Application of Ethics to Legal Issues Analyze this case from the perspective of the four ethical theories presented throughout the course—consequential ethics, utilitarian ethics, deontological ethics, and nonconsequential ethics. Consequentialism ethical theory looks at the consequences of an action to determine its rightness or wrongness. The theory can justify some of the acts that are traditionally perceived as being wrong (Briesen, 2016). It can also disqualify some actions which were traditionally regarded as being right. The different conclusions are based on the consequences. The main point is that an action is right if its consequences are right. Lying is right if it leads to positive outcomes. Being punctual is wrong if it leads to adverse outcomes. Hedonism and utilitarianism are two types of consequentialism (Briesen, 2016). Hedonism ethical theory determines the wrongness and rightness of an action based on if it helps people avoid pain or create pleasure. Utilitarianism determines the rightness and wrongness of an action depending on it’s the degree of happiness that the particular action produces in people. The right action is the one that creates happiness…

The impact of a traumatic birth on future pregnancy’s among young women aged 18 to 35 years in the United Kingdom Introduction Background According to Beck (2015), a significant number of women experience childbirth as traumatic. This particular experience can give rise to potentially harmful lifelong impact on both the physical and mental health of the mother. Besides, it has other implication on the relationship between the woman and her baby, her family, and partners. Most importantly, traumatic childbirth has a significant impact on the future decisions of the woman in future decision concerning pregnancy and birth. The United Kingdom in 2016 had a total of 696271 births out of which the Birth Trauma Association estimated that a total of 200,000 women exhibited traumatic birth where a significant number develop the posttraumatic stress disorder. Similarly, Boorman et al., (2014), establishes that about 25% of women who have undergone the child delivery process reports traumatic childbirth experience. Most of them believe that their health or the health of the baby was in danger, or there was a serious threat to the…

Intervention Plan for Adolescent Obesity in Tallahatchie, Mississippi Intervention Plan Components The proposed project targets students from 4th graders to sophomores in all schools across Tallahatchie County, Mississippi. Multicomponent interventions will be included in the project to address adolescent obesity in the targeted area. In this case, the following components will be included: Behavior change promotion and modification of the environment. Behavior change promotion component will involve the following activities: identification of behaviours that increase the risk of obesity and overweight and educating the target population on healthy diet practices and physical activity. On the other hand, environmental modification component of the project will include the following approaches: creating opportunities for physical activities in the school; modification of the physical environment in the schools to promote physical activities; increasing the accessibility of healthy foods in the school environment; development of policies that promote healthy eating and participation in physical activities in schools. The behavior change promotion component of the proposed project is aimed at helping the target population abandon behaviours that increase the risk of developing overweight and obesity while…

Can evolutionary mismatch help generate interest in health promotion messages? Introduction   Individual lifestyle change is recognised in many national public health policies as an important means of reversing the rising trends of obesity and associated chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes (Butland et al., 2007; Leeman et al., 2012). Self-directed interventions are increasingly being explored by health services as a way of bringing about individual lifestyle change on a large scale while reducing costs (Tang et al., 2016). These interventions involve little or no contact with professionals, instead requiring users to instigate changes by themselves, and are often delivered through Internet or mobile phone use. However, attrition rates are often high (Tang et al., 2014). For example, in a trial by Lim et al. (2014), only 22% of participants completed an Internet-delivered self-directed intervention to promote weight loss and maintenance among young women.   Crutzen and Ruiter (2015) have proposed that one way to prevent attrition is to stimulate greater interest among users in the intervention (Crutzen and Ruiter, 2015). Experimental research has demonstrated that interest promotes increased…

Teenage pregnancy Teenage pregnancy refers to the pregnancy in a female below twenty years of age. It is also known as adolescent pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is associated with various causes and has negative effects to the affected. Among the risk factors associated in teenage pregnancies is alcohol and drug abuse. The abuse of drugs makes the teenagers make poor decisions including engaging in irresponsible sexual behavior. Influence from their peers also pushes the teens to engage in sexual behavior as they lack understanding in the consequences of the act. Family environment also contributes to teenage pregnancy (Woodward, Fergusson, & Horwood, 2001). Majority of the children who are raised in hostile environments characterized by issues like sexual abuse and parents’ instability get pregnant while they are still teenagers There exists difference in the health of teenagers who are pregnant. The teenagers who are in the countries where abortion is illegal tend to procure unsafe abortions, endangering their lives. Social life also creates difference in the health of teen mothers. (Finer, &Henshaw, 2006). Teenagers who have access to better health care and…

