collateral effects of incarceration on fathers, families, and communities Summary The document, the collateral effects of incarceration on fathers, families, and communities is written by the Council on Crime and Justice (CCJ). It studied the racial inequality and its effects. It examines what happens when a member of a family or society is imprisoned. Specifically, when men are imprisoned and the consequences of imprisonment to the economy. Three interviews were conducted aimed to collect the data. Most of the instance that cause fathers to be imprisoned include; lack of role models, during their childhood. Nevertheless,  they may have experienced unhealthy family dynamics, they became fathers at a young age, and scarce resources to be able to support their families financially (Council on Crime and Justice, 2006). Imprisonment has impacted the society positively. When the prisoners return from prison, they find a community where they are readily welcomed. They are supported morally and financially; job opportunities are many, reduced crime rates in the society become evident. The housing is affordable and social relationships and solidarity increase. However, imprisonment has also had…

Product differentiation Product differentiation is a prime technique that enables rival companies to beat the competition and stay ahead in the race. Pepsi and Coca-Cola are two of the leading brands in the beverage industry. However, the products of both brands vary widely. While Coca-Cola limits itself to a single product, Pepsi has come up with a variety of options to suit the taste of the consumers. The prices of the premium products thus vary as well. For Pepsi, the pricing is done based on the product while that for Coca-Cola is done based on the variation of the product size. Heinz and Hunt’s offer ketchup, sauce, and other related products in the market. However, their products and marketing strategies vary widely from each other. Heinz brings in product differentiation by offering a wide variety of flavors of its ketchup, edchup, and sauce, while Hunt’s delivers an extensive range of products of preserved tomatoes. Hunt’s differentiates its product through its size and the absence of high-fructose corn syrup contents. Heinz offers high-fructose corn syrup ketchup in the market. Hunt is…

Parasite Movie Review  Neo-liberalism is seen as the dominant element in the movie parasite. Neo-liberalism is associated with previous systems of the free market and laissez-faire economic liberalism, which advocated for less government intervention in economic activities. Neo-liberalism focuses on privatization and concentrating economic power to citizens rather than the government.  The movie parasite vividly depicts how neoliberalism and capitalism have had impacts on our societies and the economy. The two classes presented in the film play an important role in shaping these effects. It also shows how people in the capitalist world struggle to bridge the gap between classes and failures of capitalists in other social aspects other than social classification. Capitalism advocates for each person to accumulate wealth, which he/she should use to gain utility (Brown, 2015). That is, it is the survival of the fittest model, where the unfit people n the society ends up with low utility. For instance, in the movie, the parks have accumulated wealth, which is beneficial only to them. Due to theism social class, they live in better conditions as compared to…

Immigration, Family Separation, and Detainment Immigration, separation of families, and detention have serious impacts on the economic, physical, and psychological wellbeing of those involved. They can be long or short term, direct or indirect. For instance, immigration and detention deprive families of sources of livelihood momentarily by reducing their ability to earn a living. Also, the affected people are malnourished since food is scarce in immigrant and detention camps. Moreover, the three experiences traumatize the victims and may result in depression since having to adapt to the dynamics of a new, hostile environment is quite stressful. A long term effect is change in population demographics. For example, sustained immigration may result in imbalances in population figures since more women than men move into the US (Androff, 2016). The authorities concerned should act urgently and implement the policies regarding medical care for immigrant women. As Ali (2017) notes, health care is a basic human right, and the government should cater to the health of immigrating women. It should provide them with sanitary pads, maternal care, and develop a response strategy to…



Family Just talking to your family can make you feel extraordinarily better, and living with them is even more splendid and lavish. The experience of living with a family gives me a feeling of a unique type of love that comes with the joy of staying close to my family. Living in a family has helped me develop a strong bond and deep affection that has expanded to loyalty and healthy connections with my family. Living in a family means people are staying in one leaving scope, and therefore, as a result of the family’s proximity, my privacy is lean. Consequently, the closeness with my family has made me realize the importance of sharing. As one family, we have to share specific necessities such as food, clothes, furniture, and appliances. I have also learned that for a family to remain peaceful, every member of the family has to respect other people’s opinions and rights. Best experience while living in a family is getting to know that a healthy family love is unquestionable; I always have to love my family members…

