Mothers and Daughters              The family unit has been conceptualized in several ways. Under each concept lies a fundamental idea about family structure and its function in society. First order tasks refer to the important business of the family that must be done and are familiar to all families. This paper will analyze the family concepts of coping and adaptability and the family system. The purpose of this paper is to explore the position of the child on the family systems and the resulting consequence on the family strategies. I will discuss a case scenario of two divorced parents with two children, Gail and Tom. Gail and Tom are two divorced parents with two children. Gail has primary care for the children, and on the other hand, the father, Tom moves out and is living in another state. Gail is now dating and decides that it’s time to finally introduce her new boyfriend to her daughters Dina and Cara.  Gail is a divorced single mother in her late twenties. Her two daughters Cara, age 7 and Dina, age five still…

Postpartum Depression Abstract Maternal depression advances developed perinatal outcomes risk, and recent indication shows that the image of the body may perform a significant role in the field of depression. This systematic assessment shows researches of the image of the body and depression intending to illustrate the complicated role that the image of the body plays in postpartum depression, thus advancing measurement in the research. A research was conducted on the search of the literature of the database of PubMed for the language studies more specifically English under postpartum, depression and body picture. Of the whole studies, 19 of them resembled the criteria. From the cross-sectional research, it showed an association that was positive among body image perinatal depression and dissatisfaction of body image Wisner, Parry and Piontek (2002a: 193). Numerous studies have found that the malaise of body image is steadily but an association that is very weak with the start of postpartum and prenatal depression. The results were less steady for the association that existed among subsequent dissatisfaction of body image and perinatal depression. Introduction Perinatal depression is…

The Concept of Family from Theoretical Perspectives             Family refers to a group of people who share the same ancestors or rather a basic social unit that comprises of parents and their children. Family is generally considered as a primary social institution and the location of an individual’s social activity. It is arguably a social unit created by blood and marriage. The concept of family may be defined by the use of numerous theories to enable people to get the ideal meaning of the term. The paper seeks to analyze the concept of family by utilization of renowned theories such as structural functionalism, symbolic interaction, and conflict. Structural Functionalism Theory It can be simply referred to as functionalism. It as a framework for creating a theory that views society as a complicated system whose sections work together to enhance stability and solidarity. The theory looks at the society through a macro-level orientation, which is a comprehensive focus on the social structures that build the entire society. The strategy believes that society has evolved just like an ideal organism. Structural functionalism…

CORRECTIONAL CASE MANAGER JUVENILE Introduction The criminal justice career that I will be interested in is the correctional Case Manager. A  correctional Case Manager  is an individual who helps in developing plans which are utilized in the identification of the best community services jobs that will help in preventing offenders from committing extended crimes and ensure that they become responsible people and good citizens in the country and help them in the reentry to the society. In other words, the term may refer to an individual who helps and gives in a lot of input in streaming individuals who have been released to ensure that they are incorporated back into the society. It is preferably a delicate job as a little lapse of the manager in his or her work can affect the current and the future of the The reason why I chose this position is based on the fact that I have witnessed many inmates especially young people waste their life on crime  and they have ended up spending most of their time behind bars in their teenage…

Rationale and Analysis for Child Support Agency Introduction             The child support agency was established by the government in 1975. The fundamental aim of the enactment of the program was to curb the incurring welfare expenses through the process of collecting child upkeep from non-custodial parents. This is a buildup of a program established in 1935 as required by the Social Security Act focused of protecting the needs of the children born from low-income families (Elmore, 2010). Child support enforcement agency has a fundamental mission of providing assurance about the support of medical and financial requirements provided for children. The agency achieves this functionality by establishing paternity, locating parents, recognizing support obligations, and ensuring that the obligations are adequately enforced. The federal government agency has an obligation of overseeing the national child support program. Looking at the agency’s historical events, it is clear that the body has partnered with the state in the past to guarantee that children are provided with adequate resources which supports their mental emotional and financial requirements for a better wellbeing. Through this it is clear…

