dialogue between Creon, the king, and the sentry Overview This reading begins with a dialogue between Creon, the king, and the sentry. Creon accuses the sentry of accepting a bribe so that a corpse could be buried against the king’s order. The sentry, however, declares before the king that he had nothing to do with this act. Creon, angrily, orders the sentry to find the person who buried the corpse of face a painful death. The sentry goes and sets a trap to catch the person who buried the body. Antigone is arrested and brought before the king. She is accused of burying a corpse against the king’s order not to do so. The king is not initially convinced that this small girl could commit such a crime. Antigone, however, pleads guilty to all the accusations and is ready to die. The sentry describes to the king how the events occurred until they captured the girl. Creon asks her if she was aware of the order that ha forbade it, and she agrees she knew that. The girl claims she…



Jia-Ronnie I agree with Jia-Ronnie that happiness is the fundamental purpose of why we all live. Everyone is striving to be happy. To be happy, people have to show love and compassion towards us. This creates some inner peace within us. However, many people do not understand how they ought to develop these virtues in their lives. The best thing is to build compassion and use it as a tool to transform our thoughts and behavior. Nevertheless, can human beings eliminate self-centeredness? Today, people think about their good. It is a pity that an individual can have a neighbor whom they do not even know their name. I support this post that Chan influenced how Cheri Maples did her work as a police officer. Her heart was broken, and she began loving other people and showing compassion to others despite being a police officer.   Cdh-Sorian It is impressive how Maya Angelou’s mother showed unconditional love towards her daughter. Yes! Her mother loved her even despite her (Maya) decision to move out and welcomed her every time to share a…

Comparison between Miss Emily Grierson and Mrs. Mallard “The Story of An Hour” written by Kate Chopin in 1894 and William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” written in 1930 are two stories exploring the lives of two women amidst conflict and gender expectations from the society. These stories mirror the position held by women during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, as they were considered to be inferior to men. Emily Grierson of “A Rose for Emily” and Mrs. Mallard of “The Story of An Hour” having lived during these times, had some different and similar experiences. Similarities Miss Emily Grierson Mrs. Mallard 1. Their lives were controlled by men Miss Emily lived with his father, who never allowed her to get married (Faulkner, 28). Somehow, all the men she loved did not please his father, so she remained unmarried When she received the news about her husband’s supposed death, she was sad, but eventually, she was happy that life was now going to be all about her (Chopin, 12). This shows that as long as his husband…

 The yellow wallpaper essay outline Outline Thesis Statement: Symbolism in the story is portrayed around the narrator’s immediate environment; for example, the woman’s house, the yellow wallpaper, the garden outside the house, and the sun and moon, all who have an attached meaning. Besides, the main characters, with their unique attributes, have contributed to the whole tale, and they include the narrator, John, and his sister Jennie. Body Paragraph 1: Topic sentence: The narrator’s house is described as a colonial mansion, however, it is haunted, which symbolizes the tension and darkness encountered by the inhabitant. Support 1:  Darkness implies how the narrator eventually subsides into insanity. The narrator’s description of how beautiful the mansion is denotes how the society has molded people to appear perfect physically, but troubled emotionally (Roethle 150). Support 2: Inside the narrator’s room is an old and heavy bed, which is mentioned severally throughout the story. The state of the bed represents her situation, where she is stuck and cannot change anything on her own (Roethle 150). Body Paragraph 2: Topic sentence: The yellow wallpaper contains…

The title for the rulers of Egypt was Fir-aun( The Pharaohs) The Fir-aun, who ruled during Musa’s time, had a dream.In his dreams, he saw fire coming from Jerusalem to Egypt. The fire burnt Egypt and the Egyptians but did not hurt the Israelites. When he woke up, he called all the diviners and magicians. He wanted them to explain to him the meaning of the dream. They told him that a boy would be born from the Israelites. He would destroy Egypt and the Egyptians. Fir-aun did not like what he heard. He gave an order for all the baby boys born from the Israelites to be killed. At this time, Prophet Musa’s (A.S) mother gave birth to a baby boy. She named him Musa. Allah gave the mother Musa(a.s) three inspiration and three Assurance ; The inspirations were 1.Suckle Musa (a.s) 2.But when she fears for him, to cast him into the river 3.Not to fear nor to grieve The assurances were 1.Musa(a.s) will be safe 2.Musa(a.s) will be brought back to her 3.He will be made a…