Child care markets Childcare has existed since the early 1990s with the limited intervention of government in the provision of the services. This was because the responsibility of providing childcare was seen as a private issue that did not need government support. The United Kingdom was the first country to intervene in the provision of childcare services in the 1990s. The government introduced small-scale measures that were the initial start of government involved in regulating childcare. Government participation in childcare was accelerated by the introduction of the National Childcare Strategy before 2000. This was strengthened by enacting of childcare policy that incorporated taxation and regulation by inspection of daycare facilities by government bodies. In the modern world, especially the United Kingdom, the government has intervened in the provided childcare in many ways to ensure children are safe (Cloney et al. 2016). The government primarily regulates the provision of childcare in the United Kingdom. 65% of the providers are private providers, local governments provide 2 %, volunteers provide 14 %, and 19% of the childcare is based in schools or colleges.…

Case Note:Mobile phone conversation as at 12/2/2020 2 PM The parent of John contacted Carnegie Vanguard School on February 11, 2020, in the necessity of assistance. The secretaries explained as informed by the parent that the guardian was concerned about his son’s ability to excel in classwork because of the language barrier. Mrs. Ray was directed to my office, and I continued to assist the parent. According to my observation, Mrs. Ray had difficulties speaking in English fluently, and she appeared agitated due to her son’s concern. For this reason, I decided to speak to her in French. I requested her to be patient and asked about the son’s grade and the name of her teacher. The guardian explained to me that she had relocated to the U.S soon and knew very little English. For this reason, I assured her that everything would be alright, and I had to help her satisfactorily. Later she shared that his son was in grade 9, and his class teacher was Mr. Steve. Mrs. Roy shared to me that she needed an assistant to…

Super Bowl commercial from Jeep gets Bill Murray to relive the Groundhog Day 2nd February this year was not just the start of the Super Bowl. It was also Groundhog Day. And, Jeep to bring together the celebrations of both in the form of a commercial starring Bill Murray. Yes, Bill Murray, the star of the 1993 hit movie ‘Groundhog Day,’ who hated the movie so much that he stopped talking to Harold Ramis, the director, for twenty years! While Murray might not have loved the movie, the audience sure did, as the movie is routinely revisited by movie-buffs till today. And, the response to the ad is surely a testimony to the popularity the movie enjoys till today. So, here’s taking a look at what led to the whole controversy, the visuals of the ad, and how Olivier Francois got the actor to give the nod. Let’s get started! The controversy surrounding the movie Groundhog Day was not the first time Bill Murray was working with the director and writer, Harold Ramis. They had worked together in four other…

Coronavirus: Canadian Prime Minister’s wife tests positive Canadian Prime Minister Sophie Gregoire Trudeau’s wife tested positive for the new coronavirus, Justin Trudeau’s office said on Thursday. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau is doing well and will remain isolated, according to the statement.   “The prime minister is in good health, with no symptoms. As a precautionary measure, and following the advice of doctors, he will be isolated for a period of 14 days,” it added in the same note. On Thursday, Trudeau had started a quarantine period after the woman had symptoms similar to the flu. Trudeau’s office had reported that Sophie Gregoire Trudeau had returned from an appointment in the UK, where she spoke, and on Wednesday night, she manifested flu-like symptoms, including a mild fever. The new coronavirus responsible for Covid -19 was detected in December in China and has already caused more than 4,600 deaths worldwide, leading the World Health Organization to declare the disease as a pandemic. The number of infected people exceeded 125 thousand people, with cases registered in about 120 countries and territories.     The…

Importance of Planning a Family Legacy {In the world we live in today, most people do not think of planning the future when they will no longer be able to provide for their families.|Most people in the world we live in today do not think of planning for the future when they are no longer able to provide for their families.|Planning for the future, when you can no longer provide for your family is one of the things that most people in the world we live in today do not think about.} {These days, it is common to come across a case of young people passing away while their children are still young.|It is common to come across a case of young people passing away while their children are still young these days.|In the world we live in today, young people passing away while their children are still young a common occurrence.} {In such a case, the question on who will raise the children is the first thing that comes into mind.|The first thing that comes into mind in such…

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