Isolation Isolation is the process of being separated from people. Separation can occur in different forms. Social isolation refers to the situation where there is a complete or a nearly complete disconnection between an individual and the society. Emotional separation occurs where there is a strong connection between a person and the community, but the individual does not feel connected. Emotional isolation is a state of mind. Separation can also be advised by medical practitioners where deemed necessary, for example, in cases where one suffers an infectious disease, and there is a risk of spreading it to others. Isolation does more harm health-wise and psychologically to the individuals being isolated. Various factors are attributed to different kinds of isolation. A family crisis in that family members neglect a person as a result of issues like conflicts amongst themselves contributes to social isolation. Unemployment also makes one distance himself or herself from society. Unemployment makes one suffer psychologically and makes one think that they cannot fit in the community. Poverty also makes one distance themselves from the society (Stewart et al.…

Obesity among Adults Introduction Obesity is a major health concern in the world today. Lifestyle changes and lack of proper diet are the main causes of obesity, especially inn developed nations. Since obesity is a lifestyle disease caused by poor health choices, it is more of a personal health issue as opposed to a social problem. Nonetheless, statistics indicate that the problem is becoming more prevalent among adults in the United States. The following presentation will illustrate the statistics pertaining the prevalence of obesity among adults and describe disease prevention for adults. Obesity among Adults in Statistics Currently, the statistics of the obesity in America are really matters of worries. Today, about 35% of citizens, which translates to 78 million of the adult population of America are considered as obese (Fender, 2008). Obesity is considered higher among middle aged adults between 40-59 years old, which is about 40.2 % of the total adult population. Among the middle-aged adults, men with higher incomes are likely to suffer obesity than those with low income. While for women it is the opposite (Fender,…

How to get Fat without really trying Do people tend to take foods of their own like, however, what will be the drawback if laws regulating the types of foods to eat to live a healthy life? According to an investigative report posted by Peter Jennings, if such laws that limit the availability of junk foods are made, then they would no intrusive at all. People will have to sign up for this law, submit to it and welcome it. The first part of his report on the food industry is about the truths on obesity and the health epidemics tied to it as well as the government funding. This movie on food matters offers a special package on the best choice of food to be consumed. Having such a law gives much different from those existing government policies. This is because the government promotes healthy eating laws thus the government is instrumental in this case. The laws and policies will limit access to unhealthy foods and promote healthy foods thus addressing the obesity epidemic in the United States. More…

Memphis On your next major assignment, you will write the first draft of your researched argument. You can choose your own topic; the only requirement is that it your topic somehow involves Memphis. As you choose your topic, make sure you choose something you are genuinely interested in, as you will be working with this topic in different forms (draft; new media; final draft) for the remainder of the semester. While there are obvious choices (The Blues, Beale St., Elvis, BBQ, etc) you can localize just about any topic you care about. For example, if you are interested in healthy eating, then you could do research on food deserts or school lunch programs in Memphis. If you are interested in business, then you might do research on FedEx or Autozone and use that research to argue that Memphis is a great place to start a business.[unique_solution] Purpose: Successful writing doesn’t happen overnight, especially when research is required. Writing is a slow process, and this assignment is the first of three that will help you develop an argument, improve your writing…

The Benefits of Being in a Healthy Family Have Increased Family is one of the important things in our lives. Despite all the technological advancement and change of cultural norms, the family remains to be a relevant institution. No matter how life changes, the family will continue to be relevant. The primary role of a family includes loving and caring for one another and to help each other in times of need. Taking time every day to appreciate your loved ones for all that they do enables you to reconnect as a family. You should have it in mind that no two families are alike. You could be having loud and crazy relatives, totally conventional, but they are still your family. No matter what, your family contributes a lot to who you are. There is a collection of family quotes and sayings that can help remind you of the value of love shared between family members.   The Benefits of Being in a Healthy Family Have Increased Helps meet basic needs– The basic unit of a society is the family.…

