Mental Health and Physical Disorders Introduction The characteristics of mental illness predispose people to other health issues such as physical injury. Mental health involves a person’s social, emotional, and psychological wellbeing. The state of a person’s mental health significantly determines their behavior, emotional processing, and decision-making (Hillside, 2019). A mentally healthy person can maintain a healthy lifestyle, while a mentally ill person is unable to maintain a stable lifestyle. Physical health involves nutrition and physical activity. The link between mental health and physical health hinges on these two aspects and can spill to the immune system and health condition. Thesis Statement: The ability of a mentally challenged person to maintain adequate nutrition and physical activity predisposes them to physical health issues. Depression and Immunity Depression suppresses T cells, which are essential in fighting bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing microorganisms, making the body vulnerable to more diseases. A mentally ill person is likely to remain sick for more extended periods due to the compromised state of immunity and expose the individual to experience severe allergies such as asthma (Hillside, 2019). Besides,…

HEALTHY EATING AND NUTRITION FOR A BETTER DIET POST- CHRISTMAS. What do you love about the festive season? Well, this time of the season is where people come together with family, relatives and even friends. A one-time thing in a year. Invariably coming together during this Christmas holiday involves eating and drinking. Hence leading to consumption of unhealthy diet and junk foods. There is no limit. Food is in plenty. Meals served in gatherings tend to have a lot of calories, fats and sugars. Do you what it does to you? Well, it leads to an increase in weight. Maintaining a healthy diet during this time of the year is quite impossible. Am I lying? Always ask yourself how much I should eat to maintain my weight. To maintain weight after post-Christmas is very easy. You are asking how? So let us look at a sensible and sustainable angle to eating healthy. #MINDSET How? That is the question that trickles your mind. Well, good eating habits and nutrition starts with you. Yes! Your mindset.  Please do it for your own…

 behavioral health issues The research is significantly vital since young adult veterans are at a high risk of experiencing various behavioral health issues such as posttraumatic disorder or PTSD, substance abuse, and depression (Pedersen, Marshall, & Kurz, 2017). Also, the article stresses the need for good mental health through prevention and making sure that veterans access appropriate and quality mental health services. Mental health among young adult veterans is, without a doubt, necessary since mental health disorders are one of the leading causes of disabilities. The world health organization confirms that the disease burden as a result of mental illness is among the highest of all diseases. To the veterans in general, mental health is essential for their well-being, family, and any other interpersonal relationships and the capability to contribute to the community and society in general (Pedersen, Marshall, & Kurz, 2017). Further, the research shows that mental health and physical health and closely connected and mental health has a significant role in a person’s capability to maintain good physical health. For instance, if a veteran has depression and anxiety,…

An Experiment Proposal Abstract Eating is an important activity in our body since it provides human satisfaction besides providing essential body elements such as vitamins, minerals and salts. In this regard, eating is a consistent basic activity that makes it a behavioral activity. The experiment proposed will ascertain if the brain is interconnected with the stomach more so when a person is angry. The research questions include: Does one experience hunger when he starts to imagine food or feel a food aroma? Can human being induce hunger when he/she starts to imagine about food? Does eating mitigate food imagination?  The experiment will adopt two theoretical approaches to explain this experiment, including the implicit theories and brain formation that explain the basis of image formulation when people lack food. The design involves adopting an approach that will determine the formation of a mental picture or social imagination when one experiences hunger. It is a quasi and practical methodology where one person asked what he exhibits when he is hungry. The experiment will adopt a rigorous procedure where a person will be…

Arch Deluxe Failure Introduction Market research is a crucial element in the launch of a product, in trying to improve an existing product or service or when one is looking to be one step ahead of their rivals in the market or industry of business operation. It offers a business with the necessary information to make informed business decisions (Bern, 2004). It offers a business with the opportunity to understand their customers that is who will buy the products and how often they will buy? What exactly the do the customers expect and want? Such information offers more understanding on the same and results directly meeting the needs of the customers better than the competitors. Moreover, it helps in establishing the market size and what prompts them to buy. Market research is also important in understanding the business competitors. That way, the business will be well placed to carry out business operations effectively as they have all the key information about the market. Simply put, market research offers critical information that helps businesses to identify and analyse the customers, market…

