

Vegetarians Vegetarians refer to individuals who do not consume meat and its products, such as beef, pork, or chicken. They might also choose to avoid eating other animal products like dairy and eggs. Flexitarian, Vegan, Lacto-vegetarian, and Pesci-vegetarian are major types of vegetarians. Vegans do not eat any products derived from animals because they do not consume any meat, eggs, and dairy products. Pesci-Vegetarians consume fish and its products, eggs, and dairy but do not eat meat of any kind. Flexitarian or semi-vegetarians eat meat or fish occasionally; however, they avoid them in most cases. Lacto-vegetarians only consume dairy products. A diet of a vegetarian is healthy because it lowers the risks of cardiac diseases, cancer, and diabetes. Meat and animal products might be full of chemicals from routine injections for hormones that enhance productivity. Therefore, being a vegetarian can be healthy if an individual maintains a balanced diet in every meal. Animals are regularly submitted to injections for various purposes. First, in modern animal farms, they might be injected to boost their hormonal levels or stimulate their growth. Most…

Espacio Bhanga restaurant is now Vegan Certified with BeVeg International (February 2020) Espacio Bhanga is the first and only restaurant in Iquique, Chile, to be Vegan Certified by BeVeg international. The only global vegan certification issued by a law firm. BeVeg is the only law firm in the world to specialize in vegan certification, regulation, and advocacy. It’s managed by attorneys, and when it comes to restaurant vegan certification, BeVeg will only certify fully compliant vegan restaurants as per the BeVeg vegan restaurant standard as outlined on the company website After an extensive review of their production practices and ingredients, Espacio Bhanga passed the rigorous BevVeg vegan certification process for their vegan restaurant. Espacio Bhanga specializes in 100% vegan foods, healthy for breakfasts and lunches. Perhaps the unique aspect of this restaurant is the fact that they don’t fry their food, yet they are the most deliciously loved in the entire Iquique. Espacio Bhanga specializes in smoothies, juices sweetened with dates, salads, hamburgers, and sandwiches. Their menu is a specialty of its own as each day, they have something…

Lessons from Death             Death can indeed teach us a lot of lessons about life. This is because we often get to realize some important life lessons such as the value of life, and the inevitability that all of us will die someday. Death often brings about a sad moment in our lives, which puts us at a time where we get to feel about the impact of losing someone who may have been very dear to us. We are at a time when people in the world give too much priority about making wealth, but death helps us realize the important things in life and makes us appreciate it. In instances when people lose people who are very close to them, it brings a face in their lives which they have to know how to live without them, how to control their feelings and meditate on the moments they ever spent together. Most people only get to relate and learn all this when they are faced with death. Another important reason why death can teach us about life is…

Renouncing meat Becoming a vegan is more about not trying to eat meat. However, through a lot of research and learning about vegan, it is more about becoming a better person by sticking to a plan. Some people have decided to become vegans out of choice, while some have been forced to become vegans due to medical complications. The reason behind each vegan is one that is scared and known to that person. I decided to renounce my meat-eating practice all to experience the life of a vegan. The experience was a new one to me, and it has proven that it is not as much about what people eat but how people behave as well. It has its benefits, which range from health and general life. Renouncing meat meant that I would become a vegan. This translated to eating foods that excluded meat, eggs, dairy products, as well as other animal-derived ingredients (Frazier, 2019). The process is not an easy one since I always loved eating meat from way back when I was a young kid. The foods that I…

Hangover Cure Tips That Actually Work for Fast Recovery Are you looking for quick fixes for your hangover? Do you need to be at the office, but your hangover won’t let you be? A hangover can leave you feeling exhausted and with muscle aches. Even though there are specific cures out there, none of them is as promising a’s they sound. However, there are specific trusted remedies that will actually work for your hangover. Continue reading to learn more. Greasy Carbohydrates Prevention is better than cure. If you don’t want to wake up with a splitting headache or nausea due to hangover, then you need to eat well before stepping out. Alcohol lowers sugar level, which explains why you are having exhaustion and headaches. Most people have sworn that eating greasy carbohydrates has helped in minimizing hangovers after a night of wild drinking. Eating a well-cooked greasy meal will help minimize the effect of alcohol. The fat is essential because it lines your stomach walls to slow the rate of alcohol absorption. Pasta, beans and toast are also a great…

