psychological aspects of a group level The article tries to identify the psychological aspects of a group level and groups them in three identities, which are minority status, ethnic identity, and culture. Minority status comes from the different experiences one encounters by being a minority group in a larger population. In the case of African Americans, this comes in the form of stereotype judgments from other races and segregation. Ethnic identity is present in how one group himself in their ethnic group. African Americans will find themselves identifying with one another by calling each other brother or sister. This form of reference shows how they identify themselves with members of their racial type. When it comes to culture, it is all about sticking to the existing norms and beliefs of one’s lifestyle. For one to understand the identity of African Americans, they must dwell on the cultural and ethnic identities that get rooted in Afrocentric values. These values include collectivism, spiritualism, communalism, and belief in self-knowledge. Communism comes by prioritizing the goals of the ethnic group and the roles of…

Anna Hyndrakova Anna Hyndrakova: ″This photo was taken in Prague in October 1941, on the wedding day of my sister Gertruda to Frantisek. ″Frantisek was born in 1916; he worked as a chief clerk and was in the coal business. By the time I met him he was no longer allowed to do his job because he was Jewish. The three of us lived together. ″I didn′t like him at first, because at 13, I was left doing the dishes every night. But one of them must have read my diary because he started coming into the kitchen after that and said things like ′You′re my sister-in-law′ and ′Dear sister-in-law′, so I liked him a lot then. ″It was only a few weeks before he was deported to a work camp in Lipa and then to Terezin [called Theresienstadt in German – a Jewish ghetto and concentration camp]. ″My sister went to Terezin in December 1941. That′s where she and Frantisek met again and in 1943, they had a baby, Jana Ivana. ″We were all deported to Auschwitz at different…

Criminal investigation techniques and methods used in the investigation of violent crimes Introduction to Violent crimes Violent crimesare defined as a crime involving robbery with violence, aggravated assault, sexual assault and rape, and homicide.  The techniques police apply in solving these cases are usually very straightforward. It is any activity used by police to gather information and evidence to identify and secure the arrest of the offender. These procedures and techniques are not limed to protecting the crime scene, collecting evidence, testing DNA, identifying witnesses, interrogating suspects, profiling, andconducting surveillance(Becker, 2018). On July 2, 2015, an African-American male Nathaniel Wheeler was working in a construction site in 2700 Achentoroly Terrence Street in West Baltimore before he was shot multiple times in the chest. This shooting happened just two days after he celebrated his 31st birthday. Four days later, his killers, both 22 years old Kenyon Jackson and Davon Vinnie, were arrested and charged with the murder of Nathaniel Wheeler. It was not the first homicide case that week; on June 30, his brother Carlos had shot dead Ronnie Thomas in…

One problem which a family might experience Every family faces a problem from time to time. A challenge or issue is an area in life that may influence other parts of the body. Some issues appear to drain more energy and resources of an affected person.  A question might make you exhaustive, making one never to handle other stressful things like examinations, friend conflicts, or other tasks. People struggle to cope up with pains though it turns irritable for families that are not capable of handling such challenges. The fundamental problems families and some individuals face are domestic violence. In many instances, people quarrel in homes leading the fights. Husbands beat their wives in front of their children or there exist constant conflicts among the parents. This affects most of the children in their growth. Factors hindering domestic violence resilience The people who have suffered domestic violence get it hard to recover from what they underwent in the hands of bullies. Some of the factors which bar their recovery include: Ethical considerations- some cultural aspects promote the issue of domestic…

FAMILY VALUES Family values are a critical aspect of Chinese culture and control domestic morals and structures. As such, Chinese families have adopted similar morals and values that govern them in their daily lives. For instance, gender roles within the families in China have been apprehended with varying duties for both men and women in society (Hu & Scott, 2016). The man is responsible for providing, protecting, and maintaining his family while has the decision-making power in regards to family matters. Women are required to serve in a subordinate position in the Chinese culture as [art of their gender role. On the other hand, the Islamic culture in Egypt apprehends gender roles as men being the breadwinners while women take up the capacity of a homemaker. However, Egyptian culture does not limit women from getting an education or working. Besides, the Chinese culture advocates for the “one-child policy” due to its criticality in family values. As such, society has been faced with severe social imbalances since the male child is responsible for continuation in the family lineage. Hence, female infanticide…