Self-Image Most people are very concerned about the image they portray to the outside world as the image says a lot about a person. Due to this factor, people end up comparing themselves with real people, the media, or even the TV-media ads. For instance, I was so obsessed with how I looked. My growing tummy gave me a headache, and I needed to get a flat stomach since, to me, a flat tummy is a beauty statement. I also needed to up my fashion sense to the celebrities’ standards. I found myself so obsessed with looking at fashion magazines and even surfing the internet to be able to get the trendy fashions. I also spent a lot of time on YouTube trying to find videos that explained how to lose a tummy.  I would always compare myself with the pageant girls and try to match their fashion and bodies. The obsession, therefore, harming my student life as instead of studying, I was busy trying to obtain the “perfect body” and a better fashion sense. The more I compared myself…

DENTAL IMPLANTS For years now, dental implants have been a solution for millions of patients. Imagine laughing, smiling, and eating your favorite meals. That’s the awe of dental implants. Our doctors are equipped with top-slate dental technology to help permanently replace your teeth and afford a confident smile! What are dental implants? Think of dental implants as artificial teeth, similar to screws, placed in your jawbone to precisely bond with your teeth. The beauty of these kinds of implants is that they feel and look like natural teeth.   Why do you need a dental implant? It is the only restorative dental procedure that helps prevent bone loss and revives bone growth Dental implants help you live life with confidence. Since they are secure, they won’t slip or click when you laugh, talk, or eat. It prevents shifting of adjacent teeth, which can significantly affect your bite and place stress on jaw joints It helps you to clean your teeth effectively. Teeth that are missing, drafting or tipping will complicate daily brushing or flossing They are a long-term solution. If…

Gender Influences in Relationships Empirical findings consistently support that the relationships we form in our lives play a great role in determining whether we will live a healthy and happy life. Relationships are formed and nurtured differently. For instance, in intimate relationships, partners engage in subjective experiences of connectedness and closeness, which is a process that involves acceptance, mutual trust, and self-disclosure (Bonomi et al., 2013). Advancement in technology has provided options for forming relationships as online dating has become popular in the recent past. This essay will discuss the traditional expectations of men and women in dating, discuss how the popularity of online dating has affected gender roles, and discuss how society and gender differences will be affected. Traditional Expectations for Men and Women in Dating Relationships and Sexual Behavior In Western cultures, as mentioned by Brannon (2017), there have existed variations in the dating relationships of men and women in the last few centuries. Traditionally, especially when both men and women worked on farms, families chose mates for their children. Simply, parents were in control of the dating…

Public health nursing Public health nursing is one of the most significant professional segments in the public health workplace. Public health nursing is believed to have started by Lillian Wald in 1893 in New York City, Henry Street Settlement. She established that public health nursing was aimed at emphasizing taking care of the community, especially the poor or minority groups, which were vulnerable to disease attacks. Since then, the field of public health nursing has gained popularity, and today it is one of the popular departments of nursing. Public health nursing is essential in society. The duties of public health nurses include prevention, advocacy, education, activism, and evaluation of public health. They play a crucial role in the prevention of diseases in the community through education and creating awareness on a specific condition that is vulnerable to members of society. They also educate the community on healthy living and how they can avoid diseases. Also, public health nurses advocate with federal, state, and local governments towards improving the access of health services to the most vulnerable sub-communities. Lastly, but most…

Health promotion, prevention, or management need and appropriate contextual information As earlier stated, Type 2 Diabetes continues to be an underlying health burden in the state of Georgia, particularly among the elderly African American population. The leading socio-economic factors, as well as biological risk factors leading to Type 2 Diabetes, have been appropriately discussed in the chapters above, and understanding them is imperative in the disease’s health promotion, prevention, or management. Primarily, Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES), tends to be a proven prevention plan teaching techniques of controlling blood sugar levels as well as their medication. Presumably, DSMES extensively relies upon the seven self-management behaviors. These include healthy eating, being active, blood glucose level monitoring, problem-solving, adherence to prescribed medication, finding healthy ways to cope, and the reduction of risks of complications development (Georgia Department of Public Health, 2015). Foremost, Georgia has improved diabetes and pre-diabetes surveillance system. The system gives Accordingly, the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) has rolled out some initiates in its action plan for the health promotion, prevention, and management of Type 2 Diabetes…

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