prevalence of BD among women in the USA Abstract The article shows that the prevalence of BD among women in the USA are within range of 13.4 percent and 31.8 percent. The prevalence of BD among men in the USA has been revealed to be within the range of 9.0 % to 28.4 %. The discrepancy between men and women has been associated with an increase in body dissatisfaction over time and could also due to lack of consistency in the tools for measuring the sample. Summary Body dissatisfaction (BD) is the key determining factor of eating disorder. According to the article, these have been associated with chronic disease through reduced likelihood of self-exams of cancer screening and termination of smoking. It clear that evidence in support of the function of body dissatisfaction in risk factors for chronic disease, as well as an increase in health behaviors, are important initial steps in evaluating to what extent body dissatisfaction is a public health concern. The article shows that the prevalence of BD among women in the USA are within range of…

Human Behavior and The Social Environment Introduction Human behavior and social environment explore the mutual relationship between individuals and the social context. It explains how each of these two parties depends on each other for existence (Grignard et al., 2000). The environment provides an excellent habitat for humans and other organisms for stability, survivor, and adaptation. However, in the recent past, human activities have caused and are still causing significant distress in the form of direct and indirect negative impacts on the environment. The degradation of one side of this equilibrium, therefore, becomes a threat to the mutual relationship of the human and the social environment.  At the same time, a human living in a significant way may be influenced by the social environment. Human health, for example, is greatly affected by social, environmental factors such as psychosocial circumstances. When the relationship of humans with the surrounding social environment is threatened, their mental and eventually physical and nutrition health is subjected to an unstable wave of stability. The cause of this imbalance is clearly understood by looking through the human’s…

Marketing The success of society relies on the coming generation. Bearing this fact in mind, weight watchers have developed an effective strategy that will kick off obesity among our children.  Weight watchers believe that, in handling the syndrome of obesity among the children, others will follow the trend, and at the end of the day, we shall have a stable society. Weight watchers have promised to fight childhood obesity by educating kids from age 8 to 17 about healthy eating. It is believed that a healthy balanced diet among children helps to fight obesity. To enhance the success of this, August 2018 weight watchers health industry which has been booming since 1963,  hired Kurbo Health technology startup in Palo Alto. However, the technology company released a mobile app for kids aged 8 to 17 years. The app will enable the kids to enter their age, height, weight and health goals. By doing this, they will be able to identify what they eat and how much they exercise. In that regards, I operate with the Mobile Auto repair shop, which delivers…

Mineral stones properties on body and spirit Litho therapy is a scientific method of cure using natural stones. Litho therapy has been used over the past in science to improve the health and wellbeing of body, mind, and spirit. It is used in combination with chromotherapy- the use of natural stone colours to cure the mind and body. Litho therapy takes into consideration the fact that the body can respond to a specific vibe from the natural stones once the person is close to them. Natural stones have been used all over the world throughout history as a source of healing. Most of the ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, Mayans, and Sumerians are well versed with the metaphysical powers of these precious stones. Over the years, our cultures have forgotten the healing powers of these stones. Recently, there has been a gush in interest about the healing powers of their properties beyond the pharmaceutical use.                                    Meta-title: How litho therapy heals.   Meta-description: Natural stones have properties that act on our common senses because they are comprised of minerals…

How to Start My Own Podcast   It is easy to imagine that producing podcasts is easy since they are audio-only. But this is not right as they can take a lot of time and effort to produce. It is even harder when you are doing it for the first time. Other than just getting the right podcast equipment, there are many things you have to do for your podcast to run. If you are interested in producing podcasts, this piece will cover some of the things you need to know.   Know What Your Podcast is For   It is imperative to understand the reason you want to make a podcast in the first place. You have to do this as soon as you find the right podcast equipment for the work. Note that marketing managers, freelancers, and companies employ different strategies to create podcasts. Podcast is one of the best ways to gain authority in the market and provide customers with the information they need to know.   This is not a stage that you need to rush…

