leaving for a casual shop Where on earth is “leaving for a casual shop” like venturing out in a pink and purple lycra bodysuit with Waldo’s underpants and weird X-mass tights for shock furnishes it. It does not matter the intended look; the fact is that she appears more of a zebra who stumbled on several wet paint decorations. Cross-dresser Walmart: The only place men can have on any kind socks..as well as pink hats.. and unthinkable, baby blue tutus. As long as he feels relaxed… Donaldisha? When did Donald Trump have an orange sister? Like she even had phony hair like the current president! Superkid Wait! A kid like a cutie pie in a luchador mask! She is an irritating screaming kid, considerably the most valuable thing in her parent’s world. In short, she is merely a child; unfortunately, with several adults resembling her, one ponders if Walmart induces growth among their clients! Not Everyone Likes Walmart Sure! Sure! We must be sympathetic to this gent. It not only about his misfired outfit color link, but it also appears…

“LA Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America’s Most Seductive City” by John Buntin John Buntin’s “LA Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America’s Most Seductive City” is a book that shows how the history of the City of Los Angeles is intricately intertwined with that of the world’s most famous police department, the LAPD. He picks up the story of the city in its early 1920s when two important outsiders arrive – Mickey Cohen, who dropped out of second grade, and William Parker, who would eventually become the Chief of Police. Cohen’s mother lived in Boyle Heights and ran a grocery around the corner from Breed Street Shul. Despite being Jewish, he was rejected by Hebrew School. He would then become a boxer before turning into a mobster. During that time, the politics and commerce of the city were mainly run by the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. This fact further made these two people outsiders to the community. Notably, Buntin sets up Cohen and Parker as opposites in a city that, despite the colorful image on the outside,…

Program Proposal and Evaluation Plan- Problem Statement Agency and Organization Description and Qualifications Description of the organization The Jane Addams Middle School in Lawndale in California is an elementary school in California that provides schooling services that have been identified in the school. It is a school serving a large population of children from the district and has a good track record in taking care of students. It is one of the largest schools in the region and serves children as well as teenagers developing the best programs that can help a child in future. The school has a good relationship with other institutions and organizations in the region thereby creating a good environment for students to develop their individual talents and skills. It is one of the most advanced schools with the individual systems that have been adopted making it the perfect environment for developing students’ skills. The organization takes care of children in the region and ensures that it communicates with the community diligently to ensure that there are proper models that are used. Community within which the…

ECR paper The results obtained from the survey are 1.33 and 1.18 for avoidance and anxiety, respectively. The scores are relatively low because they are closer to 1 compared to 7. They indicate that I have low avoidance and anxiety in relationships. I agree with the feedback because they reflect my daily interactions. I tend to nurture secure relationships. As a result, I have developed close acquaintances over time, anchored on trust, and this leads to an inclination to being confident that I can rely on my friends in different situations. Human beings are preprogrammed to develop attachments and bond with significant caregivers as children. In most occasions, mothers are the primary caregiver, and an emotional attachment grows between them and their babies. The kind of bond one experienced as a child determines how an individual relates to people in his/her adult life. If a person grew up experiencing confusing emotions in infancy, they have trouble understanding their feelings and those of others. Accordingly, it hinders them from establishing successful relationships. A parental style that aligns with child’s emotions harnesses…

ECR essay The results obtained from the survey are 1.33 and 1.18 for avoidance and anxiety, respectively. The scores are relatively low because they are closer to 1 compared to 7. They indicate that I have low avoidance and anxiety in relationships. I agree with the feedback because they reflect my daily interactions. I tend to nurture secure relationships. As a result, I have developed close acquaintances over time, anchored on trust, and this leads to an inclination to being confident that I can rely on my friends in different situations. Human beings are preprogrammed to develop attachments and bond with significant caregivers as children. In most occasions, mothers are the primary caregiver, and an emotional attachment grows between them and their babies. The kind of bond one experienced as a child determines how an individual relates to people in his/her adult life. If a person grew up experiencing confusing emotions in infancy, they have trouble understanding their feelings and those of others. Accordingly, it hinders them from establishing successful relationships. A parental style that aligns with child’s emotions harnesses…

