child; Therefore, middle-class mothers are facing the issue of low income and unemployment after…

Advocating on Behalf of Vulnerable Patients The case under review is about an experienced intensive care unit registered nurse who sustained a concussion after falling on the ice during a game and ended up having a brain tumor. Although her clinical team thinks that she has a good prognosis if she goes through surgery, Marianne chooses to sign a do not resuscitate (DNR) order. While placing the order, Marianne states that she would not want to be resuscitated if she suffers a cardiac arrest while undergoing surgery to treat her brain tumor. Marianne signs the DNR order while in the company of her partner, Joanne. However, the situation gets complicated when Marianne suffers a cardiac arrest while undergoing surgery, and her partner Joanne is not at her bedside. Instead, only Marianne’s parents are at her bedside. Marianne’s parents are very religious. They disapprove of her sexual orientation as well as her choice not to be resuscitated. As such, Marianne’s parents request Suzanne to calls a code. Suzanne, Marianne’s nurses, give in to the request of her patient’s parents. However, the…

French revolution journal entry Execution of Marie Antoinette On 2nd August 1793, Marie arrived at the Conciergerie temple at around 03.00. Her husband had been executed several months ag, and it seemed likely that the same would happen to him. She was then escorted to a cell inside the prison, where she was held until her trial begun (Crawford, 2019). However, the prison wardens who were guarding her were known to be respectful to their prisoners, and they took considerable risks to provide Marie with small comforts such as a pillow. At some stages, the queen is seen to have planned to escape from the cell, but the plan failed. On 21st September, following the Carnation Affair, her prison wardens were replaced because of the role they played during the failed escape. Marie’s indication started on 14th October 1793 and was accused of treason. Her second day in court on 16th October 1793. The queen spent the last 10 weeks of her life in Conciergerie, and her incarceration was nearly coming to an end. The jury delivered their judgement at…

Family Medical Leave Act Introduction. Family Medical Leave Act, which is also abbreviated as (FMLA), is a labor law that requires the larger employers to offer to their employees a leave where they are not paid during the leave. Such leave is mainly for serious family health issues, which can affect the employees in their work environment, and therefore, there is a need to ensure that they go and attend to the problems in their families. Some of the qualified family issues which can lead to the employee being given the Family Medical Leave include the following; pregnancy, adoption, foster care placement, military leave, and family of personal illness, among others. Family Medical Leave provides for a continuation of the health insurance and well as enhancing job protection for the employee who has been giving the medical family leave (Hayes, & Berlan, 2016). The primary aim of the implementation of the Family Medical Leave Act is that it was meant to provide families with adequate and ample time as well as resources for them to deal with cases of emergency,…

Literary Review: The Road Introduction Human beings often face a battle within themselves between good and evil. This battle has been going on for ages and still goes on even in the world today. The side that is portrayed by the person in question depends on several factors that eventually shape up a person’s personality. In Cormac McCarthy’s novel The Road, the reader embarks on a man’s journey together with his son as they struggle to survive in a world filled with evil. The post-apocalyptic era in the novel has seen most life forms wiped out. The people left in the world are left with no choice but to ensure their survival. This is mostly done through illegal means such as theft, murder, and even cannibalism. As a result, evil has prevailed over the world, and most people have lost their humanity. McCarthy employs his poetic prowess to paint different pictures of what goes on in society today. This is achieved by using symbolism, descriptive imagery, tone, and other literary devices. He uses structure, rather than punctuation, to create a…

“Koop Family Foundation Grants” My RFP is worth pursuing because it seeks to help children that are aging out of foster care. The number of children that fall under this category has continued to increase. Hence there is a need to come up with a solution to help these children. Most of the children who are aging out of foster care do not have the income to cater to their day to day needs; hence they end up getting messing themselves. My RFP is worth pursuing because it will help to solve the unemployment crisis amongst the youths. Drug abuse and crime are significant threats to contemporary society; therefore, there is a need to help teenagers because they are the victims. For the RFP to be of high quality, various evaluation stages have to get considered. I used the following steps to evaluate my RFP. I first made an introduction of the RFP. An introduction is essential because it attracts the bidder. The RFP should be easy to understand and brief; this is the second evaluation stage. There is a…

Mothers in the Labour Market             Schulte (2014) stated that there exists many bosses believe that there exists a zero-sum relationship between family life and work. From Schulte’s illustration, some women are heavily hit when it comes to balancing work and family issues. As a middle mother, creating a viable balance between attending to the children and going to work turns out to be a critical employment issue. From this perspective, Stone and Lovejoy (2011) suggested that some mothers would prefer to stay out of the labor market until their children grow old enough. The tag of war between family and career is a critical issue affecting middle-class mothers. Gender discrimination in the workplace is also another issue. Although Slaughter’s ideas were dismissed with several individuals, she believed that a middle-class mother could cope up with work and family demand by practicing substandard parenting as well as a substandard commitment to the job. Slaughter also argued that marrying the right person can also help one beat the employment and family balance crisis. Either, Stone and Lovejoy (2011) suggested, some mothers…

Motherhood and Community Research Question: What role do mothers play in the continuity of a community? Introduction Women promote the continuity of a community by raising children and impart moral values passed from one generation to the other. Although people may disregard the role of women in a community, motherhood models behavior imparts social ethics and rear children to ensure the continuity of generations. Mothers model behavior and imparting ethics Motherhood helps children to meet neighborhood expectations Mothers give expected social values to their children (Windsong, 2019). Mothers train children Motherhood promotes learning of acceptable behaviors among children (Windsong, 2019). Mothers impart social values in their children and model the behavior of a child. Women ensure continuity of a community Mothers procreate Mothers give birth to children and ensure the continuity of generations (Collins, 1995). Mothers protect infants Mothers take care of the newborns and reduce infant mortality rates (Collins, 1995). Giving birth and taking care of children to ensure the continuity of generations. On the other hand, women cannot promote community endurance Fathers provide children with moral support Fathers…

 impact on Family Planning Policy on Singapore’s fertility rate In this paper, I will examine the impact on Family Planning Policy on Singapore’s fertility rate. At the height of the post-World War II baby boom of 1957, Singapore enjoyed a high population with the fertility of at least six children per woman. The Singaporean government introduced policies to try and cut down its growing population. The population demographic was coupled with a young population and high employment rates. In 1966, the government formulated the Singapore Family Planning and Population Board to promote family planning. The government board was extremely successful, thanks to the policies they enacted. Some of the policies that highlighted this success include; Stop-at-Two program, which encouraged Singaporean couples to have at most two children. Other programs encouraged the use of contraceptives, such as birth control and the use of condoms. These measures led to a drastic fall in the total fertility rates to an estimated 1.4. This was far below the replacement level of 2.4. Consequently, Singapore was left with an aging population and a shortage of…

Home Ownership At the age of 46, I realized I was not growing any younger.  Almost all my friends were homeowners.  The thought of having to live in a rented apartment kept haunting me, for how long, I thought?  My siblings and I had grown in a home, jointly owned by our parents.  The desire to become a homeowner was quickly turning into an obsession, but as a single woman, I did not think I would be able to afford a home in California on my own.  I remembered a small inheritance from that my parents had put aside for me, and I thought, adding to my savings I had set aside, this was not going to be too hard, after all.  I had to realize my mission and realize it soon, after all, life begins at 40! The process of homeownership is not an easy one.  I reached out to my sister, who had already purchased her own home a few years back.  I remembered how she had gone through the process, and I quickly reached out to her. …

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