Gamification Approach towards Global Obesity   Introduction (Project Aim) Obesity is a chronic disease or a health condition that occurs has excessive body fat or a lot of weight. It has increased in children and if not prevented it can lead to diabetes, chronic kidney, heart failure and blood pressure. Some of the causes are: leading a sedentary life, consuming too many calories and avoiding physical activities. According to Hall and Marston (2014) gamification (game-based approach) is the use of well designed programs in non game activities which aids in increasing awareness and how to reduce obesity. It can also be used in preventing, promoting and managing this kind of chronic disease by programming health game for messages and educating users on eating habits as food and beverages are key contributor to childhood obesity (Powell et al, 2013). The research of this paper aims at developing gamification techniques to inspire users to apply healthy eating habits as well as to continue being physically fit. Some techniques like eating competition can inspire people especially children even more if there is a…

Effects of lipid oxidation on french fries in re-used cooking oil Chapter one: INTRODUCTION   Background information Cooking oil is a plant-animal or synthetic fat used for frying baking and other types of cooking. It is also used in food preparation and flavouring not involving heat such as salad dressing and bread is commonly known as edible fats the word oil comes from Latin word oleum typically,oil is liquid at room temperature,,there is a wide variety of cooking oils from plants sources such as olive palm oil,soya barn oil, corn oil, sunflower oil,peanut oil, and sunflower oil as well as animal based oils such as Butter and lard . Fats and oils are also called triglycerides obtained from animal sources, which are generally solid while those from plant sources are usually liquid. Pure oils are colourless, odorless and tasteless but due to some foreign substances that are liquid soluble causes changes in oilcomposition(Melendez et Al 2001). Oils that are highly saturated includes, coconut oil, palm and palm kernel oil, saturated fats should be replaced with poly saturated fats and…

Cause and effects of Isolation Isolation is the process of being separated from people. Separation can occur in different forms. Social isolation refers to the situation where there is a complete or a nearly complete disconnection between an individual and the society. Emotional separation occurs where there is a strong connection between a person and the community, but the individual does not feel connected. Emotional isolation is a state of mind. Separation can also be advised by medical practitioners where deemed necessary, for example, in cases where one suffers an infectious disease, and there is a risk of spreading it to others. Isolation does more harm health-wise and psychologically to the individuals being isolated. Various factors are attributed to different kinds of isolation. A family crisis in that family members neglect a person as a result of issues like conflicts amongst themselves contributes to social isolation. Unemployment also makes one distance himself or herself from society. Unemployment makes one suffer psychologically and makes one think that they cannot fit in the community. Poverty also makes one distance themselves from the…

relationship between health and marital quality Being happy in a marriage depends on the physical and psychological health. This review identifies the strategies of measuring and conceptualizing the quality of marriage considering physical health. To expound on the significance of these results, the review shows how the quality of marriage in the 21st century is affected by health behaviours like physical activities and diet. Also, the review analyses the outcomes and the science status associated with bio-behavioural pathways that help in explaining how health influences marital quality. Marriage is a commitment to live together through all possible health and sickness states. Marriage again influences physical health, it is related to improved physical health. However, the health effects are caused by various factors. Healthy individuals are predicted to stay married for a long period. The benefits of marital quality may include societal, psychosocial, and joint economic benefits. The negative impacts may lead to divorce and widowhood. The level of marital quality, focusing on the 21st century, is highly related to health. Results from the current meta-analysis research explained the relationship between…

Heart disease ABSTRACT Heart diseases are one of the leading causes of death in the world today. There has been extensive research on the causes, treatment, and prevention mechanisms for the disorders over the years. With the emergent of new information, cholesterol, lipid deposition in the blood vessels, and the saturation of fats have been studied to be among the key contributors to cardiovascular and coronary artery diseases prompting many to take evasive action to try and avoid too much consumption of fats and cholesterol. More new information is that even as people may try to reduce the intake of fatty acids into their bodies, the diet may not necessarily lead to these complications. A person’s genetics play a massive part in contributing to heart disease. Physical exercise is also another critical tool to be used in preventing these diseases. With the availability of sufficient information today, people should be recommended for nutritional intervention to reduce cardiovascular diseases. It is a collective output from the governments to medical organizations and the other units in the food industry. Keywords: heart, doctors,…

