World on the Turtle’s Back The answers for these questions will come from the Iroquois’ Myth, “The World on the Turtle’s back.” The Iroquois people are a Native American tribe who lived in North America. They are also known as the Haudenosaunee and are composed of six nations, namely; Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora. The Iroquoian people speak a variety of languages, including English and French. They referred to the world as an “Old Island,” which they perceived as land that was resting on the back of a sea turtle. The Iroquoian people created the myth as a symbol of the historical culture. The learned men told the tale to their families in the evening while cooking or during public gatherings. The “World on the Turtle’s Back” is the Iroquoian people’s story of creation. According to them, it explains how they came into existence and how they found their way to their homeland. Anthropologists collected this myth in the late 19th century before the Europeans colonized North America. There are several different versions of the creation myths. However,…

Alternative Meal Project Part One The alternative meal that has been chosen is more inclined to proteins. The reason for choosing this meal is because I had been on a diet and I have lost a significant amount of weight. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Veggie eggs scrambled Chicken Pork Sweet potato hash Quinoa Beans White tea Brocolli Veggie Hummus with almond This meal was prepared, and I invited friends to share with. The recipe required included: eggs, veggies, chicken, potato, beans, milk, sugar, and pork. The meal was above average on fulfilling my minimum daily needs. This meal was nutritious since it was a balanced diet for a day and with more proteins as needed. Compared to the traditional and typical meal, this was a sweeter meal and increased appetite. In terms of planning, this meal needed more preparation and in the organization. There is an ingredient that I had to specially acquired like the almond since I rarely use it. I invited my close friends, and all of them were amazed and appreciated the delicacy served. They could not resist…

Nursing Intervention After assessing the patient and identifying some of the health problems, the nurse will proceed to care planning to manage these conditions and prevent them from worsening. The nurse will aim to ensure that the patient maintains a normal BP or lower the BP, do some physical exercises such as moving and lifting, have normal/healthy elimination, eat a nutritious diet and drink an adequate amount of water. These interventions will control the effects of both signs of constipation and hypertension and prevent further complications that may result from these symptoms.   Education about BP The nurse will ensure that understand the disease process and how medication or treatment and lifestyle modifications can control hypertension. The nurse will emphasize on various of controlling hypertension, rather than focusing solely on curing it. The nurse will encourage the patient to embrace proper diet and consult a dietitian to assist in developing a weight loss plan. The program will involve restrictions of fat and sodium intake, implementing regular physical activities, consumption of vegetables and fruits (Carpenito, 2009).   The nurse will explain…

Definition of World View World view refers to a set of beliefs concerning vital aspects of reality that impact the way a person perceives, thinks, knows, and does things. World view refers to the philosophy of life, mindset, and outlook. It is the formula that is used to perceive life, ideology, faith, and religion. There are various world views of a person’s beliefs in diverse aspects of reality, such as epistemology, metaphysics, cosmology, teleology, anthropology, and axiology. World views regarding these elements influence the answers that people give for different aspects. Word count 87                                                                                                           Part II The Question of Origin God created the universe. The Bible gives an account of how the earth and heavenly bodies were created (Wilson, 2013).  According to the account of creation in Genesis 1 (New International Version), the universe was created in six days. God started with commanding light that ruled during the day (sun) and during the night (moon) to colonize the darkness that filled the earth. He went on with creation until the sixth day (Gen 1:1-24 New International Version). On the…

Cultural perspectives Cultural practices differ from one ethnic group, race, and national origins in terms of beliefs, practices, languages, behaviors, and expressions. It can be as simple as the way certain ethnic groups and races graduate their children from childhood to adulthood, business culture, cultural greetings, and Many Cultural others. They extend to complex cultural practices like social norms where behavior and thoughts are unique within a specified cultural group or social group due to shared beliefs. Different ethnic groups have different cultural expectations. In most communities, for example, men are believed to be the breadwinner in a family while women are given the responsibility to care for the children. Most cultural practices are commonly shared by different communities, while others are unique for a particular community. Due to the erosion of informal education in today’s world, formal life is dominating all the ethnic groups and races, resulting in the erosion of most of the traditional beliefs. In different societies, there are various ways of how people learn within their specific cultures and gather information to inform themselves about their…

