Lecture Summaries Lecture: Adverse Childhood Experience Adverse Childhood experience is a term that describes all types of abuse, neglect and other traumatic experiences such as household dysfunction that occur to individuals during their teenage years. Adverse childhood experience is categorized into abuse, neglect and household dysfunction. Abuse and neglect can be physical, emotional, or social. Household dysfunction can be upshot from incidences such as divorce, and mother treated violently, substance abuse, mental illness or incarcerated relative. It is revealed that a healthy relationship exists between adult well-being and adult trauma. This, according to the research conducted by Kaiser ACE, which included a survey of more than 17,000 adults to find out their teenage experiences and their current health status and behaviours. Therefore, the research confirmed that what is recognised as a common disorder in adulthood medicine and psychiatry are possibly the consequences of what people failed to acknowledge or address in childhood. ACE can have diverse effects on an individual’s endocrine, immune, neurologic and epigenetic systems. However, Dr Grant has shown interest in helping teenagers to deal with some of…

Teenage Pregnancy in Mauritius The issue of pregnant teenagers has been taken as an essential subject in distinct ethnic groups, socio-economic backgrounds, groups, and religions. Different studies have indicated that technological influence, parental absence, and failure in contraceptives are a few of the major causes (Bhukuth and Ballet, 2019). Around the globe, teenage pregnancy is a common problem with at least three-quarters of all the adolescent girls engaging in their first sexual encounter by the age of 19 years. One of the countries that have encountered significant problems in teenage pregnancy is Mauritius, where the issue has become alarming. Mauritius Family Planning Welfare Association (MFPWA) records that at least 3800 adolescent girls get pregnant each year (Bhukuth and Ballet, 2019). For instance, in 2011, MFPWA recorded 6000 cases due to reasons such as aggression, parental absence, abuse, and sexual vulnerability (Bhukuth and Ballet, 2019).  This essay explores teenage pregnancy in Mauritius by looking at causes of teenage pregnancy and the impact of teenage motherhood, the factors that may be responsible for the crisis of teenage pregnancy in Mauritius, and the…

American Public Policy on Abortion The American policy on abortion is a complex one and elicits a lot of debate. However, the majority of the public supports abortion being legal.  Of concern is that most people are unhappy by the policy as it stands and many are pushing for changes on the Roe, V Wade policy. Moreover, a majority of those that support and those that oppose have taken hardline stands against it. Most States support abortion remaining legal, but many would like to revise the Roe, V Wade abortion policy. Abortion is a life-altering decision, and it not only affects the parents but states and the country at large. The question to consider is if abortion is harmful or helpful, should it be supported or not?  It should be legal, but restrictions need to be included to ensure that it does not do more harm than good. Policy on abortion should be adjustable; the issue should always remain open for debate because a country’s needs keep changing. The American constitution does not address abortion; it neither supports nor opposes…

Briefing Report on Situational Analysis for Hospitality Business Introduction Established in 1993, Xeal hotels have grown to become a leading 4-star hotel across Australia. It currently operates 24 hotels distributed across the major cities in Australia. Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia has, over the last five years, become a famous brand in the Melbourne CBD, and targeting both local and international business people who visit the city.  On the other hand, the company utilizes a franchise business model whereby it has franchises located in 53 nations across the world. Considerably, the Hotel chain offers its unique experience and services through bundled offerings, and other complementary services such as Gym, Spa, and other hygiene factors. Moreover, Xeal operates as a premium brand that targets the upper class, high profile, and business class of the society wherein it employs a differentiation strategy to reach the customers. This report seeks to give an in-depth situational analysis of the hospitality industry in Melbourne city. The situational analysis will include external environment analysis, competitive analysis, commercial partners, and market and consumer reach. Situational Analysis According to…

dialogue between Creon, the king, and the sentry Overview This reading begins with a dialogue between Creon, the king, and the sentry. Creon accuses the sentry of accepting a bribe so that a corpse could be buried against the king’s order. The sentry, however, declares before the king that he had nothing to do with this act. Creon, angrily, orders the sentry to find the person who buried the corpse of face a painful death. The sentry goes and sets a trap to catch the person who buried the body. Antigone is arrested and brought before the king. She is accused of burying a corpse against the king’s order not to do so. The king is not initially convinced that this small girl could commit such a crime. Antigone, however, pleads guilty to all the accusations and is ready to die. The sentry describes to the king how the events occurred until they captured the girl. Creon asks her if she was aware of the order that ha forbade it, and she agrees she knew that. The girl claims she…