The Western Canadian Wait List Project Question 1 Policymakers are setting strategies on how to reduce these wait times and provide care in an efficient, appropriate manner. Primary care providers initiate access to health care services by providing referrals to specialists and diagnostic testing facilities (Naidoo et al 2000). The Canadian Institutes of Health Research commissioned studies that illustrate the challenges of establishing maximum acceptable waiting times. There have been six dimensions of quality built, all of which are intended to work together to improve the quality of health care delivery. For example, if the referral process was always appropriate, and only those individuals referred to specialists had attempted all other options, wait for lists for a consultation with a specialist would decrease significantly. An improvement in appropriate referrals would improve accessibility for instance (Naidoo et al 2000).  The Western Canadian Wait List Project established and implemented prioritizing tools in clinical areas where they are high. It is currently using these tools for use in primary health care and developing maximum acceptable wait times for key procedures. There is opportunity…

healthy workplace A workplace refers to a place where individual executes their assigned roles by the employers.  The company is required to embrace health workplace practices to aid in fostering excellence in all the company undertakings (Waddington, 2012). This is imperative since it contributes towards the attainment of higher performance for the organization in the competitive environment, thus enabling the organization to flourish as a going concern. The company where I am attached as an intern has embraced the following traits to aids in creating a healthy workplace, creation a relaxed and productive atmosphere for the employees, commitment to excellence, teamwork, and embracing cooperation among the teams (Waddington, 2012). This has created a healthy workplace for the organization, thus enabling the company to attain higher performance and productivity in the competitive environment. A healthy workplace significantly influences the organization’s strategic and operational objectives. The strategic objective for the organization they usually affect the whole organization’s operation, and hence they should be formulated and implemented carefully. This is because they usually entail the commitment of a vast amount of organization resources…

“melting pot” of nations And if New York City owns the honorary title of the “melting pot” of nations, then Los Angeles has long become the “ant hill” of the most creative and far-sighted personalities. We are creating world trends not only in cinema and art but also in everyday life.   Some of these trends, such as vegan cuisine, are somewhat similar to long-forgotten healthy eating habits in childhood. But if you haven’t had a chance to spend a single summer in your grandmother’s village and eat fresh vegetables right from the beds, you can catch up on your trip to Los Angeles. This city is famous not only for the number of vegan restaurants but also for its great variety on the menu. So, who knows – maybe visiting one of these restaurants would be the first step towards becoming a vegan? 1. Crossroads Kitchen Suitable for all lovers of seafood, although it is difficult to imagine its combination with veganism. Tal Ronnen, the former chef of Oprah Winfrey, opened this restaurant just a year ago and managed…

GoHealthy Restaurant Executive Summary GoHealthy is a planned restaurant which will be started soon and will be located in New York. The restaurant aims at providing the customers with healthy food that will be able to change their current eating habits. The current eating habits of the customers’ accounts for the high number of obesity cases experience in the region. From the NHANESS publication, over 65% of the American have obesity. The people desire to eat healthy and low-calorie food contributes significantly to the start of the business has the need to enjoy a long healthy life arises. The presentation will put more emphasis on the business start-up with the capital of $50,00. An introduction to the industry will be provided in the paper, organization marketing plan as well as profitability projection of the business. Similarly, the break-even analysis of the company is as well provided. The presentation also put more emphasis on the business expansion internationally in its three years of operations putting into consideration debt financing, the process of venture capital as well as raising its capital through…

HEALTH AND WEALTH The health wellness and one’s economic sustenance are of profound importance in human lives. Research has, for a prolonged period, argued that wealth has a close relationship with one’s health status (Semyonov, Lewin-Epstein & Maskileyson, 2013). This paper looks into three articles that relate wealth to human health. Semyonov, M., Lewin-Epstein, N., & Maskileyson, D. (2013). Where wealth matters more for health: The wealth–health gradient in 16 countries. Social Science & Medicine, 81, 10-17. This article contains information about the research carried out to reveal whether people’s health statuses are connected with their economic levels. Further, the study seeks to examine whether there exists a relationship between one’s health and wealth and their country’s financial status. From this source, one may extract the quote “in all countries, personal wealth is positively associated with health” (p 16). From the quote, one’s economic prosperity has a close proportionality with their health status. I selected this quote because it provides an answer to the connection between health and a person’s wealth status. This quote has a close relationship with the…

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