Personal SWOT analysis  Identification of one’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are essential in today’s corporate world. For employability purposes, it important that an individual has an awareness of his or her strengths. An individual with an understanding of their strengths and opportunities in their careers means that they have an idea of how to go about their tasks at work. Strengths and opportunities inspire confidence and understanding of the different tasks at work. Strengths and opportunities guide an individual in their daily activities at work. An individual would know how to juggle with each task awarded to them at work. An individual with an idea of their weaknesses and threats in their corporate world means that they can be able to focus more on these areas in order to improve and overcome these threats at work. This paper outlines my strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats that exist in my corporate world. Strengths On a personal level, I have always had the strength of having an open mind. I am open minded and always open…

Impact of Light on the Growth Rate of Lentils  Abstract Light is required for the plant to grow. It supports the growth from germination to photosynthesis and flowering of the plant.  The different concepts light, namely the light intensity, direction, quality, and amount, can be managed to optimize the rate of growth of the plant. Photosynthesis is the process by which the plant makes food and occurs when sunlight breakdown the carbon (IV) oxide absorbed the plant into sugars and releases oxygen as the by-product.  In this study, lentils were placed in two separate transparent glass jars; one was placed in a well-lit room while the other was placed under the shade outside.  Their growth was closely monitored, the width between the splits of the seeds measured, and the color of lentils in each jar noted.  The seedling grew inside germinated faster than the seedling placed outside because it received blue-red light that promoted germination. In contrast, that outside received the far-red light that slowed down the germination. Further, the sprout of the seedling placed grew continued to grow by…

Neoliberalism President Reagan was quoted in one of his speeches highlighting the pivotal role education would play in achieving the American dream. He stressed the importance of education as a pillar upon which success would be built and likened the role of education in society to that of a family. Since then, however, the world has developed, and every other country has invested in its education system bring forth competition in every sector. The stiff competition is bearing fruits with countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, among others producing best products in the world overtaking the US in technological fields such as car manufacturing and other machines. The US has for long been at the helm in the machine industry but is gradually losing the upper edge in such sectors. Neoliberalism began in the 1970s intent on reforming the education sector by making funds meant for educational purposes portable. Neoliberal reformists in the education sector view privatizing of education as the means of achieving recovery (Rury, 2015). Neoliberals have introduced reforms that have entirely changed the way schools operate…

Orange Juice: Sweet, Nutritious and Health Booster Orange juice is a health booster, excellent refreshment, and a rich source of nutrients. It’s also a highly-sought culinary ingredient in modern recipes. What is Orange Juice? Orange juice is a sweet beverage extract from orange fruits. It’s extracted by squeezing or straining orange fruits, harvested from orange tree of citrus species. It has a natural sweet taste. However, this can vary depending on preparation methods and the variety of orange fruits used. Different fruit variations include navel oranges, blood oranges, mandarin oranges, tangerine, and Clementine oranges. Its sweetness also depends on the juice variation, such as the amount of juice and pulp used. It can be homemade for household consumption or commercially produced through pasteurisation. The fruit can also be eaten fresh. Through commercial production, the juice loses most of its natural taste and sugar, thus the addition of artificial sugar and flavours. On the other hand, homemade or freshly squeezed juice is full of natural ingredients and maintains its natural taste. It’s a rich source of vitamins, minerals, body sugar, and…

Primates and Primate Evolution  Primates evolved from mammals in the Mesozoic era about 225-65 million years. Firstly, the primates evolved during the adaptive radiation to produce archaic hominids. The earliest primates were known as the proto-primates.  They include the plesiadapiformes, such as the purgatorious, and emerged during the period of cretaceous in the Paleocene epoch Sicox, 2016). Primate evolution has been explained through various theories and fossil evidence such as the skull, the teeth, and the skeletons. However, fossil records have been insufficient in elaborating on the evolution of primates. The inadequate evidence maybe because the primates die and decompose quickly. Besides, the scavengers fed on the primates when they died, and their bodies were not preserved. The paper aims at discussing primates and their evolution. Living primates have a suite of traits shared traits that comprise convergent eyes. Most primates depend primarily on the sense of vision compared to other animals. The eyes are located at the front of the skull and have a postorbital closure that protects the eye socket. Moreover, primates have a large and complex brain,…