Jia-Ronnie I agree with Jia-Ronnie that happiness is the fundamental purpose of why we all live. Everyone is striving to be happy. To be happy, people have to show love and compassion towards us. This creates some inner peace within us. However, many people do not understand how they ought to develop these virtues in their lives. The best thing is to build compassion and use it as a tool to transform our thoughts and behavior. Nevertheless, can human beings eliminate self-centeredness? Today, people think about their good. It is a pity that an individual can have a neighbor whom they do not even know their name. I support this post that Chan influenced how Cheri Maples did her work as a police officer. Her heart was broken, and she began loving other people and showing compassion to others despite being a police officer.   Cdh-Sorian It is impressive how Maya Angelou’s mother showed unconditional love towards her daughter. Yes! Her mother loved her even despite her (Maya) decision to move out and welcomed her every time to share a…

Schizophrenia It is a mental disorder (long term), which involves the breakdown of the relationship between behaviour, emotion and thought-leading to inappropriate feelings and actions, faulty perception and withdrawal from personal relationships and reality into delusion, fantasy and mental and mental fragmentation sense. Psychosocial Perspectives of Schizophrenia Social Drift Research implicates that psychotic disorders (clinical features) play a significant role in contributing to the downward socioeconomic trajectory (gradual). As a result, it is critical to note that people suffering from schizophrenia, among other related disorders, mostly reside in socioeconomically deprived areas compared to the general population. Urban Myth It is one of the puzzles questioning why several cases of schizophrenia occur in early adulthood and late adolescent. Indeed, structural neuroimaging shows that people with the disorder are faced with prominent progressive changes in the brain during this time. Stress and Relapse A significant number of people with schizophrenia are known to abuse drugs. In most cases, they abuse Marijuana. Indeed, stress is a problem leading to schizophrenia relapse. Indeed, stress is known to be increased by relapse. Influence of the…

Credit Rating Agencies                                             Quantitative and Qualitative Credit In the recent past, credit rating has become a significant aspect in the financial industry where credit ratings such as Moody’s plays invaluable roles in providing the investors with information about where to invest securities and debts and where not to invest. When financial institutions are evaluating the risk levels that are associated with the issuance of the bonds, they will look at the credit firms from various credit rating agencies. Many investors tend to look for a tradeoff between risk and return on their investments, which means that they would typically go for a higher coupon rate for the bonds that have a poor credit rating. Consequently, credit rating has effectively enabled the financial industry, providing debt and security instruments to measure the risks associated with the issuance of these instruments. Why Credit Rating should not be based only on past financial statements Moody’s argues that their methodology uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches to arrive at the rating outcomes. The idea of credit rating started as early as the 20th…

Why Martinez Should Not Be Released on Compassion Release for the Elderly Tony C. Martinez, who has been in custody for 20 years and was accused of murdering a 39-year-old woman in the presence of her children, should continue to be held in prison facilities. Martinez, who was convicted of first-degree murder, is still guilty for his crimes.  I believe that guilty people deserve to be punished proportionally to their crimes. Killing his wife in the presence of the children despite the passage of time remains a painful loss for the children, and his release would revive the suffering. Martinez, therefore, deserves to stay locked up and punished for his atrocious crime and violent conduct until the end of his term or life. Evaluation of the murder shows that the victim was defenseless and unprotected during the crime, and the evidence directly points to the accused, which proved beyond the reasonable doubt of his guilt. However, his release at such a time would be inappropriate. This is because he has no family as the children though grown-up is unwilling to…

Episodic vs Climatic Structure Episodic structure is a structure which involves many characters and locations, it has extended time, and besides the main theme, there are sub-themes in between. The climatic structure is whereby the action is condensed, and it has both limited characters and locations (Valančiūnas, 2017). Majority of today’s movies fits the climatic structure because the movies compress a larger part of the key topic into smaller portions to ensure that the plot of the movie becomes exciting to the viewers. Additionally, climatic structure movies have few characters and do not take longer times; hence they are unlikely to confuse the viewers. A favorite movie that I ever watch is the Slumdog Millionaire which was produced by two co-directors, Loveleen Tandan and Christian Colson, explaining the touching story of the young, ambitious Jamal Malik who used to reside in slums. Some of the stars who feature in the film include Jamal Malik, Salim and Latika. Salim was brother to Jamal, and he was desperate of becoming rich, and he would risk doing anything to become rich. Latika was…

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