Speculating About Causes/Determining Effects                  Objective:       Compose a balanced, insightful speculation essay that explores a major issue in our culture.  You must address the increase, decrease, or stagnation as it pertains to the issue. You must also determine the effectives that the increase, decrease, or stagnation is having on individuals and/or society. Be sure to 1) define your topic, 2) provide adequate background information, 3) detail your causes, 4) provide adequate support, 5) discuss the effects, and 6) summarize your main points in the conclusion.   You need to give a minimum of THREE (3) causes to establish the legitimacy of the issue.  For example, if you were to address the increase in single parent households in America, you might assert that the causes are (1) irresponsible sex among teenagers and adults, (2) social acceptance of out of wedlock births, (3) a change from traditional family values, and (4) moral decay concerning parental responsibilities among men.  In addition, you must ELABORATE about why you believe this information to be valid.[unique_solution]   Audience:       Your attentive audience consists of people from various…

Shakespeare’s Idea of Misogyny as Depicted by Iago Towards his Wife Emilia             In William Shakespeare’s Othello, the torment undergone by most of the characters at the hands of Iago has been used as a driving force in the book. The main victim however is his wife Emilia who has been constantly underrated and treated as a lesser being by his husband Iago. Although in most of the scenarios she seems not to understand that, the bitter truth is that she has been exposed to high degree of abuse and manipulations by her heinous husband even before the wicked intrigues against women in the book begins. This paper reflects on Shakespeare’s idea of misogyny as driven by Iago towards his wife Emilia through his consistent disregards and abuses. As contemporary readers we can be tempted to look down upon Iago’s actions as mere predominant misogynistic attitudes exhibited by male gender towards the female gender in sixteenth century, “The very presence of misogynist discourse in the Renaissance,” declares Valerie Wayne, “suggests the instability of that view of women. It was not…

Why daycare should not be allowed to give toddlers milk Introduction Daycare or child daycare refers to as the act of taking care of the child during the day by a person other than the child’s parent or the legal guardian. The daycare offers ongoing services to the child when the parent or guardian as at work or other tasks. This paper seeks to discuss reasons as to why daycare should not be allowed to give toddlers milk. Some of these reasons include: It can lead to infecting a child with dangerous diseases such as HIV/AIDS among other bacterial infections, some children will end up not taking the milk while at daycare making the daycare workers dispose the milk, some mothers may not afford the Formula/cow milk to their children making them to cry when others whose parents can afford are taking the milk, Formula/ cow milk have also been found to cause difficulties in child’s bowels leading to bloating compared to the mother’s breast milk, mothers should be encouraged to go back to the daycare at intervals to feed…

Useful Parts in Different Family Units Prevention science provides different aspects of society. Having to deal with the continued improvement in the community. In this program am interested in exploring more on the children living with disabilities. The different programs that continually help in ensuring that the individuals are better-taken care. The group of such individuals is highly disadvantaged and would create a more significant impact on their lives in ensuring they have a better experience and interact continually with the rest of society. The first job ad that I reviewed on indeed involved the HHS prevention science fellowship that consists of the department of disease prevention and health (Allen & Henderson, 2017). Having to provide the different health functionalities to the US people, the job ensures the continued improvement and empowerment of the youth and the younger generation in various departments.  The functionalist theory impacts the family unit through the creation of better aspects and unifying the individuals in society. The interaction between the children in the community gives a better feel of humanity, and this would be the…

social rules and norms and the parenting practices Introduction   The argument based on public intervention and understanding in favor of children Based on human capital, public investment generally begins with accessing th primary basic knowledge, which always occurs at six years based on theoretical age (McCarthy et al. (2017). The existence of the preschool at the age of 6 has coverage, which is limited to terms and conditions. Places such as Sierra Leone, almost quarter of the total children who are at the theoretical age of 6 enters the first year of primary education but fail to reach the final level (Mazmanian & Lanette (2017). The development of a national early childhood program Like any other nation, the laying foundation for childhood development is in line with the act supporting UNICEF. IN PARTICULAR, The program based on national early childhood development had its foundation in Siera Leone where it majorly based on 0-6 years age group which were divided into the following complementary segments (Chapin & Stern (2019); The early primary learning segment concerned with which first years’ of…