difference between walking on a healthy condition and when under simulation Aging is an inevitable stage of every human life. Growing old comes with challenges in hearing, vision, strength, and absolute age-related diseases. To deal with these issues, specific individuals have specialized in developing ways to ease the struggle of the aged. This specialization includes the study of the challenges they go through to adjust the existing systems in society. Moreover, specific organizations have developed age simulation suits to aid in the identification of the changes that occur as the years advance. This simulation was in an attempt to increase the empathy of healthcare professionals on older adults by experiencing the various aspects of frailty. This article will review the difference between walking on a healthy condition and when under simulation. Walking for a quarter a mile on a regular walking condition takes five minutes. The use of a wrapped towel on the shoes and dark sunglasses increases the time taken during walking. The wrapped cloth on the boots and the dark sunglasses are used as a simulation to alter…

 improving healthy eating and promoting physical activity Background This review is a systematic study targeting physical activity and dietary behaviour among children in European primary and secondary schools. In the analysis, School‐based interventions promoting both physical activity and healthy eating in Europe, Debourdeaudhuij et al. (2011) systematically evaluate the evidence of school-based intervention in dietary and physical activity. The authors’ main idea is to promote healthy weight in high school and secondary school children across Europe. The objective of the evaluation was to prevent childhood obesity from an early age in the life of school children. The authors’ main idea is to analyse school-based interventions aimed at improving healthy eating and promoting physical activity which the author states have had an almost futile effect in reducing childhood obesity. Criteria Physical education and appropriate nutritional interventions are the basis by which the study was conducted. The participants targeted by these latter interventions were primary children aged six to twelve years old and secondary children aged twelve to eighteen years old. The review of school-based interventions targeting physical education and dietary habits…

perception of animals’ lives I decided to give up meat and concentrate on eating plant-based foods for five days as a challenge to my ability to control cravings. Meat has been a part of my meals at least twice a day since I was a child. The motivations that led me into trying the vegetarian way included my father’s conversion into being a vegan and the information I have been receiving from various platforms that educate people on healthy diets and how to avoid lifestyle diseases. The main motivations for trying to take the meat off the plate include the environmental, ethical concerns, and health issues associated with eating meat (Moseley, 2017). Religious beliefs also influence the perception of animals’ lives, especially when considering the eastern traditions that are heavily influenced by Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. The ability to shun meat has partly been motivated by the environmental concerns which include the forest covers that are cleared to make room for grazing, the increased carbon dioxide emission into the air, and the waste disposal mechanisms that release the animal waste…

Healthy Eating             Healthy eating habit is achieved through the consumption of a balanced diet, which is strongly recommended by nutritionists. Balance diet does not mean consuming a large quantity of foods in the five groups but within the required limits. Individuals should strain to adapt to this practice since it has been proved to have a range of benefits.  Healthy eating limits the rate at which diseases attack individuals’ bodies and boost the immune system, hence offering sufficient protection. In the case of HIV/AIDS, eating a balanced diet is a way of suppressing this virus; thus, victims have possibilities of living exultant lives. Besides, healthy eating entails vital nutrients, such as fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals. In the United States, a healthy diet can be understood through readily available data and the encountered challenges. This trend can be compared in the world so that effective practical steps are to ensure that the U.S. citizens have realized healthy eating. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2), the current intake of vitamin consumption is lowest in…

Psychosis, Depression, and Diabetes in Mental Health Introduction In mental health, depression, diabetes, and psychosis relate to one another. The diagnosis of one condition might lead to the other. The paper explores specific issues concerned and why the matter is significant. It also outlines current approaches or best practices in mental health treatment, linking to the role of the nurse practitioner in the process of medication. The paper also delves into the health professionals involved in the procedures of depression, diabetes, and psychosis condition. It also offers best practices, legal, and polices employed in mental health treatment. Case Study Mr. Jackson is a 46 years old engineer. He has come to the hospital, escorted with his brother, Mr. James, complaining of migraines and lack of concentration in his work. He says that the concentration span at his workplace has reduced. By history, he reveals that he is a single dad taking care of two daughters without their mum. His wife divorced him two years ago over family issues. He tried reaching out to marriage counselors, but their problem could not…

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