Robin Chase, Zipcar: An Inconvenient Discovery ViewPoint Former Zipcar sire and  CEO Robin Chase who is a transparent, emotionally honest leader is having a problem in her business. Because the Zipcar have many problems like the other people have their own car, so they are satisfied with their car, so they don’t need Zipcar anymore, and car utilization was only 22%, much lower than the 40% she had estimated and in 24 hours she expects that they will use the in 9.6 hours, but it only went on 5.5 hours, she had made miscalculation with math. The math indicated that with 50% of revenue coming from daily rentals, a higher percentage than she had predicted, but the daily rate would have to go up 20%, Zipcar’s financial had been built fast but not flexible. Robin chase thinks that her brother Mark betray her.   Chase’s Strengths and Weaknesses as a Leader Robin Chase thought that starting Zipcar would be an eminent idea. When her friend proposed about doing car-sharing business, Chase thought that it was a great idea since living…

 family and kinship From the letters, it is identifiable that Robert Walton is focused on discovering new ideals beyond human cognition. Through embracing a journey to the north pole in the discovery of a shorter sea route linking the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, the thematic idea of thinking beyond human ability s made clear in the life of Walton. Furthermore, there is an ongoing need for companionship, which at last fails, and Walton is composed to reach his desired destination. From the letters where constant communication between Walton and his sister in England, it is identifiable that there exists a close kinship and blood ties between the two, as Walton feels the need to update her sister on his new developments. In chapter one of the text, family and kinship are reflected as a pivotal aspect of the success of Walton. A narrative of the Swiss family where Frankstein is raised shows the essence of having a healthy family, which is well established to curb any form of incapacitation, especially in hindering the dreams and visions of its…

Selection of the primary source The primary source selected is Color Purple, authored by Alice Walker but later Published in 1982. Through Celie, Walker clearly illustrates that we need to possess the power to say out what is in us so that we can live us our real selves. We further find out that to express self-defense and resist oppression by others, expressing ourselves in this manner could prove much risky. Walker believes that in the interaction among women, the weak or less fortunate will get the courage to express them, and therefore this is a norm that should be widely practiced. It is regardless of the form the relationship may take, as it may be a mother-daughter, sister-sister, teacher-student, or even mentor-student. Walker brings out several violent cases from women, whereby these are clearly depicted as a result of the prevailing circumstances in the society (Trudier Harris-Lopez). Analysis of the Color Purple Throughout the book, Walker brings it very clear that ladies and generally all women need friends, which acts as an important tool through which they provide courage…

Clinical Question Paper: PICOT Abstract   The profession of nursing requires registered nurses to write clinical questions. The PICOT format is utilized by nurses to formulate these types of questions. This paper reviews three research articles based around the topic of childhood obesity and the effects that parents may have on their children’s weight. The first article is a cross-sectional study used to clarify the relationship between ineffective parenting and childhood obesity using different dimension of family functioning. This study found that because parents of obese children are more likely to have their own weight problems, they may model ineffective lifestyle patterns. The second is a systematic review focused on whether parents are using portion control when feeding their children, and whether education and training on portion control could have an effect on parents feeding strategies. The results were positive effects of portion control on the energy intake of children, and parents accurately estimating portion sizes after education.  The final article was a cross-sectional descriptive study that explored different parenting styles and other potential family and social indicators of an…

Family Participation Enhancement IFSP Meeting Agenda Introductions and socializing time Summarize Katrina ‘s  eligibility for early intervention services Establish or update Katrina’s and her family’s strengths, resources, priorities and concerns Document Katrina’s current functioning/levels of development, listing what  she can do and what is emerging Determine the team decision for Katrina’s current Child Outcomes Summary Ask Katrina’s family to rate their concerns, establishing their priorities for Katrina and their family Write Functional Outcome(s) in family’s priority order, including the following What does the family want and why, written with “in order to” language Activities and strategies to be used to achieve the outcome or links for the family to additional services Which Early Intervention people will be involved Resources available and resources needed Evaluation plan for the outcome Establish if services to be delivered in a natural environment Determine the amount of services to be provided and by which Early Intervention provider(s) Summarize the outcomes, services provided and who is providing the services Parent signs for implementation and distribution authorization Complete meeting participants/contributors list with sign in of all present…

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