Best Protein Pills Everybody needs protein for the body to function correctly. But as your body starts aging, you will need to supply it with external protein. Why is protein so essential in the body? Protein is the determining factor starting from skin quality, hair growth to muscle building. At a certain age, you require protein pills to prevent skin deterioration, increased hair fall, and muscle problems as well as other health issues. Protein pills are highly graded for bodybuilding, weight loss, and as a nutritional supplement. Again, there is a wide range of protein pills, which are collagen protein pills, vegetable protein pills, and whey protein pills.   Buying Guide Apart from maintaining and repairing muscles, protein is essential for strengthening bones and cartilage, making enzymes and hormones as well as preparing red blood cells. Proteins are available in two types, that is animal and plant protein. And the proteins have nine essential amino acids in which three of them are known to be BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids. These BCAAs include valine, isoleucine, and leucine that are highly acknowledged…

Tips for Increasing Beard Growth Have you finally decided to grow a badass beard? If your answer is yes, then it is time to separate yourself from young boys and join the league of hard men! A fully-grown, thick-beard is never out of fashion, looks sexy, and makes you look classy. If you’ve had enough of the patches on your facial hair, then it’s time to stop fretting and take action, and the good thing is, we’ve got your back. So sit back, read along, and get ready for some top-notch and result-generating tips for increasing your beard growth while you say goodbye to the patchy-beard for good!   Tips for Having Full Beard So without further ado, let’s begin with the tips. Time to Maintain Your Beard Maintaining your beard is the first step towards getting your hands on your dream beard. And yes, this should be a regular practice. A proper beard maintenance routine includes shampooing your beard, applying a good moisturizer, a beard balm should help, and remember to brush your beard regularly to get the blood…

Clean Machine Press Release The Ultimate Clean BCAA Fruit Punch from the Eminent Clean Machine Gains a Global Certification with BevVeg International The only vegan symbol issued by a global law firm  The US-based innovative, vegan-fitness nutrition company – Clean Machine, has every reason to celebrate after their rejuvenating  Clean BCAA Fruit Punch joined the international record, at BevVeg Vegan Certification Program. A global law firm created specifically for vegan certification. With its ingredients and quantity fully disclosed, the Clean BCAA Fruit Punch is a vegan dietary supplement comprehensively formulated to produce the best result in fitness nutrition naturally. That’s not all, though. The Clean BCAA Fruit Punch comes in two forms: A flavored version ( taken before and during workouts to help reduce muscle breakdown, promotes fat loss, and minimizes calorie intake) Unflavored version (for post workouts to promote muscle protein synthesis, muscle recovery, as well as repair). Whether you’re gluten-free, soy-free, or even both, you have nothing to fear since Clean Machine got you covered. Their product is gluten and soy-free plus it’s made from 100% fermented non-GMO…

Having a canine and taking care of him or her Having a canine is one thing, and taking care of him or her is a whole different responsibility. This is something I learned after bringing scot home. At first, what went through my mind was that it is going to be an easy task taking care of him. But it was not easy. Well, I must admit taking care of scot requires one to be financially stable and responsible. These two principles go hand in hand. Plus buying his food proved to be expensive and after the first three months. At some point I noticed his health was not that good and I went to the vet who told me store food could be the problem. He then suggested I try homemade dog foods in which I had doubts about it. I did started by preparing for him a dish that was turkey and veggie mash, just to seen his response and he loved it. This led me try other different recipes, and since then, I haven’t looked back. His…



MKT MOD 2 Module One: Case Study Distribution Channel Getting the product or service to the consumers is a very critical task in the supply chain. The management of the business chose the direct over the indirect distribution channel based on the pros and cons espoused by the medium. This decision was informed by the pros and cons of both direct and indirect channels, as discussed. Direct distribution channels allow the consumer to access goods directly from the manufacturer. Firms that use direct distribution channels must have their logistics and transport teams. The advantages of direct distribution channels include: Allowing the consumers to buy goods from the producer, thus cutting off the middleman (Ross, 2019). Mainly, this enables the manufacturer to control the consumer experience. Besides, since the direct distribution channel assumes a relationship-driven model, the manufacturer can control the brand image and the overall customer process. Some of the identified disadvantages include; high risks associated with significant control of the distribution process and added responsibility to the producer. Indirect distribution channels harness the firm’s competitive advantage by gaining a…

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