The fall of the house of Usher The fall of the house of Usher is a supernatural horror story, written by Edgar Allan Poe. In the story, Poe investigates the situations that surround the usher family, which is bizarre. The usher family lives in isolation from the other people and does not show any sign of normalcy. However, the existence of this family has almost become a supernatural phenomenon. The mood of the story is somber, dark, and mysterious. Poe creates this mood by describing the deterioration of the house, together with the bleak surrounding. The story begins with a description of the story setting. When the unknown narrator arrives in the house of Usher, he states that it was a “dull, dark, and soundless day” (Poe 90). The narrator goes ahead to explain what he sees in the house. “The bleak walls, vacant eye-like windows and a few white trunks of decayed trees” (Poe 90). The use of words such as dull, vacant, dark, and decayed portrays the somber mood in the house as well as the story. Later…

psychological aspects of a group level The article tries to identify the psychological aspects of a group level and groups them in three identities, which are minority status, ethnic identity, and culture. Minority status comes from the different experiences one encounters by being a minority group in a larger population. In the case of African Americans, this comes in the form of stereotype judgments from other races and segregation. Ethnic identity is present in how one group himself in their ethnic group. African Americans will find themselves identifying with one another by calling each other brother or sister. This form of reference shows how they identify themselves with members of their racial type. When it comes to culture, it is all about sticking to the existing norms and beliefs of one’s lifestyle. For one to understand the identity of African Americans, they must dwell on the cultural and ethnic identities that get rooted in Afrocentric values. These values include collectivism, spiritualism, communalism, and belief in self-knowledge. Communism comes by prioritizing the goals of the ethnic group and the roles of…

Anna Hyndrakova Anna Hyndrakova: ″This photo was taken in Prague in October 1941, on the wedding day of my sister Gertruda to Frantisek. ″Frantisek was born in 1916; he worked as a chief clerk and was in the coal business. By the time I met him he was no longer allowed to do his job because he was Jewish. The three of us lived together. ″I didn′t like him at first, because at 13, I was left doing the dishes every night. But one of them must have read my diary because he started coming into the kitchen after that and said things like ′You′re my sister-in-law′ and ′Dear sister-in-law′, so I liked him a lot then. ″It was only a few weeks before he was deported to a work camp in Lipa and then to Terezin [called Theresienstadt in German – a Jewish ghetto and concentration camp]. ″My sister went to Terezin in December 1941. That′s where she and Frantisek met again and in 1943, they had a baby, Jana Ivana. ″We were all deported to Auschwitz at different…

Selection of the primary source The primary source selected is Color Purple, authored by Alice Walker but later Published in 1982. Through Celie, Walker clearly illustrates that we need to possess the power to say out what is in us so that we can live us our real selves. We further find out that to express self-defense and resist oppression by others, expressing ourselves in this manner could prove much risky. Walker believes that in the interaction among women, the weak or less fortunate will get the courage to express them, and therefore this is a norm that should be widely practiced. It is regardless of the form the relationship may take, as it may be a mother-daughter, sister-sister, teacher-student, or even mentor-student. Walker brings out several violent cases from women, whereby these are clearly depicted as a result of the prevailing circumstances in the society (Trudier Harris-Lopez). Analysis of the Color Purple Throughout the book, Walker brings it very clear that ladies and generally all women need friends, which acts as an important tool through which they provide courage…



Thesis             Stressful situations can attack the heart and cause eventual death. That is the broader theme in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin. We need stress to face challenges or escape danger. The problem is when it becomes chronic. Sometimes, people may have no idea that stress is part of life, being a natural, physiological reaction of the body. When Mrs. Mallard’s husband supposedly died, she got overwhelmed. From the text, Chopin notes that Mrs. Mallard wept bitterly while supporting herself in her sister’s arms (Mavis 33). She was filled with profound grief. However, that was not the case deep inside her heart. Having lived in a stressful and troublesome marriage, she had wished her husband dead. She apparently attributed all her marital problems to the husband. Mrs. Mallard was living under stress caused by her husband. Brently Mallard wholly contributed to her death, first throughs stressful lifestyle that led to heart problems and, secondly, through the shock that Brently Mallard was not dead.  Although Mrs. Mallard was confused amidst a state of inner joy after receiving…

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