The INSTAMOM             The ‘INSTAMOM’ essay gives the lifestyle of Amber Fillerup Clark. Authored by Bianca Bosker, the article is published in the Atlantic Magazine that covers daily breaking news in America. In addition, the Atlantic magazine has the editorial arm that publishes essays from different authors like Bianca. The career life of Amber Fillerup Clarke revolves around blogging, and the author is concerned on how Clarke, at just 26 years has grown so rich given that it was not long since Clarke was a poor student at Provo, Utah. The essay appears to address the general readers of the Atlantic magazine, especially the ones with interest in blogging as a career. The article does not seem to be argumentative since the author is only reporting information obtained from the informal discussion held with Amber and just makes few comments which do not constitute any form of an argument. It is evident that Amber spends a good number of hours online and this makes her famous in the social media platforms. Amber is a member of the Mormon Church and…

Living and interacting with people from entirely different kinds of communities Having spent my initial days of childhood in a village with my grandparents and then having grown up in a city, I have balanced with several identities all my life all which have had an important role in shaping who I am today – a woman, an Indian, a feminist, a dancer, an aspiring communicator, and someone who genuinely wants to make a difference. Living and interacting with people from entirely different kinds of communities, cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, I understood the impact of politics in the smallest activities of everyday life at an early age. From the governments in power to the ideologies that people live by every day, from the pain and sorrow of war and conflict to the sense of hollowness that the routine discrimination based on caste, gender, class and other social categories causes – I see politics in all of these. But my Bachelor’s degree in Political Science with an optional of Conflict Resolution and Peace Building has taught me that politics is not…

Reasons Why You Need a Family Doctor When you wake up and establish you have an urgent medical need, such as severe flu or unexpected rash on the neck, who is the first point of contact? The best answer should be a family physician. Therefore, why a family doctor? In this post, we will tell you the main reasons why you need to have a family doctor in Melbourne, Australia. Family Doctors Strictly Follow Your Life Cycle It is true that you can get good services from most healthcare practitioners. But family doctors will do even better because they follow your life cycle. Because they treat kids, toddlers, teenagers, young adults, and seniors, they are instrumental in helping you make informed decisions about your family. They are the best primary healthcare physicians. By offering a wide range of services such as immunization and wellness exams, a family doctor is the perfect professional to help you make the right health decision. And you know what? The cost of family medicine is also low. Family Doctors Know Your Family History When you…

Five Reasons Why You Need a Family Doctor When you wake up and establish you have an urgent medical need, such as severe flu or unexpected rash on the neck, who is the first point of contact? The best answer should be a family physician. Therefore, why a family doctor? In this post, we will tell you the main reasons why you need to have a family doctor in Melbourne, Australia. Family Doctors Strictly Follow Your Life Cycle It is true that you can get good services from most healthcare practitioners. But a family doctor will do even better because he follows your life cycle. Because they treat kids, toddlers, teenagers, young adults, and seniors, they are instrumental in helping you make informed decisions about your family. They are the best primary healthcare physicians. By offering a wide range of services such as immunization and wellness exams, a family doctor is the perfect professional to help you make the right health decision. And you know what? The cost of family medicine is also low. Family Doctors Know Your Family History…

Family Relations Describe what is meant by the term “marriage.” What are some of the benefits of postponing marriage? What are the costs? Marriage refers to a union that is socially supported and consists of two or more persons in what is viewed as a stable, persistent arrangement that is based typically in par of a given kind of sexual bond. It may also refer to a legal contract or social union that exits between spouses that leads to kinship. Postponing marriage comes with many different kinds of benefits. It has, for instance, boosted the socioeconomic status of many individuals, more specifically individuals who are more privileged as well as their partners. It has enabled individuals to attain some of their set goals in life. This has greatly assisted in minimizing divorce issues among married couples. This is due to the fact that the couples get married when they are mature enough and financially stable hence being in a position of handling domestic and financial challenges that may lead to divorce. While delaying marriage is coupled with a lot of…

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