Existence of God For decades, philosophers have provided different arguments for God’s existence. It has prompted the construction of a group of classic arguments. Philosophers such as Guanilo, Aquinas, Anselm, Paley William, and many others have presented different forms of claims where some of them argue against it. In contrast, others attempt to provide conceptual evidence that, indeed, God exists. Within this paper, I will show that Philosopher Anselm’s assertion concerning God’s existence is unsuccessful. First, I will reconstruct the philosopher’s argument regarding the presence of God and discuss why it is critical in its sense. Then, I will use the thoughts of other philosophers as well as my thought to refute Anslem’s arguments, which proves the reasons behind the existence of God. I will also consider objections towards refuting arguments and reply to them comprehensively and logically. Finally, I will provide a summary of the paper’s content outlining the essential elements of the essay. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, constructed an ontological argument that proves that God exists, basing its elements in logic and reasoning. Anselm’s argument can be deduced…

Consumerism Habits and Health A properly balanced diet ensures that an individual gets all the energy one needs to stay active all through the day, prerequisites nutrients required for progression and restoration, aiding in staying fit and secure. Besides, consuming healthy foods and balanced diets help in maintaining a healthy weight. Therefore, the omission of nutrients such as vitamins A to Z, zinc, selenium and iron deteriorates the immune system. Personal Consumerism Habits My diet lacks green leafy vegetables, a variety of fruits and water making me predisposed to gastrointestinal conditions like diverticulosis, constipation and haemorrhoids. The cellulose found in fruits and vegetables increases faecal weight and assuage constipation due to fibre (Donvito, 2019). Additionally, fibre keeps individuals full helping towards weight reduction and minimizes carbohydrate absorption, resulting in controlled blood sugar levels plus green leafy vegetables enrich the skin and hair. I also have a habit of snacking after dinner which is not a healthy habit as the human metabolism are more active during the day as compared to the relaxed state when we are asleep (Walton, 2012). Even…

McCandless’ Death             A story written from a third party’s point of view may sometimes be misleading. Chris McCandless is the main character in Jon Krakauer’s “Into the World” and dies in the wilderness after a hiking experience that was motivated by his desire to find peace away from people. Hunters found McCandless’ body, and with it was a goodbye letter, although no sufficient evidence was provided for his death. Krakauer, who had come up with several other theories in his previous, gave out a theory in “Into the World” that McCandless died of poisoning after eating some seeds and not from starvation, as some people thought. McCandless’ death was a result of poisoning after eating wild fruits, according to Krauker. The explanation appears authentic if the initial claim that McCandless did not have sufficient knowledge concerning live in the wilderness (Krakauer, 27). The fact that McCandless ignored the warnings from all the people he told about the trip showed that he did not know the dangers of traveling into the wilderness at the time of the year (Krakauer, 23).…

Impact of nutrition on chronic liver disease Today, at least one in every three American adults is having a chronic illness, often related to poor food choices and eating habits. A healthy and balanced diet is essential for maintaining normal liver function. According to Bedogni et al. (2005), the liver is one of the vital organs of nutritional metabolism, including glycogen storage, protein synthesis, and detoxification. Proper nutrition is particularly important for both preventing liver damage and slowing the progression of liver disease. Food nutrients like carbohydrates, fat, and protein are absorbed into the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. These nutrients are then carried to the liver, which subsequently processes them to either store or use to support critical physiological functions in the body (Bedogni et al., 2005). However, nutritional disturbance can alter the adequate performance of the liver leading to its damage. Resulting liver conditions that may arise or aggravate from the nutritional disorder include Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and liver cirrhosis (LC). Therefore, dietary interventions like dietary counseling can help in effectively managing…

Evaluation of Chapter 8 of the Westminster Confession of Faith                                               Introduction                         The work of Christ is represented in three ways: his past work, present and future work. This aspect of a threefold representation correlates with his threefold office as a king, a prophet as well as a priest. As a result of this triple aspect of work, Christians continue to receive salvation. This article evaluates the eighth chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith, ‘of Christ the Mediator’ while considering the biblical and academic discussions on the work of Christ. The discussions put forward in this paper describe the work of Christ on the cross, in heaven, on earth, in the incarnation, during atonement, priesthood, ascension as well as death as they compare with the arguments of the sections of the chapter.             The first section in the chapter brings forth the argument that God was pleased to ordain Jesus as the mediator between man…

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