The paradox of electoral economies The changes in the political systems in the world have been changing with changes in ideologies of the people and the demands of a nation. In the past, aristocratic leadership allowed the society to have a centralized figure from a family that the people believed to be a naturally born leader. However, the diversity in the economy and industrialization led to the advancement of the middle class, and the society demanded better and diverse leadership through parliaments. Nevertheless, the development of the new England, the US in which the majority of the people were oppressed immigrants led to the establishment of the democratic approach to leadership. Overall, the economic needs of the people have influenced the political systems and leaders put in place. Even so, the political process also impacts the economy. In when things fell apart, the author looks into the different electoral economies and the impact they placed on the advancement of African nations after the colonial powers left Africa. The paradox of electoral economies illustrates the negative aspect of elections in democratic…

The vegetarian diet is healthy Nowadays, there are a variety of diets available for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, ranging from conventional foods to vegetarian meals. I firmly believe that the vegetarian diet, which involves plant foods such as vegetables and fruits, is nutritious and healthy because it is rich in vitamins, prevents most of the lifestyle diseases like diabetes, and maintains a healthy skin tone. Some people think meat-containing foods are the most suitable because they contain protein, but studies and nutritionist reports indicate that vegetarian diets are rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. First of all, the vegetarian diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, such as vitamins A, B, B12, and iron. These nutrients contribute to a regular metabolic system where an individual feels energized during the day and can sleep well at night, without metabolic issues of constipation or excess weight gain. Also, the fiber-rich vegetarian diet gives a feeling of satiety, while ensuring that the digestion and absorption of food are optimal. Secondly, the vegetarian diet helps in preventing lifestyle diseases such…

Michael Blum and PJ King _ Just venture speculators or lords of deep web ? Would you suppose Michael Blum and P. J King are just famous veterans of Dark Net and covert sex sector operators who , over time , have gained so much to the extent of provoking covetousness ? Have they become top investors such that every word on the street revolves around them ? Well , you probably admit that both have earned some cryptic and kind of wicked magnificence as ghost key players of the typically felonious realm . Look : Does this picture really hold any significant truth ? Indeed , there is a lot to leverage modern information technology . It is now possible to blur an image of another person and technologically come up with an entirely different personality . Actually , the final figure can portray minimal relation to a real human . Word in the street reveals that they have links to a particular gang that allegedly strives to sustain the darkest and highly depraved passions as well as fancies…

Michael Blum and P.J. King _ Just venture investors or lords of deep web? Would you suppose Michael Blum and P.J. King are just the famous veterans of the Dark Net and covert sex industry operators who have, over time, gained so much to the extent of provoking … Would you suppose Michael Blum and P.J. King are just the famous veterans of the Dark Net and covert sex industry operators who have, over time, gained so much to the extent of provoking covetousness? Have they become successful investors such that every word on the street revolves around them? Well, you probably admit that both have earned some cryptic and kind of wicked magnificence as ghost key players of the typically felonious realm. Look: does this picture really hold any significant truth? Indeed, there is a lot to leverage modern information technology. It is now possible to blur an image of another person and technologically come up with an entirely different personality. Actually, the final figure can portray minimal relation to a real human. Word in the street reveals that…

  An Evaluation of Early Pentecostal Pneumatology The understanding of the Holy Spirit has gradually changed since the Pentecostal movement began. When the Pentecostal movement began, members believed that the Holy Spirit should guide them throughout life, and the attainment of supernatural experiences and power from Him were prevalent themes. They also placed a lot of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and baptism is also highly regarded. The Pentecostal movement of today is similar to that which was begun by the early Pentecostals in most ways. In this article, I seek to explore how the Pentecostal movement understood the Holy Spirit’s role in their faith. I also analyze the merits and demerits of their pneumatological interpretations. A lot of Pentecostal beliefs and teachings on the significance and role of the Holy Spirit come from Acts and Luke. Teachings of the apostles were also a source of inspiration for early Pentecostals. The movement cannot be traced back to a single person because it grew from isolated Christian groups, which we are witnessing charismatic phenomena like and healing speaking in tongues.…

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