authoritative parenting style My parents used an authoritative parenting style. They expected me to listen to them and have an open discussion about the things that were troubling me. They set rules and enforced boundaries not only applicable at home but also to be a reference point when dealing with members of the community. They were affectionate, encouraged me to be independent and supported my dreams. To them, one’s children have been taught the ways to live, and the parent should give them the freedom to live their life as they mature up. Looking back, I’m glad my parents choose to use the authoritative parenting style. The high demand and response helped me to become more sharp and independent. Furthermore, the freedom that comes with this parenting style enhances children’s happiness and self-esteem (Lally, 2019). Also, it enhances their skills, content, and interaction with people, academic performance, and freedom (Smetana, 2017). I am proof that this parenting style has a lot of benefits and enhance a child’s mental development and health. For many years, researchers have been investigating the best…

Single Mums Unmarried, divorced, or widowed women who bring up children independently are known as single mums. Over time the number of children raised by single women has significantly increased. Statistics have confirmed that single women head 80 % of American families, with one-third of the families living in absolute poverty (Schein and Virginia, 2018). Berryhill and Durtschi (2018) explain that there are various challenges that single women experience in life, and therefore everyone should understand them. Most societies have harsh judgments and negative attitudes toward single women. The community views single mums as failures without getting background information on how single parenthood came along. With the father’s absence, the mother finds it hard to make decisions about the children. As a result, these women doubt their ability to bring up kids single-handedly. This challenge becomes even more complicated when the children’s father is alive but physically absent and thinks the children are raised inappropriately. Due to the burden of bringing up children, single women rarely sleep because the house chores can only be done when kids sleep. Inadequate sleep…

Annotated bibliography on father children incest Introduction The essay presents an annotated bibliography of father children incest and discusses various elements of the subject. This includes multiple contributing factors, the outcome results. It also highlights multiple effects the act has on children. The paper also highlights various research studies which concern the topic and various achievements. It discusses factors that contribute to father children incest and other related information. Pullman, L. E., Sawatsky, M. L., Babchishin, K. M., McPhail, I. V., & Seto, M. C. (2017).            Differences between biological and sociolegal incest offenders: A meta-analysis.           Aggression and violent behavior, 34, 228-237. Retrieved from    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359178917300125 In general analysis, this publication majorly discusses meta-analysis investigation of differences that exist between biological plus sociologic incest criminals. This publication expresses that sociolegal incest criminals have more of antisocial traits such as self-regulation challenges. The incest criminals in biological contest exhibit psychopathology such as mental health challenges. This publication express that there is a crucial theoretical difference that exists between biological pulls sociolegal incest criminals as this aspect is not commonly recognized…

Accidental birth reflection using social public policy Accident of birth is a situation that describes someone having no control of or not entrusted with the responsibility for circumstances of their own birth or their child parenting. And with the evolving scientific strategies of understanding genes we can reasonably refer to any human being’s genome as a whole accident of birth. In a broad view, the gender, access to education, inheritance rights, family circumstances, and cultural backgrounds are all examples of accidents of birth. Accident of birth has the greatest impact on the life outcomes of majority of people in the United States, Abdel-Magied, Y. (2014). Inhuman deprivation that is found in the low- income and crime ridden type of environment, (slum) which the federal government prefers to call a targeted census tracts is said to cause stress to pregnant residents. The stress is due to the existing anxiety in this areas, the abuse and poor nutrition too. The doctor’s visits are not regular and sometimes there are no visits at all up to the time one has to deliver. The…

Should parent spank their children? If they do, what are their rights and limitation?   Have you ever heard the word, “Spare the rod and spoil the child”, this is a common saying that we have heard at one point in our lifetime. Some people believe that spanking a child is good, while others believe it is not. Another phrase for the word spanking is “corporal punishment”. Some parents believe spanking is a good way of bringing up a child and they give excuses such as, it helps to discipline the child,  it sets the child straight , it makes the child respect the parents, some Christian parent even quote the Bible as a good reason to spank their  child, Proverbs chapter 23, verse 13 “Do not hold back discipline from the child, Although you strike him with the rod, he will not die.” These are just a few of the reasons why parents spank their children.  Meanwhile, they never talk about the negative effect of spanking children. The word “spanking” is downplayed when parents use it as a reason…

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