Organized Crime in Canada             Organized crime has been an issue of concern to the Canadian government for several years. The Criminal Intelligence Services Canada (CISC) has been employing a series of strategies to curb the rising menace. CISC has generally been providing annual reports indicating the extent to which they have managed to control the impact of organized crime. The cooperation of the Canadians has been needed for successful processes aimed at dealing with the issue of organized crime. Besides, the citizens are on the receiving end of the impacts of organized crime either directly or indirectly. CISC has identified crime classifications that have been prioritized in the fight against organized crime. Criminal Intelligence Services Canada has employed considerable efforts in a bid to address the issues of human trafficking, street gangs, and money laundering, which have been causing high levels for the government and citizens. Human trafficking can be viewed as modern-day slavery since people are forced to undergo inhuman practices in return for little or no favor. Human trafficking involves several activities, such as the recruitment and…

collateral effects of incarceration on fathers, families, and communities Summary The document, the collateral effects of incarceration on fathers, families, and communities is written by the Council on Crime and Justice (CCJ). It studied the racial inequality and its effects. It examines what happens when a member of a family or society is imprisoned. Specifically, when men are imprisoned and the consequences of imprisonment to the economy. Three interviews were conducted aimed to collect the data. Most of the instance that cause fathers to be imprisoned include; lack of role models, during their childhood. Nevertheless,  they may have experienced unhealthy family dynamics, they became fathers at a young age, and scarce resources to be able to support their families financially (Council on Crime and Justice, 2006). Imprisonment has impacted the society positively. When the prisoners return from prison, they find a community where they are readily welcomed. They are supported morally and financially; job opportunities are many, reduced crime rates in the society become evident. The housing is affordable and social relationships and solidarity increase. However, imprisonment has also had…

Case Note:Mobile phone conversation as at 12/2/2020 2 PM The parent of John contacted Carnegie Vanguard School on February 11, 2020, in the necessity of assistance. The secretaries explained as informed by the parent that the guardian was concerned about his son’s ability to excel in classwork because of the language barrier. Mrs. Ray was directed to my office, and I continued to assist the parent. According to my observation, Mrs. Ray had difficulties speaking in English fluently, and she appeared agitated due to her son’s concern. For this reason, I decided to speak to her in French. I requested her to be patient and asked about the son’s grade and the name of her teacher. The guardian explained to me that she had relocated to the U.S soon and knew very little English. For this reason, I assured her that everything would be alright, and I had to help her satisfactorily. Later she shared that his son was in grade 9, and his class teacher was Mr. Steve. Mrs. Roy shared to me that she needed an assistant to…

Calvin’s Giftedness Is Calvin gifted, creative, and talented? Provide a rationale for your answer Yes, he displays characteristics of people who are gifted, creative, and talented. Calvin demonstrates high intellectual and creative abilities. He is skilled in the use of language, as evidenced by his humorous and creative answers to his dad. For instance, when he vouches for looking at the “help wanted section” when his dad’s polls are slipping down. His reasoning appears to be beyond his age, sometimes manipulating it in naughty ways. For instance, he creatively attempts to illustrate to his dad how early retirement to bed would turn him into a psychopath (Hardman, Drew & Egan, 2013). These are typical characteristics that depict the nature of Calvin as a gifted child. If Calvin’s dad asked you how to handle Calvin’s “giftedness,” what recommendations would you make? Give a rationale for your answer The main way to handle Calvin’s gifted nature is through pursuing differentiated education. As Hardman, Drew & Egan (2013) explain, this type of schooling system is customized to meet the unique interests and abilities…

Critical Analysis of Why New Borns Cause Acrimony And Alimony The article by Dolores Puterbaugh, “Why newborns cause acrimony and alimony,” describes the challenges that come in marriage when children are born in the family. It is true divorce rate is high for new couples. However, acrimony and alimony in marriages occur as a result of abrupt changes in expectations for income, duties and the structure of the family. Acrimony refers to feelings of bitterness or resentment towards someone, while alimony is a person’s legal obligation to support their spouse financially after a marital divorce. To understand why newborns cause alimony, Dolores Puterbaugh discusses the differences in parenting expectations. The differences in expectations of handling money, decisions, power, children and duties are the likely cause for acrimony and alimony between married couples. The role of both parents raising a child is important because the interest of the child comes first. However, for marriages where the man is the sole financial provider for the family, the loss of job puts a lot of strain in the marriage (Puterbaugh, 2005). Married couples…