Obesity Prevention Introduction Obesity is among the major contributors to the global burden of diseases. Obesity increases the risk of individuals developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and cancer. Obesity and its comorbid diseases as well as a complication related to obesity increase the cost of care among the patients (Kaveh & Peyrovi, 2019). Besides, health care systems utilize many health care resources in the management of diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and diabetes, which are highly related to obesity. Prevention of obesity is the prevention of other comorbid conditions mentioned above. The prevention of obesity requires several health care interventions and policy changes that aim at impacting lifestyle, dietary practices, and environmental factors. The health care providers need to advocate for the development of public health-based approaches that will help in reducing body weight, increase the physical activities, and focusing on healthy dietary practices among the people in the communities. This paper presents the comparison of various studies concerning obesity with respect to research questions, sample population, limitations of the study, and recommendations for further research. Research questions…

Addiction in teenagers   Problem definition Addiction can be defined as a chronic and repulsive disorder of the brain, which is characterized by seeking and use of drugs that is compulsive, regardless of their harmful consequences. Addiction is a social problem that crosses all the boundaries; that is; it is universal. It is a global problem because of its compulsive, progressive, obsessive, and repetitive nature. This chronic and progressive condition affects all people irrespective of their race, gender, occupation, age, as well as socioeconomic status. Teenagers possess a threateningly higher risk of drug usage and the development of a dangerous addiction. The initial drug use in teenagers is voluntary, but after continuous consumption, one becomes unable to resist the drugs as a result of the changes that occur in the brain. Addiction is an affliction that is both tragic and destructive since it can result in physical and emotional harm, and in the end, it costs lives. Addictive substances lead to crises in mental health, thus leading to an increase in deaths that are related to drug abuse (Edelfield, 2012).…

Eating Disorders in Adolescents             Eating disorders (EDs) present as an impairment in eating behaviors. The DSM-5 defines eating disorders as a continued disturbance in behaviors that are related to eating, which leads to significant impairment in the patient’s physical and physiological functioning conditions (American Psychiatric Association 328). Examples of such disorders include binge-eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, rumination disorder, bulimia nervosa, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. Adolescents are at an increased risk of developing eating disorders. As such, there are several factors that influence the development of eating disorders in adolescence. These factors can be classified broadly into social-cultural, biological, and psychological factors. The change in societal norms and standards over time has posed a significant effect on the development of eating disorders among adolescents. Societal messages of thinness and the association of thin bodies to beauty in females have driven most adolescents to habits that aim at achieving such body physiques (Bernadetta, and Sitnik-Warchulska 2). Looks and appearances are a bedrock in the development of self-esteem among young girls and women. One of the most significant societal impacts on…

Good Health: Sleep Well Introduction Healthy living is essential for quality life and optimal productivity. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as both the absence of disease and complete wellness of an individual’s physical, social, mental aspects. In line with the social determinants of health (SDH) framework, factors such as gender, ethnicity, income levels, education, and occupation act as structural determinants of health (Daniel, Bornstein & Kane, 2018). Other factors, such as material circumstances, biological, behavioral, psychosocial factors, act as intermediary determinants of health. Examples of behavioral factors (unhealthy habits) include unhealthy eating habits and poor sleep patterns. Individuals with poor sleep habits experience poor physiological functions and unhealthy lives. These behavioral habits may lead to an array of disease processes and psychiatric disorders that reduce the quality of life. Therefore, the paper below will analyze some of the unhealthy habits such as unhealthy eating and poor sleep habits. It will also examine the dangers and effects of poor sleep habits and the benefits of good sleep habits. Unhealthy Habits and Causes of Unhealthy Sleep Unhealthy habits are critical…

Psychotherapy Explain why it is very important for a therapist to be informed about the practices and values of the different cultures, genders, or ethnicities. Recognition of the client’s practices and values is beneficial in different ways. First, it helps the client understand the behaviors and the different inclinations of the client, which increases the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. Here, the therapist can develop treatment plans that are tailored to the different needs of the client (cultural, ethnic, and personal needs) and simultaneously effective. Secondly, it reduces the trap of racial microaggression through actions such as color blindness, assumption of criminal status, and pathologizing cultural values or communication styles (Sue 282). Color blindness occurs when the therapist attempts to show the client that he/she does not consider the client’s unique cultural practices and beliefs. In essence, the therapist should show genuine concern to the client’s belief system. Lack of information about the client’s culture and ethnicity may result in a misdiagnosis that is based on certain inherent behaviors and practices that are not amenable to psychological treatment. For instance, awareness…

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