How to Raise an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims Summary Julie Lythcott, in her book “How to Raise an Adult” believes that parents hurt the children when the parents act on the trust that their child will be unsuccessful unless they micromanage each of their lives aspect and promote maintenance of good grades. She argues that good parenting is through a parenting approach that develops unconditional love, chores, as well as individualism as essential to the development of a child. Sources of information The author uses information from different sources where at first, she uses anecdotal evidence. Such means that she gets some of her data from stories told by people, which many times keep on changing and may be untrustworthy. She also uses the Harvard Medical School to back her views. III. Connections Parents with a close association with their children indicate the attachment theory, just as Julie Lythcott notes that children with healthier associations with their parents have high attainments in their lives. Child guidance concept is another theory connected to the standpoints of the author, where she sees…

Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) IFSP Meeting Agenda   Introductions and socializing time   Summarize Hayley’s eligibility for early intervention services   Establish or update Hayley and her family’s strengths, resources, priorities and concerns   Document Hayley’s current functioning/levels of development, listing what she can do and what is emerging   Determine the team decision for Hayley’s current Child Outcomes Summary   Ask Hayley’s family to rate their concerns, establishing their priorities for Hayley and their family   Write Functional Outcome(s) in family’s priority order, including the following[unique_solution]   What does the family want and why, written with “in order to” language   Activities and strategies to be used to achieve the outcome or links for the family to additional services   Which Early Intervention people will be involved   Resources available and resources needed   Evaluation plan for the outcome   Establish if services to be delivered in a natural environment   Determine the amount of services to be provided and by which Early Intervention provider(s)   Summarize the outcomes, services provided and who is providing the services  …

SOCIAL REALISM IN JOSEPH MACWAN’S ECLIPSED ROTALO, HARISH MANGALAM’S THE MIDWIFE AND MOHAN PARMAR’S ETERNAL THIRST Abstract: According to time and situations, Dalit literature is written about their torments and development. After independence, the Dalits took the initiative in the fields of politics and education. Indian Constitution formally put an end to the practice of untouchability, but the classification by caste still exists in India. Despite rigid traditions and caste system, the Dalits became aware of politics, gained education, and started writing literature about their pangs and afflictions. No one can find any distinction between Dalit literature written in Gujarati and other regional languages of India. Dalit writing as a whole is an account of untouchability, caste discrimination, Dalit protest against inequality, and about their oppression and exploitation by upper caste. Dalits in Gujarat became aware of their rights during the early twentieth century, but their literature fully flourished after the 1970s. Gujarati Dalit writers like Joseph Macwan, Dalpat Chauhan, Harish Mangalam, and Mohan Parmar portrayed a realistic picture of Dalit life in rural Gujarat. Gujarati Dalit short stories unfold…

 Family Health Assessment paper Select a family to complete a family health assessment. (The family cannot be your own.) Before interviewing the family, develop three open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the following health patterns: Values, Health Perception Nutrition Sleep/Rest Elimination Activity/Exercise Cognitive Sensory-Perception Self-Perception Role Relationship Sexuality Coping[unique_solution] NOTE: Your list of questions must be submitted with your assignment as an attachment. After interviewing the family, compile the data and analyze the responses. In 800-1,000 words, summarize the findings for each functional health pattern for the family you have selected. Identify two wellness problems based on your family assessment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

JUVENILES AND THE COURT SYSTEM A court-ordered education program for the juveniles is an excellent program that should be adopted. The youths who have conducted nonviolent mistakes should not go through a court hearing. There should be a different program run by the state court system. The purpose of having a separate application for the youths is to avoid police records.  The program also helps the child to keep up with school work. A report by Southern Poverty Law centre in Florida, the type of education provided to children in jails meant for adults, was deficient and virtually nonexistent.  In the report, there was proof that children were kept in solitary confinement to separate them from the adults and were also denied education (Simmonds, 2019). the type of education provided in prison is questionable. The quality cannot be compared to that offered in private and public institutions. Here the mode of delivery is not laid out, and in some cases, it does not provide a broad scope of subjects. This confines a child only to learn what is available, not what…

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