Teenage pregnancy in US Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy refers to pregnancy in a female below twenty years of age. Teen pregnancy is associated with various causes and has adverse effects on the affected. Among the risk factors associated with teenage pregnancies are alcohol and drug abuse. The abuse of drugs makes the teenagers make poor decisions including engaging in irresponsible sexual behavior. Influence from their peers also pushes the teens to engage in sexual behavior as they lack an understanding of the consequences of the act. The family environment also contributes to teenage pregnancy.  Majority of the children raised in hostile environments characterized by issues like sexual abuse and parents’ instability get pregnant while they are still teenagers (Woodward, Fergusson, & Horwood, 2001). Adolescents across the world are affected differently by teenage pregnancies. Teenagers in countries where abortion is illegal tend to procure unsafe abortions, endangering their lives. Social life also creates a difference in the health of the teenagers. Teenagers who have access to better health care and reproductive health education tend to lead a better…

Stress Stress is the feeling of being under a lot of emotional and mental pressure. Health of the body, behavior and feeling of a person can be affected by stress. Managing stress symptoms require one to be able to recognize stress symptoms which are common. Unchecked stress can led to health complications which include heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. When managing stress you start to identify the source of your stress. Some sources are not obvious as they may seem. Evaluate your cause of stress by looking at your attitudes, habits and excuses (James 26). When managing stress you should learn how to say “no” by making sure you know your limits and stick to your limits whether in professional or personal life, you can avoid stress by keeping away from peoples who cause stress in your life you can’t turn the relationship around but by reducing the time you are together with that person also you can either end relationship with the individual, taking care of the environment is another way one candle stress, if u…

The commercialization of healthy and ethical eating I select vegetables as my food group to discuss. Vegetables are part of plants that are consumed by both human beings and animals. It includes flower, fruit, stem, the leaves, roots, and the seed. We are advised to make a habit of eating vegetables every day because of its health benefits (Eriksson & Machin, 2020).  Green makes our body to have a lot of strength; it helps in maintaining healthy weight such that when taking herbs, one cannot be underweight or overweight. It also improves the health of our eyes, skin, and it makes our hair grow well. Finally, vegetables are rich in antioxidants, and it prevents hypertension. Vegetables consist of nutrients such as fiber, folate, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron. There are different types of plants, for instance, there are vegetables which are dark green, some are starchy, and others are red and orange, but they are all health to the consumption of the human body. However, there is a risk of not taking vegetables, first, lack of enough blood…

Ultimate Diet for Healthy Hair and Skin There are different beauty products to cater to the needs of many who cherish a flawless skin. For this reason, beauty shops are now stocking many beauty and chemical-based hair and skincare products. But is the cost worth it? The best way to achieve beautiful hair and skin is by eating the right foods for healthy hair and skin. Besides, your body requires a host of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. Here are superfoods for hair and skin: Protein-rich diet Hair is primarily composed of proteins, and a diet rich in proteins is essential for healthy hair. Consuming protein-rich foods like milk, fish, salmon, black beans, eggs, cheese, and meat will make it stronger and prevent breaking. Moreover, foods rich in protein are also vital for healthy skin. Drink enough water Water is essential for the removal of toxic substances and keeps your blood clean. It also moisturizes your skin by combating dehydration. Water also frees antioxidants that destroy free radicals and any other damaging elements in your body. It balances your…

Role of nutrition in the prevention of Diabetes Thesis Statement: Diabetes is a medical condition, which is characterized by less production or minimal utilization of insulin in which nutrition plays a crucial role in its prevention. The etiology and progression of diabetes revolve around the fluctuation of insulin that is treated through activities, such as healthy eating, regular exercise, weight loss, and constant blood sugar monitoring. Also, the recommended diets comprise of foods that lower blood sugar levels, optimum for conversion by insulin in the body, which is achieved through effective assessment. Besides, client education and adherence are adopted in attempts to prevent this health issue. Role of nutrition in the prevention of Diabetes Topic sentence: Nutrition therapy towards the prevention of type I and type II diabetes involves monitoring food intake, weight management, and metabolic examinations, such as blood pressure and renal function. Support:  The control of plasma liquid and blood glucose levels by inducing insulin to play a vital role in the prevention of diabetes, as nutrition guidelines on eating habits and treatment goals reduce the development of…

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