Children and Mobile Phone Ownership             Technology is everywhere, and parenting is changing significantly in recent years. Children born during the era of technology are become hard to deal with, especially when parents decide to bring them up according to the traditional ways. One of the most contentious issues coming up in parenting is whether or not to allow children to own mobile phones. Some parents have allowed their children to own phones as early as when they are nine or fewer years old. Some schools have also allowed children to use mobile phones during breaks between classes to communicate with their parents. However, other parents and schools have held the position that phones should not be availed to children. Allowing children at the age of nine to own phones may be risky on their behavior and also is expensive, although it may be viewed as a security measure. A nine-year-old child is not in a position to make informed decisions safe for a few children who attain maturity at an early age. Mobile phones allow children to be at…

Why daycare should not be allowed to give toddlers milk Introduction Daycare or child daycare refers to as the act of taking care of the child during the day by a person other than the child’s parent or the legal guardian. The daycare offers ongoing services to the child when the parent or guardian as at work or other tasks. This paper seeks to discuss reasons as to why daycare should not be allowed to give toddlers milk. Some of these reasons include: It can lead to infecting a child with dangerous diseases such as HIV/AIDS among other bacterial infections, some children will end up not taking the milk while at daycare making the daycare workers dispose the milk, some mothers may not afford the Formula/cow milk to their children making them to cry when others whose parents can afford are taking the milk, Formula/ cow milk have also been found to cause difficulties in child’s bowels leading to bloating compared to the mother’s breast milk, mothers should be encouraged to go back to the daycare at intervals to feed…

social rules and norms and the parenting practices Introduction   The argument based on public intervention and understanding in favor of children Based on human capital, public investment generally begins with accessing th primary basic knowledge, which always occurs at six years based on theoretical age (McCarthy et al. (2017). The existence of the preschool at the age of 6 has coverage, which is limited to terms and conditions. Places such as Sierra Leone, almost quarter of the total children who are at the theoretical age of 6 enters the first year of primary education but fail to reach the final level (Mazmanian & Lanette (2017). The development of a national early childhood program Like any other nation, the laying foundation for childhood development is in line with the act supporting UNICEF. IN PARTICULAR, The program based on national early childhood development had its foundation in Siera Leone where it majorly based on 0-6 years age group which were divided into the following complementary segments (Chapin & Stern (2019); The early primary learning segment concerned with which first years’ of…

How to Raise an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims Summary Julie Lythcott, in her book “How to Raise an Adult” believes that parents hurt the children when the parents act on the trust that their child will be unsuccessful unless they micromanage each of their lives aspect and promote maintenance of good grades. She argues that good parenting is through a parenting approach that develops unconditional love, chores, as well as individualism as essential to the development of a child. Sources of information The author uses information from different sources where at first, she uses anecdotal evidence. Such means that she gets some of her data from stories told by people, which many times keep on changing and may be untrustworthy. She also uses the Harvard Medical School to back her views. III. Connections Parents with a close association with their children indicate the attachment theory, just as Julie Lythcott notes that children with healthier associations with their parents have high attainments in their lives. Child guidance concept is another theory connected to the standpoints of the author, where she sees…

  The benefits and/or dangers of social media to teens in America Social media is a collection of online communication media platforms that enable users to connect, share audio, photos, text, and video media, and interact in many other ways through the internet. Social media has become a group of several distinct platforms that include Facebook, What Sapp, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and many others (Heins 82). These platforms enable users, especially teens, to interact, share and communicate with each other using proprietary modes of communications and interaction. BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA Social media’s ability to reach hundreds of millions of people or even billions at the same time has continued to enable teens promote their entrepreneurship skills and brands. Such users can communicate with each other over large geographical distances in order to share ideas on different market dynamics as demonstrated in the film ‘The Social Network’ (Fincher). Such communications allow these teens to respond appropriately to the challenges and opportunities their brands and entrepreneurships’ promotional teams face due to differences in taste and demand. Additionally, social media enable the…

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